Day 20,931

It’s Tuesday night, January 5, 2021. If my grandkids are going back through and reading my blog at some time in the future, this may be an important date. Right now there is a runoff election in the state of Georgia for two senate seats. If the Republicans win one of those two seats. Mitch McConnell will likely remain the Senate Majority Leader, and will likely call the shots for which legislation sees the light of day for the next two years at a minimum. Keep in mind that for the last two years, he has used his position to effectively kill hundreds of bills that have passed the house and never received the slightest consideration.

On the other hand, the two incumbent senators from Georgia, Perdue and Loeffler, have been been caught using their positions for profit, committing insider trades to increase their personal wealth.

If the Democratic nominees both win, the Democratic party will control both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and that means that some things are going to change.

It could also mean that Trump’s supporters could collectively act against the will of the people and wreak a lot of havoc in Washington, DC, as well as other communities across the country.

Tomorrow, the final count ratifying the election takes place. Trump is pressuring his Vice-President to overthrow the vote and our democracy. It’s a crazy time.

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The Trump supporters are acting like a bunch of revolutionaries. This isn’t 1776. This isn’t taxation without representation. This is a bunch of adults that are acting like spoiled children that didn’t get their way, and some of them are going to get some people killed.

Tomorrow is another day. The day after that, another. There are questions about the world we’re going to wake up to in another few days, and another two weeks.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,930

It’s almost 9:00 PM on a Monday night. I made the decision to join a couple of friends in a dry January, or Dry-nuary – giving up on the booze for the month, see how long I can my will power holds out. I like a cocktail, and I have an appreciation for good whiskey, but at the same time, it’s good to clean out the system, especially when it coincides with my recommitment to getting back into a ketogenic lifestyle with a reduced carb count. Eggs, salads, meat, and water.

I stepped on the scale this morning and I was not happy with the number I read. I’ve put on some weight since Thanksgiving, more than I want to admit, so getting back into that lifestyle is a necessity.

Last January when I committed to the change, I got down as far as 257.5 lbs. I’m a far site from that right now, but I think it’s reasonable for me to think I could get back down to the low 260s before our 25th wedding anniverary on February 17th.

I’ll spend plenty of time with my weights and burn some extra calories. I’ll be OK.

I just need to exercise some discipline.

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I want to get back into wearing my smaller pants.


You can always find a way to get the pants on… it’s simply a matter of how much discomfort and muffin-topping you’re willing to put up with.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,929

Almost forgot to write today. That’s kind of the way it goes, you start off with good intentions to change a habit, create a habit, and then all it takes is a single day of going, “Yeah, I’ll get to it later”. and the next thing you know, it’s a little after ten o’clock, and you haven’t written.

I’ve been thinking about so many different things today, and some of it took place in the middle of a pleasurable time playing a little game with some friends online.

I have so many things to be thankful for, and I just have to stay focused on living and being in the only moment that exists… this one.

Tonight’s entry may not be the longest, or have the most depth, but I can tell you that it’s honest.

I procrastinate.

I can do better.

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Time management isn’t one of my greatest strengths. Neither is the deployment of Kubernetes clusters.

We’ll work on both of those in the coming months of 2021.

Alright, that’s enough. It is a touch after my intended bedtime, and I have an alarm set for 5:30 AM tomorrow morning as I return to the virtual classroom for a four day class.

I wish you all the best, and once again, I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,928

OK, so I’m doing a reboot on my blog. For a long time, I was trying to fulfill a writing pledge of 200 words every time I cracked the editor open, and I would sometimes hit that wall and struggle to find something to write on. I think this time around, I’m just going to write, and not try to stay focused on my word count, or the total number of posts I could get through in a month. I’m just going to write, and see how it goes.

I’m realigning my brain, taking a look at the goal setting and self-awareness prompts in my Law of Attraction planner from Freedom Mastery. There’s a lot going on there. The planner gets into things like reflecting on one’s emotional state, because that can affect the way you deal with the issues of the day. There are affirmations to do the old CTRL-ALT-DEL on the attitude and check oneself before one wrecks oneself. There is a section on awareness and self discovery, a mission and vision statement, goal setting, work life balance, and rewards.

The “My Journey” section is a grid – covering the old “where am I starting, where am I going, and how do I get there”, but the layout covers a various parts of my life, a bit reminiscent of the 7 Habits guides I explored back in the 90’s.

This will be a good exercise, and maybe it will give me a chance to focus on me becoming the best version of me that I can become. If the whole purpose behind my existence is to move closer to perfection, I’ve got a ways to go, but I need to can work on it a bit every day. I can be a better, more knowledgeable trainer, I can be a better husband and father, I can be a better mentor to my peers. I can get closer to being the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

It just takes time to think and reflect on all the areas I need to work on.

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This could take awhile.

That’s why I track the number of days I have lived. I’m not going to get any younger.

In the meanwhile, I’ll also throw in a weird reflection that just keep sitting in the back of my brain growing old and discolored like a banana peel tossed into the back seat.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,927

Good afternoon, everybody. It is the first day of the year, January 1, 2021.

Thank God!

2020 is over, and I’m thinking about my New Year’s resolutions in a little more depth. I decided to take a look at articles on making a keeping New Year’s Resolutions.

I turned to Better Homes and Gardens, believe it or not.

How to Make (and Keep) New Year’s Resolutions for 2021
Here are four expert tips to follow.
By Cheyann Neades December 17, 2020

1: Reflect and Reset
My take: This past year has thrown a lot of trash at us. A lot of that trash can erode and gnaw away at some of our better qualities. I fight certain issues daily. I need to let the bad experiences go. Reset. I need to think about the experiences, certainly, and try to take something positive away. My regular travel from 2019 is a thing of the past as our training model has been changed. There are positives – I have some skills that translate well to the new model. I have other skills I need to work on – I am always a work in progress.

2. Set Micro Goals
My take: Absolutely. So many folks set these huge, unachievable goals and then get down on themselves when they don’t nail them down. I recall decades ago, I took a class on setting SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, and Time-based.

One of my little mantras is “Life is a series of minor victories”. Sometimes my minor victories are silly, but when you want to create good habits, it’s all about that journey from moment to moment.

Today, I’m not going to bite my fingernails. It starts with a moment, a minute, an hour, and then, eventually, that’s a day. A specific goal, obviously measureable and time-based, certainly realistic, and most people would agree that breaking that bad habit would be a good thing.

3. Write Down Your Goals

Many of us have a planner or a journal that we use to keep track of things. I have a planner from a company called Freedom Mastery that I use to keep track of my appointments, but it also has a lot of features for planning and tracking goals.

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The trick, of course, is allocating the daily time to review the days goals and stay on track.

4. Go Easy on Yourself

Once again, another weakness of mine. I am very self-critical, and this does nothing to help my self-confidence. I am my worst critic. I let myself down, one way of the other, and I go into a blue funk. Two solutions: Stick to it and don’t let yourself down, and get over it when you do.

Read this short little article. It’s not going to take a lot of time, and the worst thing that can happen is that you’ll lose two and a half minutes while you read it.

I’m setting some goals. Weight, water-consumption (drinking more water, not flooding the neighborhood by leaving the hose on), reading, practice, mindfulness… a few other things.

I may not have as much success as I would like, but I’m going to work at staying focused on the minor victories.

Just getting out of bed on time can be one of those moments.

This is where I’m starting this year. At some point over the course of the year, I’ll break or modify my routine, but right now, I’m making the mental commitment.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,926

Yeah, I know. It’s been a long time since I updated my blog. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote and updated this thing. The GOP proved to be the epitome of hypocrisy following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by rushing through the confirmation of a political pawn in the middle of a pandemic. Joe Biden is now the President-Elect and Trump has pretty much retreated to the golf course to figure out how far he can go to try and remain in power despite the fact that he lost the electoral college and the popular vote by substantial amounts.

The pandemic rages on. We’re going to pass 340,000 dead from COVID-19 soon enough.

Freya, our beloved little Morkie, has had puppies. We suspect Odin may be the father, but it’s more likely the father is a Pomeranian that spend a good chunk of the quarantine with us while awaiting clearance to a life in paradise with my sister-in-law.

Freya had three puppies. The third we almost lost during delivery, but they managed to keep resuscitate her, granting us three beautiful little girl pups. They were three different colors, white, brown, and black, so we named them after the Powerpuff Girls, Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup, respectively,

Sadly, Buttercup passed after a couple of days. She was the third pup that struggled so hard, but her little body just couldn’t deal with all of the demands being placed upon it to keep her alive. She will be remembered.

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It’s New Year’s Eve. We are all so ready for 2020 to be over with. It’s been a rough year. Lisa and I are doing OK, and on a level, it’s been good for me to be home more.

I’ve got more to say, and in the coming days, weeks, and beyond, I’ll be writing more. It’s time to get back to documenting my thoughts and maybe making a bad joke or two.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,820

Life has been a little bit crazy. Not out of control crazy, not “these four people are now in jail” crazy, just a little crazy, a little bit unpredictable, and a little bit in need of some remediation.

I haven’t been writing. I’ve been doing lots of thinking and lots of work related tasks, pursuing some additional certifications. I am now certifified as a Solutions Architect on Microsoft’s Azure platform, so that’s a net positive. I am also pretty close to passing another cert, the Security certification associated with Azure as well. I take that exam on Friday, and I’m feeling pretty about it.

I would love to go on a tremendous rant about how I feel about the current political environment, but I have to say, that might be the most crazy aspect of life in the United States right now.

It’s time to get back to writing. No promises, no writing goals beyond a reasonable reach, just writing.

Some of what I’m dealing with is this weird anxiety I have about my new birthday. I celebrate another year today, another revolution around the sun. I am now 57. In my family, that’s a spooky freakin’ birthday, with several men on my dad’s side passing away at this age. My dad’s Uncle Faye, my dad’s cousin, to name a couple, so yeah, it’s got a little dread built up in it.

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I’m already looking forward to 58. Turning 57 in 2020 does not bode well, you know what I mean? Fate should not be tempted this year. Uncover a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt? Do not open that sarcophagus, you irresponsible fool! You’ve taken deep core samples in the Arctic, and there are microbes that have not been seen on the earth in 250,000 years? NOT THIS YEAR!

Alright, I’m done. Not going to worry about a word count. Just going to call it good and call it a night.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,774

Yeah, it’s been awhile. I would love to lay before you all of the excuses I have conjured as to why I have chosen not to write of late, but the reality is, there are no good excuses.

Or as I call them, reasons.

I’m depressed. I’m content. I have a tendency in the evenings to sit with my tablet and a puppy, rather than a laptop upon which I pound out my dailies.

I have changed my routine, and maybe I ought to focus on changing that routine back to what it once was. I don’t have to deal with the hotels and the airports. I live and work from home.

I do have a bit of an achy ear tonight though. At leas that counts as one obstacle I was able to overcome.

Like everybody else, I’m about sick of the COVID-19 situation. I miss hanging out with people. I miss striking up conversations with random people I met on the road. I miss seeing my students face to face.

Oh well.

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I’ve been on vacation this past week, and I did get some things done around the house. Not as much as I would like, certainly, but then again, isn’t that always the case?

Time for me to hang it up and tend to the pooches and she who I adore.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,576

It’s been another break in my writing. I’m not quite sure as to the cause and effect, or the end result – a complete lack of motivation to write. It’s a combination of the coronavirus, isolation, distraction with other stuff. I just need to dig a little deeper myself.

I’m a happy Chiefs fan anyway. The Chiefs have signed a couple of very important players in the last week or two, with huge contract extension for Patrick Mahomes and Chris Jones. If they can find a way to resign a couple more players for the long term, this could be a real special time for the Kansas City football franchise.

As far as the coronavirus goes, it’s pretty much a “wildfire” scenario. Florida, Texas, and Arizona seem to be recording new cases everyday, another record setting day just around the corner. I love my sports, but it looks like this fall is going to be a slow time for sports on television. Who would ask these gifted physical specimens to put their lives at risk just for the purposes of entertainment? The answer: All of us. We do it every day. The only difference now is the danger that presents itself.

Got into arguments with idiots on social media again today. No real news there.

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Miss my kids. Dane is here, but Gracie doesn’t come home much these days, and Bonnie is in Ohio. I’ll take a week of vacation here in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime…

I hope the world treats you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,747

Yeah, it’s been awhile.

In the last couple of years, I’ve been better some days than others, better some months than others, and this past month, I finally hit the bottom. I haven’t written a blog entry in weeks. I could rattle off any number of reasons that come across more like excuses, but the fact of the matter is, I just didn’t write my blog. I did plenty of other writing, of course, from emails for work, to snarky posts on social media, but I just didn’t write.

For my grandchildren that read this one day, know that today is July 5th. The dogs are well, and all three, Lucy, Freya, and Odin, all received trims yesterday. For Odie, it was his first and he was thick and due for his first trim in his short-seventeen-week existence on this mortal plane. Now, with his coat much more closely cropped, he looks more like Freya than I ever could have anticipated.

The coronavirus/COVID-19 event is back in full swing, as any number of people that were too terribly inconvenienced to wear a mask in public and socially distance from one another, have now got this thing back pon the uptick. It’s a new bump, and every day it seems like there are a record number of new cases popping up in places like Texas, Florida, and Arizona. Kansas has had a surge as well, and I am sometimes taken aback at the unabashed ignorance of people when it comes to dealing with this problem. Irresponsible and ignorant folks don’t like to wear a mask, so they’re letting the world know that they would rather be part of the problem than part of the solution.

I’d like to say that it sickens me, but I don’t think that’s the best turn of a phrase under the circumstances.

I’m not going to try and get caught up with all of my writing in one post. I do hope all of my friends are staying safe and not getting this virus. It amazes me how much disinformation there is out there that some people are swallowing, hook, line, and sinker.

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For those of you that do read this, you guys likely know where I’m coming from. There are chaos agents in foreign countries that are being employed to create havoc in the United States. The chaos agents are the same sort that would pay bounties to the Taliban to kill US troops serving in foreign countries. These chaos agents want nothing more than to see the prominence of the United States fade from the world stage, to be replaced by Putin and Company.

I’ll leave you with this one final thought.

Don’t believe everything you read on social media. People are lying to you every day. Sometimes it’s innocent, but the stuff that is out there are designed to get your guard down and get you to do things that might lead to your death and possible the deaths of others.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.