Day 19,630

“This is no social crisis
Just another tricky day for you” – The Who

There’s a weird kind of stillness in my environment right now. Almost like a calm before the storm.  Left-leaning folks and right-leaning folks seem to building up the tension, like fans on two sides of a soccer match, waiting for something big to happen.

Something is going to happen, and I have a feeling it’s likely to be sooner than later.

I follow a couple of feed on twitter that retweet Trump’s tweets, and I gotta tell you, it looks like the guy is really on edge. He’s under investigation for multiple high crimes and misdemeanors, and he’s begging people to look to Hillary Rodham Clinton? Really?

And some of his other tweets and comments that work their way into the news sure seem like the words of a man who has little more than something to hide.

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Righ now Washington has the appearance of a kid’s balloon, and every passing day blows a little more air into the thing. Either it’s going to pop, or something else is going to release, and it’ll flitter about the sky and go “pttttttttttttt” until all the air runs out of it.

It’s going to get uglier before it gets better.

But it does have to get better.

Has to.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,629

Well, crap.

I messed up again.

Funny thing is, I remember sitting in my chair last night, laptop churning away, and thinking about my blog post for the day.

Right before the “Death from Above” attack of the distraction monster.

They lurk. They stalk. And just when you think you’ve found a safe corner away from the distraction monster, one of their evil tribe pounces, and you’re left with nothing other than a verbal retort of “Squirrel!”.

Hit me last night in the form of a sad child.

So I focused on the needs of my kid for awhile, and completely spaced off writing. There’s a part of me that feels a pang of guilt.

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But that’s OK.

When one of my kids needs me, I will be there for them. It’s not the kind of thing you think about. Yeah, I like keeping my pledge about writing my 200 words per day, but sometimes life presents an obstacle. I’m not going to dwell on this very long. I’ll make two entries today to make up for what I missed today, and start the chain over again.

I recognize that the axis of the Earth is not going to shift because I miss an opportunity to share my thoughts on the events of the day.

But my kid’s world might if I don’t give them the attention they need when they need it. It’s a parenting thing.

In the meantime, I accept the break in the link, and I move on.

Peace’ y’all.

Day 19,628

One of the side issues of having a heart condition is learning to deal with stress. I have had atrial fibrillation

I have had atrial fibrillation since my late twenties. Somewhere along the line, my heart was broken.

Yeah, there’s probably a minute of good jokes in there somewhere, but I haven’t spent a lot of time looking.

I take medication to keep my heart from racing, and I try to remember to pop an aspirin a day to keep my blood from pooling and clotting in one of my heart chambers. Apparently, that’s a bad thing.

I also try to keep my cool. I practice breathing to try and mellow out. I try not to worry, and I try to keep everything on an even keel.

No roller coaster rides. I’ll always remember my last one. Never again.
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I try not to let things get to me, but there are times that I boil over a little bit. Those times are few and far between, but they do happen, and I bubble over, the end result being my saying something I’ll regret later.

So… keep it mellow.

And if you have a few minutes, a little help finding my power drill would be welcome. Cranking those screws by hand isn’t getting the job done, and Bubba needs a little more torque.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,627

Every now and then, I do something I later regret.

At first, I thought it was the right thing to do.

Early signs gave me a false sense of security and reinforced what I now consider to be a questionable decision at best.

I maybe have been too rash.

I unblocked everyone I had blocked on Facebook.

Yeah, that may not have been the best idea I ever had. I unblocked a guy that thinks that the answer to a spate of gun deaths is more guns. The idea that “as gun ownership approaches infinity, gun deaths will approach zero” doesn’t make for great math in my book.

A Trump supporter that called me a racist, and, therefore, as a racist, I should join him in supporting Trump.

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What the flying ….?

Some folks that can’t complete a sentence without working in an insult against some group or minority.

I have added one person back to the plonk file… interestingly enough, he wasn’t in there in the first place. I maybe had three interactions with the clown, always initiated by him, and always some insult.

Sorry, young man, I don’t have time for your nonsense.

By the time it’s all said and done, I won’t have time for some other folks nonsense either.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,626

There are some movies that people that practice Christianity should watch.

I’m not going to get all maudlin over “The Ten Commandments”, “The Greatest Story Ever Told”, or “Ben Hur”. Those were great movies from another time.

I saw “The Last Temptation of Christ”. I half expected David Ruffin to appear and sing a song towards the end.

I saw “The Passion of the Christ”. OK… I’m not a big fan of Mel Gibson after he did all of that crazy anti-Semitic rant shit that he did during that DUI arrest all those years ago.

The stories that have a Christian bent that aren’t so overt are the movies in my wheelhouse. Is Schindler’s List a Christian movie? Maybe. Bruce Almighty. Collateral Beauty. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

We watched “The Shack” last night.

I gotta tell you, it moved me. I’m a guy that folks would call a little more spiritual than a religious guy. I’m not always the biggest fan of organized religion. Seriously… I think it’s a bit of an artificial power structure, and I’m a member of t the church that is at the top of that food chain.

But there are a few things I do know from my experience in this life.
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I know that we are more than the physical form we see on the street and in the mirror.

The physical form is a husk. We are so much more, and everyone is constrained by that husk.

Go see “The Shack” if you align yourself with Christianity. You’ll come out of that experience feeling positive. It’s a tough movie to watch at times, and it can be just about unbearable depending on your lifetime experiences.

Watch it.

You are so much more than what you see in the mirror.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,625

Today I spent a good chunk of the day getting ready for the class I’m teaching next week, Microsoft course number 20533.

Truth be known, I’m glad I double checked a few things earlier in the week, as I thought I was teaching Exchange 2016, but I was wrong. I had received notification of some changes and a couple of classes got swapped around so I’ll be fine.

As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes Microsoft’s cloud-based classes are more than a little bit of a moving target, with any number of things changing in the background, and then the instructor finds himself (or herself)  scrambling to make sure all of the scripts run right in the very dynamic teaching environment.

Some classes will go pretty smoothly, but, if there have been a number of changes in the background, things can be a bit more challenging.

And yes, I’m being very diplomatic with that passage.

It will all be OK. Some other folks do a pretty good job on the maintenance sie of things, and they do make a serious effort to ensure a consistent user experience. and I should applaud the folks in the background for that.
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So, I’ll end my little rant right there. Probably would be more productive of me to focus on labs instead.

I hope you have a pleasant weekend.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,624

OK. I’m just going to buckle down to let y’all know that this is going to be a complete “stream of thought” blog entry because it’s late and I got nuthin’.

Yeah, the Cavaliers just beat the Warriors. So much for sweepng the playoffs.

Trump said he would be happy to testify before Congress. I hope Al Franken gets a crack at Trump while he’s under oath. That could be … monumental.

I’m happy my kids are home safe from a trip to see my parents. I worry. In the coming age of autonomous cars, I might not worry so much, but until then, yeah, I reserve that right.

I shouldn’t have put off writing so long tonight. I get distracted, and then there’s this something nagging at the back of my brain. It’s about the habit. The repetitive nature of a writing commitment.

I’ve been pretty good, but I haven’t been perfect. I guess I’m curious to see how many 9’s I can get to. 5 nine’s would be pretty cool, but I have my doubts that’ll I’ll get to that degree of reliability.

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I caught myself tonight, though.

Almost hit the sack without doing the duty.

But I didn’t.

Peace, y’all.


Day 19,623

Man, oh man

Folks were trying to change the subject today!

I have had an ongoing “conversation/argument/d*ck-measuring competition” with some guy from my hometown of Salina, Kansas on social media. We have a bet of one growler of beer regarding the Trump administration, and my side of the bet states that Trump won’t make it through his first term due to either impeachment, resignation, or medical issue.

I think I got a little bit closer to winning that bet today.

(Full disclosure: I have three bets regarding Trump failing to make it through his first term. Two bets are for growlers of beer, one bet is for a 750 ml bottle of whiskey, $35 minimum. The last bet was one that I pushed for because I knew I would win, and this guy deserved a lesson in humility)

It was funny, though. While I was watching the Comey testimony, he was focused on all of the wrong things. He was focused on any comment having to do with the previous administration (Loretta Lynch) while I was a bit “laser-focused” on the misdeeds of the current administration.

And then he went off on some sort of bizarre tangent about international court rulings, Iran, and the sexual preferences of previous Presidents.

Basically, a bizarro amalgamation of word salad that left me wondering if this person accepted the same reality I live in.

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Seriously, it was a trip.

Hang on, folks, this is going to get really insane before it’s all said and done.

What else would you expect from the biggest scandal in US History? Afterall, we don’t do things small in Trump’s America.

We make it epic.

We make it historic.

And we broadcast this shit in prime time. Sweeps week, yo!

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,622

Some days you have all the inspiration you need, others days you have to fish a little longer.

There’s always something ridiculous coming out of the Trump administration, and I don’t expect that to stop anytime in the immediate future… it might take a few weeks for this bunch of clowns to shut down the circus and head out of town.

New York Attorney General might have the Trump family in a RICO pinch. Looks like they’ve been siphoning off charitable funds intended for children with cancer into Trump’s personal businesses.

Sessions might be bolting.

Oh, and a new report that Donnie Two Scoops asked another agency to try and halt the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn’s Russian dealings.

Tomorrow, the acting head of the DOJ testifies. Rothstein? (I was wrong, it’s Rosenstein edit 6/7/2017)  I can’t recall. It’s the guy that provided the letter to Trump that he did or didn’t use as justification for firing Comey.

On Thursday, C-SPAN wins its time slot forever. Comey testifies before Congress in an open session and the soon-to-be-former Prez and his partners in crime get to tweet about it.
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I am looking forward to Thursday like you wouldn; believe.

This mess is going to get spilled out on the floor like the guts of the tiger shark on the dock in “Jaws”.

We’re looking at the biggest scandal in American political history. It’s multinational, it has money, it has billionaires controlling politicians, it has deceit, and it will soon take down the most puffed-up egomaniacal ass clown that ever earned the GOP nomination.

For political spectators, this is going to be a month os Superbowls with game sevens at half time.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,621

There are some folks that are always going to be a little difficult to reach.

Sometimes it’s due to a difference in culture.

Sometimes it’s due to a difference in age and experience.

Sometimes it’s just because the person you’re endeavoring to communicate with can’t do basic math.

Dear god, I’d hate to see how this stoopfawk balances his checkbook.

I was having a conversation about wind energy in Kansas, and I recalled seeing a statistic from from a couple of years ago that on a good day, Kansans received better than 30% of their electrical needs from wind energy.

I was then challenged to prove that statement.

To be frank, I couldn’t find that exact link, but I did find that in 2013, Kansas wind energy production provided 19.4% of the electrical needs for Kansas.

I then paused and went to pay my electric bill, and lo, Westar energy has some really nice pictures of windmills on their home page.
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And links.

And quotes like this – “Westar is committed to growing renewable energy. In 2017, the equivalent of a third of the energy we supply to homes, farms and businesses will be produced by renewable sources.”

That statement, then led to a breakdown into insults and no further substance from the individual in question, to which I responded with a gif from the comedy “Tropic Thunder”.

I’ll likely engage Simple Jack in the future, and I’ll come poised with links, statistics and other verifiable facts.

Once again, I fully expect yonder stoopfawk to go full retard.

Until then…

Peace, y’all.