Day 22,039

Evie Day 308

Hi, My name is Bob. I try to write a little bit down every day during the work week. Today is Thursday, 18 January 2024.

Odine is currently at my wife’s feed begging for part of her breakfast. In the mornings, he can be 28 pounds of hungry, whiney, little baby boy. His vocal comments are just that close to being human… and it’s kind of funny.

The other three dogs hover around the dining room table as well, until they realize that Lisa isn’t giving up any food, and my lap is semi-available, and if they can’t get food, they can at least get some petting action.

Yesterday was a good day. The class I’m delivering this week with my training partner is lecture-heavy, so my mouth got a little tired of forming words yesterday afternoon. We got through it, but I’m grateful for the break from talking.

I got together with the guys last night for some gaming… keep in mind, what I call “gaming” is a bunch of folks sitting around a table, virtual or otherwise, playing a game with funny-shaped dice. The gambling industry has co-opted the term “gaming” to make their industry more palatable to the masses, but there is no term such as “gaming addiction” – that is reserved for folks that Tony Soprano would call “degenerate gamblers”.

So, anyway…. last night was enjoyable. We made one little corner of the world safer for humans by slaying the horde, and then we were successfully healed of a curse, which we had contracted in one of the last sessions. None of the other players had characters brought down to zero hit points, so all in all, it was a pretty good night.

OK, the coffee pot is looking at me from the kitchen, and there’s an inaudible siren’s song begging me to brew a pot, and I’m thinking a little peanut butter on toast might pair well with that… although there is a bit of cinnamon bread my wife baked recently.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,038

Evie Day 307

Good morning, and a happy Wednesday to you all. Today is 17 January 2024.

We had our first day of our security course yesterday. The class my training partner and I are delivering this week is theory, theory, theory. We had pretty good participation yesterday, but I also recognize that the structure of this class doesn’t always lend itself to classroom interaction, but we did OK.

Last night we did our Tuesday night thing. I ran over to Cascada la Golondrina for our regular Tuesday order of tacos. As always, the folks over there were friendly and welcoming. Today we have that rarest of rarities for me at lunchtime… leftover tacos. I may be cultivating a culinary romance with my air fryer around noon.

After our taco fest last evening, we settled in to watch a little college basketball. The KU women went to Texas, and the first half didn’t look good, with the Lady Jayhawks down 20 at the half. The eventual score was as one-sided as the first half foreshadowed, with the Lady Longhorns winning 91-56. We flipped the channel over to ESPN to watch the men’s team travel to Stillwater. When the men’s team travels to Oklahoma State, every Kansas fan in the country gasps a little bit because OSU is Bill Self’s Kryptonite. He has lost more than any other program to OSU, his alma mater. Last night, however, the Jayhawks looked like their ranking and delivered a thumping on the Cowboys, 90-66.

The news is filled with stories from the campaign trail. It’s such a weird mix of election and re-election messages that end up segueing into stories about one candidate’s legal troubles. It is funny how short some folks’ memories are.

Time to get going on the day.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,037

Evie Day 306

Hi folks. It is Tuesday!

I need to keep reminding myself of that… it always throws me off when there’s a holiday that lands on Monday.

It is 16 January 2024.

OK, so an update. We have propane. Were waiting on a plumbing tech to come take a look at our hot water situation and get the tanks working. I think we’ll be ok to take hot showers tonight. We made do with boiling water and washcloths yesterday, and we’ll be fine for the day – no meetings away from home, as I teach online, and my wife and son had classes canceled due to the cold weather up on the hill.

We watched some football yesterday, as the delayed Bills – Steelers was fun. The Bills went out on a 21-0 lead early, and the Steelers tried hard to get back into it, but they came up short. In the nightcap, The Tampa Bay Buccaneers sent the Philadelphia Eagles into the offseason with a surprisingly one-sided match. Jalen Hurts was hampered by a dislocated finger which he tried to overcome, but Baker Mayfield and the Buccs were just too much for them, and the Eagles ended up losing, a bad trend as they ended the season losing 6 out of 7 after starting the season 10-1.

Trump won the Iowa Caucuses. I think Trump is unfit to serve, but apparently, I do not think about Trump the same way Republicans in Iowa think. One woman working at a Trump booth was on the news and she said that God was behind Trump’s success. I have serious doubts that Trump is God’s candidate… but, as we have seen, there is a certain portion of the population that believes just that.

Time for me to buckle down and get ready for my day. I’m back in my virtual classroom in a couple of hours talking about cybersecurity. Later on, there will be much discussion of tacos.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,036

Evie Day 305

Hi everybody. Today is the MLK holiday in the US. It is 15 January 2024.

Let’s see… what manner of excitement have we experienced in our household since the last time I wrote.

Chiefs beat the Dolphins on a cold winter’s night on Saturday. For that I am thankful.

Most of the other games, I really don’t care about, but there is always a little schadenfreude that comes with certain teams losing. The Dallas Cowboys hired the Green Bay Packers’ old coach… and the Green Bay Packers put a whoppin’ on the boys yesterday. The game between the LA Rams and the Detroit Lions did not disappoint.

We ran out of propane on Saturday. I called for a delivery a week ago, depending on their 3-5 day delivery target. Today is day seven: no more hot water, or propane for the furnace. I ran to the hardware store to buy 5 space heaters yesterday morning, and those, combined with running the fireplace all day, eventually got our living room up to 62 degrees for a high in the house. I woke up to frozen water pipes this morning, so I’ll have to get that sorted. We can’t do a whole lot to solve that problem until we get propane, so I get to make another phone call when the Texas-based propane company opens in another half hour.

I spent a little time thinking about the meaning behind today’s federal holiday, but I’m thinking less about Martin Luther King, Jr., and more about Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. I think water and shelter are pretty high on that list.

I’m going to get this in the can before I start turning it into a whine-fest. I’m not in a great mood right now.

The fireplace is pretty though.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,033

Evie Day 302

Good morning, and a happy Friday to you. Today is 12 January 2024.

In a few hours, I have a work responsibility. I get to talk about Diversity & Inclusion, and the focus of my short talk will be “Introspection”.

As I have shared with you in previous posts, I spend a little time each day reading the news, and I try to keep myself informed about the events going on in my local, state, and galactic community. A disturbing trend has been the content of the comments related to certain stories. The comments reflect a rise in some beliefs that go against so much that I believe in. I do believe that diversity is strength, and all of our experiences have value. But, I tell you what, if the comments section is any indicator, many folks posting are bigots and nationalists who think that only people who think and look like them can succeed in leadership positions.

Here’s another aspect of this that I accept – a lot of these posts are from a small, very active group of white Christian Nationalists that have multiple profiles, and they intend to stir up trouble. They are chaos agents from internal groups like the KKK, neo-nazi organizations, and other groups that endorse a troublesome ideology. Group them all under the heading “domestic terrorists”, because that’s exactly what they are. They adopt terms like “anti-work” and blame all of their troubles on minorities, Antifa, immigrants, and the BLM movement… and they are ignorant and evil.

I look at the D&I component as two-fold. There is the external – the need for empathy, the need to listen and try and understand. I’ll never be a woman from Africa who has immigrated to the West – there are experiences that I will never have. But… I can make an effort to empathize. I can try to walk a mile in her shoes… small on my size 12 EEE feet as they might be.. but I can still try. We need to do a better job relating to each other and empathizing deeper, and to that end, we need to look inside.

“Introspection” to me means I need to think about my unconscious biases, the assumptions I make in passing, and attitudes towards others.

I often think about things as song lyrics. I have loved music my whole life, and there have been some words that pop up in my head daily…
“Every day is a winding road”
“All we are is dust in the wind”
“That’s just the way it is… but don’t you believe them”

Right now, there is one lyric that sticks with me…
“I’m starting with the man in the mirror”

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,032

Evie Day 301

Good morning, and a happy Thursday to you all. Today is 11 January 2024.

I checked a recording schedule yesterday for a daily post on a company YouTube channel, and I noticed no one had signed up for today’s post, so I cranked it out first thing this morning. I’ve been doing enough of the YouTube posts that I can get the production done in less than an hour. It goes live around 11:00 AM Central Standard Time… check me on Linkedin for more info –

Last night was not a good night for sports fan Bob. The #1 and #2 college basketball teams fell to unranked opponents on the road on Tuesday night, and last night #3 joined the ranks, as Kansas fell to Central Florida in Orlando 65-60. The guys just could not get in sync, the shots didn’t fall, and passes seemed to have a mind of their own, venturing wide and flying high over the tops of the intended recipients.

That’s the way it goes some days.

Today is the last day for my cloud administration course. I hope my learners have had a good week. I still fight with my hearing from time to time as I often struggle with hearing things as clearly as I would like. Granted, inexpensive computer microphones, inexpensive computer speakers, and the distance across the internet probably affect the audio fidelity, but what can a guy do? I turn on the speech-to-text option and try to read what people say in real time.

I have another ten-minute presentation to crank out today for a work meeting tomorrow. I look forward to kicking back a little this weekend.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,031

Evie Day 300

Good morning, and a happy humpday to you. Today is Wednesday, 10 January 2024.

Today is my granddaughter’s 300th day living on this mortal plane. Woot! Let’s hear it for the young lady!

Tuesday is the day I normally make a taco run to see Gilberto and the crew over at Cascada la Golindrina, a nice little restaurant at the edge of Lawrence. I pop in, have a beer, maybe a shot of tequila, and get the family order in. I usually pick up ten tacos, chips and salsa, queso, and refried beans… the usual. We mix it up from time to time, swapping out for fajitas, or one of their house specialties, and, when I’m planning a day out or two, I’ll pick up a couple of orders of their mango habanero chicken wings to reheat in the air fryer. Last night, however, we couldn’t do that with the snow.

I gifted my wife with a cast iron tortilla press for Christmas. She had a list on an internet site entitled, “Lisa’s Private List”, which, of course, means, “Things my husband should look at for gift ideas”. She’s been picking up some easy-to-prep masa harina at the grocery, and her tortillas are very good. We had some leftover roast beef and a few other ingredients, so we improvised some street tacos for dinner last night. It was really good… but I’m still planning on going over to the restaurant sometime to grab a little takeout.

After dinner, we watched a little college basketball – the undefeated Houston Cougars traveled to Iowa State, and the Cougars found out about something called Hilton Magic, and the Cyclones handed the visiting Houston squad their first loss of the season. Houston had risen to #2 in the polls, but they had only played one top-25 team up until then. Now they are in the Big 12 and they’ll have to face top 25 teams just about every week – 7 Big 12 teams are ranked.

I also noticed that Purdue – the number 1 team in the country – fell last night to unranked Nebraska. That means that if the #3 team can get through the week and win their games on Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon, they could rise to #1 in the country… and that #3 team right now is the University of Kansas. Woot!

I jump back into my virtual classroom in another hour and a half. I’m talking about cloud storage and “Platform as a Service” tools today. Yesterday went pretty well, we’re about halfway through, and I have to get a couple of slides put together for a meeting on Friday regarding Diversity and Inclusion. I need to get my content organized.

That’s all I really have for now. Time to get this in the can and get on with my regular morning romance with medium-roast Tanzanian Peaberry coffee beans. Might take some of last evening’s leftovers and toss those into a skillet with some eggs for a scramble.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,030

Evie Day 299

Good morning, and a very happy Taco Tuesday to you all. Today is 8 January 2024.

Michigan won their first national championship in football in many years last night. They played like they almost knew what Washington was going to do.

Class is going well. My training partner and I had a good time yesterday, and I took a moment to share one of the little Canadian. She started joking that if someone said “Sorry”, she was fining them $30. I pointed out the irony in a Canadian rebelling against the common expression. It was not lost on her or the learners in class. We had a little fun.

We’re back in the classroom a little later today to chat about networking, then we’ll get into labs for the balance. I hope we have a little more time to work on labs today than what we encountered yesterday.

We’re expecting up to five inches of snow here today. They’ve closed down the campus, so Lisa will be working from home today. We may have to improvise on our Tuesday night tacos tonight… if the roads aren’t safe, they aren’t safe for anyone, including the good ol’ boy driving the 4×4 pickup with the all-weather tires. I remember when I used to commute to Kansas City how often I would count the number of cars and trucks in the ditch… and there was always an interesting variety, but the 4×4 pickups and SUVs weren’t immune from icy roads.

OK, I’m not incredibly motivated to write more. Time to focus on the day ahead.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,029

Evie Day 298

Good morning, everybody! It is 8 January 2024.

The first thing on tap at the beginning of the business day… time to call the propane distributor and get my tank reloaded. Here in rural Douglas County, we are expecting a cold snap for the week, with Fahrenheit temperatures dropping below zero.

I was thinking about the weather for the week yesterday. The Chiefs came back to defeat the Los Angeles Chargers at their field on a bright, sunny LA day yesterday, but now the Chiefs come home to host the Miami Dolphins next Saturday… expected high of 12 degrees Fahrenheit (-11 Celsius) and a forecast low of -3 degrees F (-19 C). I have a feeling the team from the sunny Florida coast will not appreciate the seasonal weather the way we do here as natives.

Tonight is an interesting sports night. The college national championship tonight, and much to the chagrin of some of my fans from the mitten-shaped state, I’m going to pull for the Washington Huskies. The Michigan coach was suspended for 6 games by the NCAA for a sign-stealing controversy. The Michigan coach was also the quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts when they beat the Kansas City Chiefs in ’94(?) in a game where the Chiefs’ kicker couldn’t make a single field goal that would’ve won the game for the home team.

Kansas will have a couple of games this week. The Jayhawks will travel to Orlando, Florida to take on the University of Central Florida in their first meeting following UCF joining the Big 12 conference. UCF was blown out by Kansas State on Saturday. I suspect Kansas will win. We have some friends that moved into the Tampa/St. Petersburg area a number of years ago, and they are excited to watch some Jayhawk basketball.

I’m back in my virtual classroom in a couple of hours. Cloud administration class this week for fifty+ learners from around the world. I’m delivering with a dear friend and coworker who gifts me with mementos from Canada when I see her. I’ve been returning the favor with Kansas gifts. There will be a snow globe in the background this week.

Our son is watching our oldest daughter’s dog this week. Bon has a trip to New York State for a business week, so Dane is hanging out at her place with Bonnie’s Great Dane/Standard Poodle mix, Ruthie. He might enjoy a little solitude.

That’s enough for me for now, time to get this in the can.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 22,026

Evie Day 295

Hi folks. Grampa Bob back at it again. This is the first Friday of 2024, the 5th day of January.

My class this week has gone pretty well. There were a couple of labs that have been unavailable – as the cloud changes and the interface changes, there’s always a bit of lag to get labs up to date, and some of the early labs also require updated policies so they work as intended. One of the things that make the experience so positive for me is my training partner. The gentleman I am working with this week is a true professional who somehow gets my humor.

Odin is back over at my wife’s feet begging for breakfast. He doesn’t seem to do that when I have breakfast. I think he has discovered that my wife is a little easier to manipulate. I should learn a little more from his example.

I’ve made a decision about my interaction with the comments section… I’m done. I might read some of the comments, but I have to resist the urge to express my opinion. There’s only so much time in the day, and addressing every idiot isn’t worth the effort.

I’ve got the news on, and there’s a little review of a town hall with a couple of GOP presidential candidates as they prepare for the Iowa Caucuses. One of them made a stupid mistake in my book… he advocated for the revocation of a three-day waiting period to purchase firearms… and he did so in Iowa on the same day that there was also a mass shooting at an Iowa high school. I don’t know how well his position is going to land with the good people of Iowa.

We’re expecting some snow a little later today. I’ll be in class most of the day, but when I have a chance, I might see if my son has a few minutes to check our common walkways outside to make sure they are clear of the sort of things that can cause someone to fall when they get covered in snow.

Salute to my friend Daniel on his fitness efforts. On consecutive days, he ran a 5k followed by a 10k. Another friend, Mike, regularly competes in distance running events, and I don’t hide my jealousy. I miss running. I miss playing basketball. I miss a lot of things. This may not be the year, but at some point, I will have to get serious about getting my right knee replaced. My left knee, the first one I injured back in the fall of ’82, seems to be OK. I didn’t damage the meniscus on that one, but the right one was pretty well shredded on the basketball court in ’89.

Tomorrow, I’ll give my Christmas present a trial run. I have a small pork loin, and it’s time to see what I can do with my Ninja Wood Fire grill and smoker. I might want to take a few minutes to read the instructions before I make that move, though, best practices being what they are. I’ll let you know how it turned out on Monday.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.