Day 20,696

It’s a Friday night in rural Douglas County, and there is some peace and contentment in my home tonight. Bonnie is here, safe and sound, and my son and his girlfriend are able to spend valuable time together for the first time in months.

I focused on getting my brain right today, dealing with some work related tasks, and then realizing that trying to tackle my certification exam on Monday is a pipedream. Between home maintenance and family necessities, I’m whelmed.

And I’m getting some anxiety about this cert exam.

It’s kind of my bent. I get worked up over certification exams. They gnaw at my gut, and cause metric buttloads of stomach acid to churn in my gut.

I pushed it back a couple of weeks.

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I need to find some time to focus on this cert and this vast quantity of information I need to integrate in to my brain before I tackle it.

I guess that’s what I’ll focus on over my vacation.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,695

Good evening. It’s a Thursday night in rural Douglas COunty, and a springtime shower is falling, with the thunder and lightning show behind it providing some pyrotechnics on a cool evening.

I wrapped up my third class of the week today, and now I have a few days to get my brain wrapped around the next certification exam in the queue as I pursue my Solutions Architect certification. I have heard that it’s a challenging exam, and I know many of my peers have had to make a run at it more than once to pass it. I’m not going to get my expectations too high, then feel crushed if I don’t pass it. I don’t think I’ve allowed myself enough time to study before going after this cert, but the schedule permits the exam, so it’s time to make a run at it.

Bonnie is home from Ohio State for a couple of weeks, and I am very hapy about that development. She stopped in St. Louis and picked up Danielle, Dane’s girlfriend, who has yet to move out of the dorms at KU. Now she gets a chance to collect her personal items and contemplate the future at the university, while folks wonder about the status of fall classes and fall housing. I’m optimistic, and also realistic. I don’t know what’s going to happen between now and August.

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I’m wiped out, and I have a feeling I’ll have to get up in the middle of the night to entertain an 11-week old puppy. Might be time to hit the sack and catch up on sleep while I can. The rainfall makes for a nice sonic backdrop to the night.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,694

Every now and then something happens that makes you wonder about a lot of things, and you start to question what to trust, when to trust, motivations behind this and that.

You start to question your own judgment.

I try to think things through. I make an effort to get reliable pieces of information from which to draw conclusions.

Now I’m questioning the process by which I choose what to trust.

It sucks.

On a lighter note, I’ve got an ingrown nose hair. Those are always fun.

I’m kind of saddled with some introspection right now. I need to be mindful of all of the factors that go into my decisions, and I’m wondering now if I have been dismissive of certain constants and variables in the equation.

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Or… maybe I’m just an over-thinking asshole.

All things are within the realm of possibility. In a multi-verse with an infinite number of parallel dimensions, all possibilities and probabilities exist side by side. In one of those parallel realities, I make sense.

Tomorrow I get up and teach the fourth day in a row of Azure fundamentals. I’m looking forward to it. Working with a trainer tomorrow I haven’t worked with before. Friday I get to focus on some other work related topics.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,693

It’s Tuesday night, and I’m about as energetic as a piece of toast. Rural Douglas county is pretty quiet tonight, and I’m having a conversation with my son about his finals.

Just had an interesting moment. I tried to write a sentence without looking, just seeing how well my tough typing skills are improving. Eh.. could be worse.

That is something I should practice a little more. I know I have the potential to be a more effective touch typist, it’s really just a matter of focus and practice.

Tomorrow I get back into my AZ-900 class, the second day of a two day delivery with labs. It’s an interesting approach, with 22 tasks for the students to perform, walk-throughs so they can become more comfortable with Azure environment.

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The little pooch is quite the handful. Very active, very precocious. LIkes to bite at ankles.

Meanwhile, I’m watching the news about the state of the coronavirus. I just have this feeling that we’re opening up too soon, and we’re going to see a spike in the COVID-19 cases. Time will tell.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,692

It’s Monday night. I taught an Azure fundamentals class today… the one-day version, and tomorrow & Wednesday, it’ll be the two day version of the same course with more hands on labs.

Odie is sleeping, but he needs to get up and use the bathroom outside. Lisa has already been asleep in her recliner and our Yorkie mix elder females are still acting pissed off about us bringing home another pup.

Odie has a fuzzy butt, and it gets in the way of his little bowel movements. I had to put him in the sink in the kitchen to clean up his butt. We’ll have to pay attention to that with him. He’s going to need to get his butt shaved on a regular basis.

I’m not really into writing tonight. I might be in a better place tomorrow to write more. Nothing against writing, but I’m just tired.

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And then I do that thing… I check my word count and then I realize that I’m a scant 40 or 50 words away from a complete entry, and I go “Meh” and start writing down trash just to get it done. Not that much more to go and I can go try to get a decent night’s sleep.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,691

OK, folks. It’s the 10th night of May, in the year 2020. Tomorrow morning, I’ll get up to prepare to teach an Azure Fundamentals course for an important customer. Then… I’ll get ready to do the same things over again.

Today has been Mother’s Day, and I probably let my wife and mother both down. Couldn’t go visit my mom, due to the current situation, and I got my wife a set of new tools to go with our Instant Pot… which means that the value of this gift is directly tied to the experience one has with the gift.

So, babe, if you are reading this… I fully support your ability with all traits of our Instant Pot.

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Hey a guy can ask, right?

OK… so my regular closing…

I hope he world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,690

It’s Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I have a puppy at my feet. I’m watching an old BBC show, and looking at ways to compare one of the characters on this show to an urban fantasy series I started listening to by (I hope I get this right) Benedict Jacka, featuring a character named Alex Verus, and it seems to be set in the same universe as Jim Butcher’s “Dresden Files” series.

It was a long night last night with the new little one, and I’ll be the first to admit that I did not sleep well. I hope tonight goes a little better, but it’s only his second night here, so I have to manage my expectations.

I’m probably going to call this a little early tonight. Like I said, I didn’t sleep as well as I would’ve liked last night, thanks to Odin.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and another holiday will pass under the coronavirus lockdown. I’ll call my mom and do what needs to be done here to give my wife a decent Mother’s Day as well.

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My son also asked me to do something for him… run a one-shot game him, his girlfriend, and my oldest daughter next weekend. I’m going to have a little fun with that.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,689

We have a new member of the family tonight, and the little guy isn’t real happy about our sleeping arrangements. He’s crying pretty hard in the crate/pen we have set up for him in our bedroom, and right now Lucy is not real happy with the little guy either, barking at him and letting him know that his whimpering isn’t doing much for the evening mood.

I’m probably capitulate and sleep out on the chair with the little guy. He was sleeping earlier, cradled in the crook of my right arm, and down in my lap earlier.

We named him Odin, calling him Odie. He’ll probably end up all of 6 or 7 pounds fully grown.

I finished up my class today, and I’d say it went pretty well, all things considered. No class is ever 100% perfect, and we always have opportunities to learn and grow from the experience. This week was no different than any other in that regard.

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Good news of the weekend… Bonnie will be home on Thursday for a few weeks. I am thankful for that.

Time to think about heading off to bed. Might be getting up a few times in the night with Odie. There’s a new baby in the house, and new babies need some attention.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,688

It’s Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and I just remembered that I need to get the trash out for pickup tomorrow morning. Can’t forget that…

I have an box of trash in the sun room that I need to get out for pickup. There are some other bags I probably ought to get out too. That’s kind of the norm these days. We have more trash around the house just due to the fact that we’re doing so much more round the house. Lots of things being added to the household tool list just to accommodate the changes to our lifestyle.

Tomorrow I’ll finish up my Azure class for a big financial services company. Two of the topics on the docket are two newer topics, or one newer topic and another being addressed in much more detail than it had been in previous iterations of the course. I have an understanding about container services as part of Azure Container Instances and Azure Kubernetes Services, but I don’t have as much experience as I would like to have with either. Hey, when you don’t have the experience, go get the experience, right? I’ve spent a significant part of the last couple of weeks trying to address some of my weaknesses, and I’m hoping that pay off as I close out my first solo class with this new version of the curriculum.

Tomorrow might be a special day. I think we’re going to add a new member to the family, a male morkie pup that we’re going to name Odin, or Odie for short.

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I’ll post pics.

I hope the world is treating you better than deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,687

For the life of me, I have no idea why any company, in the post-“Breaking Bad” era, would ever choose to use the song “Crystal Blue Persuasion”, by Tommy James and the Shondells, was ever a good idea.

It’s a Wednesday night in rural DOuglas COunty, and Bubba has a little writing to do. Last night I sat down following a full day of training Azure, and I knew I was going to write. I’m trying to practice a little discipline, and get back to that regular commitment to myself.

Fact is, last night I was pissed off.

We had decided to patronize a local restaurant on Cinco de Mayo. We placed an order through a local service for pickup, as very few restaurants deliver out to rural Douglas County. A few do, and we’ll try to order hem on what we hope is a slower night.

Anyway, we ordered food for three people, and I went in to town to go pick it up. Put on my nitrile gloves and my mask, and then stood in the parking lost of the restaurant for forty five minutes waiting on the order.

While exhaling cialis levitra price during abdominal breathing the chest and sternum sink stimulating the thymus gland. His 10 threes -nine of them consecutive- where enough to tie Chris Hill’s record -which dated from 2003 when his team, the Michigan State Spartans, lost to the Syracuse Orange-, but not sufficient to establish an all-time single-game record from the three point rage in Big Ten history, as he finished one shy. viagra usa pharmacy The improved ability to viagra order uk ejaculate and achieve orgasm was seen despite the severity of a man’s erectile dysfunction, according to a new study. One times you are in this position, about-face your head, neck, or order cialis without prescription jaw.

Then… the manager came out to tell us that the service through which we placed our order cancelled a bunch of orders… and, of course, my family’s order was in that bunch. I feel for the other folks that had their orders cancelled, too. Not a good look for the ordering service or the restaurant.

I did a little running around, and eventually ordered some bacon double cheeseburgers and tots over at Sonic. I may have over-tipped.

I’m having a good class. We’re a little behind where I would like to be right now, but we’ll get through the material.

About time for me to think about heading off to bed. I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.