It’s Thursday, April 29, 2021. I’ve got some allergies acting up, but I’ll live.
Good morning.
One of the things I do with my blog is reflect and think about what I’m doing right, and where I can stand to make some improvements.
There is always room for improvement.
I’m pondering making some changes to my social media participation. I have to admit, FaceBook can be a blessing and a curse. It’s been a great tool for connecting with professional colleagues, and reconnecting with old friends.
It’s also can cause folks to reveal a little more about how they really feel about certain things. Sometimes you overlook with imperfections because you think they’re funny, or they’re cool, or you simply focus on some other adjective you find appealing in a personality.
Those flaws in the façade sometime reveal unfortunate truths.
We all have unfortunate truths. I haven’t been a kind person as often as I should have been. I have been mean, I’ve said hateful things to people in anger or while I was under the influence of intoxicants – I’m not a mean drunk, but sometimes thoughts that have taken out a long term lease in my brain come hang out on the front porch when my inhibitions go on an alcohol-induced vacation.
So what’s a guy to do? We pause and reflect, and we try to do better. We think about what can be done to be a better human being. I think about it, and I hope I put some of those ideals into practice.
I’ll meditate on this later today, and continue the practice moving forward. I’ll read, and ponder the words written by those wiser than me.
That’s a lot of reading.
I’ve got a lot of work to do.
The first step, tough, is coming to terms with the obvious – I’m a work in progress, and I am flawed. I’m not always good at keeping my mouth shut, and sometimes I keep my mouth shut when I ought to speak up and say, “Hey, that’s wrong, stop doing that”.
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I feel like I’m ranting now. Might be time to take a little break from the keyboard.
Here’s a fun moment that got turned back on me.
A friend post a picture, it showed two guys trying to jimmy a car door open, and there was a plastic bag taped over the rear window… all they had to do was go through the already-broken window to unlock the door. Someone had photoshopped “JOE2020” logos on the backs of the guy’s’ jackets, attempting to imply that these guys were dumb, and they were Biden supporters.
I posted the original photo without the photoshopped “JOE2020” logos, and pointed out that Biden supporters can spot a bad photoshop attempt.
Then the shit hit the fan, and I caught the blame for politicizing an innocent post.
Give me a break.
But, considering the bent of some those agitated by my correction, I’m guessing they’re still upset about the failed attempt to overthrow the government in January.
Hey, Joe! Want to really throw a wrench into the NRA’s lobbying efforts? Define what a “well-regulated militia” is. That’ll turn some heads.
It’s a little later in the day, and I read some posts on FaceBook, and all it takes is a couple of poorly-informed posts to remind me that some people really don’t know the head from a hole in the ground.
Be smart. Be inclusive. Don’t hang out with people that are willfully ignorant. Stupidity is infectious, and you can catch it from others… right now they’re the ones telling you that masks are stupid and that the pandemic is a hoax.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.