Ups and Downs

Trying to create better habits means doing some things when you don’t really want to do. I’ve felt better. I think it was something I ate, and this has resulted in way too much time in the “reading” room.

Smoked some meat today, three pork butts and two racks of ribs. That seems to have turned out OK.

Bon is in the basement rehearsing numbers for her spring show. G is sitting on the couch with her boyfriend looking at pics on her phone. Gotta give the young man credit – he went along shopping for prom dresses with my wife and daughter, If that isn’t impressive, I don’t know what is.  There are any number of things I think I would’ve enjoyed more as a 17 year old than going and watching a young lady trying on dresses. He’s alright.
He lived in Wilmington, back east, and he viagra buy cheap was behaving like he has to die. And mostly men generic cialis sample are now using different generic drugs to get rid of ED. It is one of the most cialis generic canada widely sought after drugs approved by FDA for curing impotence in men. Drinking levitra overnight healing mineral water may promote elimination of the toxins and help to reduce the amount of the Candida-yeast.

OK . My stomach hurts, my foot hurts, and I got an entry in. Nothing to write home about, but screw it, I wrote something. The string continues.

First Friday in February… maybe I’m getting better at this.

6 straight days of adding an entry to my blog. I’m hoping this is the beginning of a better habit.

I guess the most adequate description of my writing style is “stream of thought”, with the occasional censoring of my thoughts just to keep this thing PG at best. Trust me, if I were to go off on a rail about my thoughts about the Kansas government, this would go real blue real quick, meaning profanity blue more so than left-leaning blue.

On that, what kind of an idiot is ordered by the Kansas Supreme Court to properly fund education to the tune of $550 million dollars, then comes back with a proposed budget that slashes another $100 million from education? Dear Grover Norquist, you can kiss my furry ass.
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You know, people can say and do what they like with me. You start hurting kids, and the fecal residue is going to hit the oscillating blade.

Feb 5… I’ve got guitars on my mind

Started off the day listening to one of my favorite jazz guitar players, Tuck Andress, the guitar half of the jazz duo Tuck & Patti. Listening to his cover of Carlos Santana’s ‘Europa’ is transcendent. Then I roll over and catch an old video of Stanley Jordan (!) performing a cover of Stairway to Heaven. Man… those cats can tear it up.

I need to spend more time with my guitars. I think they’re starting to miss me.

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This past weekend I spent a little time out in the garage wear I’ve set up a little woodworking area, and I didn’t realize how many guitar body projects I’ve started and have yet to finish. I really need to get on the ball, especially when I see those bodies, wonderful, highly figured woods with exotic combinations of spalt and burl. Damn, I have good taste in wood…

February the 4th Blog Entry

Nice generic title, dontcha think? “Blog Entry”… about as vacuous a title as any wannabe blogger could ever come up with.
I’m here in my classroom thinking about the day ahead of me, shortly after 8:00 AM. Yesterday we finished the day with a lab, but I didn’t really give folks adequae time to complete the task, so I told them we would allocate an additional half hour at the beginning of the day to complete that lab. We’re a little behind, but not so much that it will complicate things too much.

Lots of things on my mind, but I do have some minor victories to my credit. Picked up some of the Boulevard Brewing Chocolate Ale yesterday, and I certainly consider that a win for the home team. Tonight I might even have a chance to crack open one of the bottles. Another bottle I have set aside for an oold friend who wasn’t quite as fortunate in her quest, and she was quite happy that I was able to help her out with that.

Professionally, I need to schedule some exams, but damn, I hate prepping for those things. Gun shy maybe, after a failing exams for the first time in a very long time. I just need to ramp up and get my head back in the game. Quit making excuses and get on with it, maybe even tempt myself with a promised reward of sushi when I crush a cert.

I also should think about getting an updated copy of my schedule. I know I have a prep week (!) next week, but after that, the future is nebulous.
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Gotta love that word ‘nebulous’. One of the coolest words out there that essentially mean formless, undefined, without shape. I need to use that one more often.

(BTW, I originally had to write this blog post in notepad due to some oddball error in WordPress, but the good folks at have done a wonderful job addressing the issue. I am grateful.)


It’s February 3rd! Chocolate Ale Day! Woot!

One of my favorite beers is the Chocolate Ale from Boulevard Brewing Company, an iconic and hard-to-find seasonal beer, and part of Boulevard’s Smokestack Series, always in a 750 ml bottle, caged and corked. The base for this ambrosia is a Belgian-style Saison, a wonderful farmhouse ale that harkens back to it’s European roots. Add a wonderful chocolate from Christopher Elbow, a Kansas City-based confectioner, and you have the makings of the perfect Valentine’s Day seasonal brew.

Boulevard’s info on the Chocolate can be found here, as well as a beer finder.

It’s great in the bottles, but it might be even better of you can find it on tap. I know that the Burger Stand in downtown Lawrence will be carrying it, and I should be able to find it at Set’em Up Jacks, on Lawrence’s east side.
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If you can find it, give it a try. The chocolate flavor is pleasing, not overwhelming, but I would caution you regarding consumption. This is a strong beer, and I’ve had as many as 3 tulip glasses at a sitting. That lead me to continue sitting, because it made the Bobster a bit wobbly. Enjoy a glass, then maybe go back to the Tank 7 or something else, and leave a bit in the keg for me. TIA.

Day 2 of the Endeavor

Creating a habit requires a bit of a commitment, so I’m back and trying to make a habit of writing on a daily basis. I need to think in depth about what the topics I want to address. I’ll be the first to admit, there are any number of things in which I have an interest, but claim no level of expertise beyond that of novice or, perhaps, hobbyist. I enjoy music, games, food, and travel. I have a penchant for fantasy and science fiction stories, and hope one day to be a published author in that genre. My friends and family are my life, and there are moments worth sharing from time to time. And then there’s the professional stuff – Microsoft, Exchange, Lync, Server, and Client operating systems, as well as my experience as a veteran technical trainer.

I need to make time everyday to write something, and this is interesting… if I just do it, I can kick out a 100 plus words in pretty short order. It’s simply a matter of opening up the site and putting things down. Yes, sometimes I will ramble on and make very little sense, or even make a very small contribution, if any at all.

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I’m not doing this to change the world. I’m doing this to change me. Maybe I’m already doing better. One day at a time, right?

Too long away, and a resolution.

I do some things better than others. Unfortunately, one of the things I’m very good it is procrastination, which, in reality, is not good, but bad. I need to get my act together  and create some new habits. I’m going to try to write something everyday.

Here’s the thing, though. I already write everyday. I send emails, I post to twitter, I respond to some of my friends’ posts on facebook. I’m great at being a smartass and launching some comment about 275 yards right down the middle of the fairway.

What I need to do is spend more time writing better quality passages. I need to write better for the technical part of my profession, as well as the recreational writing that I dream of everyday.

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I can do this. Today is February 1st, 2015.

Today is Day One.

Off to TechEd 2014

10:34 here in Lawrence. Organizing clothes, shaving gear and the myriad gadget chargers for my annual foray into the world of the Microsoft Geekosphere, TechEd. This year we head down to Houston, and partake of craft beers and barbecue – I’ll let you know how it compares to the gold standard here in the Kansas City ADI.

I have a couple of sessions to give, on preparing for the Exchange 2013 and Lync 2013 certification exams. I’ll provide a link here on my blog for interested parties.

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If anybody reads my brain droppings and would like to meet for a beer, check my twitterfeed or ping me on facebook.  There aren’t too many Bob Reinsch’s around. Some folks in my past might say there’s one too many. 😉

Things Undone

Every now and then my mind wanders to a really dark place, and in that place we all find the list… the list of things we wish we had done. Therein we find the list of apologies that we never got around to, the list of letters we wish we had written. We’ll read the list of the things we wish we had tried and certainly the things we wish we had never tried.

When I was very young, I dreamed I would write and create stories that would capture the imagination of myriad readers. I wrote all sorts of stories from the time I was in 5th grade through 8th grade. When I was in 8th grade, however, I did something bold and brash. I shared. I wrote a story and had it published in the school newspaper. It was serialized for several issues.. and then I stopped working on it. At that point in time, another student in my journalism class decided to “fill in” and take over my serialized story. My big mistake at that ripe old age of 12 was using real names. I used my name. I used the names of my friends. I used this story as a vehicle to try to be cool. When I gave up control of the story, my classmate decided to mock me, and turned me into a buffoonish character. Maybe I had it coming, maybe I didn’t. I was a target for him, and I allowed it to happen.

Maybe that was the experience that caused me to set aside a dream.
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Maybe it’s time for me to get over it.

The Career Trainer (update)

This past April, I recertified as a Microsoft Certified Trainer.  I first became an MCT in August of 2015,  which means at the end of this current cycle, I’ll be approaching 20 years.

In the recent past, I came across an old friend at a Microsoft trade show, and she told me that she thinks I’m the longest continuously active MCT that she knew of. Any number of MCT’s depart from the industry for a peiord of time and return, and others take jobs in the industry in consulting or management roles, most with tremendous success. I have wondered at times if I’m stuck in some sort of rut or if I should leave my current position and pursue some loftier goal.

The reality is – I really like being a trainer. I like learning and passing on what I’ve learned to my peers in the industry.  I’m not going to blow smoke at anybody and pass myself off as something that I’m not, trying to convince someone that I’m the be all-end all of information knowledge. I simply want to be a resource for learning.
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The time may one day come for me to look at other areas in IT, and I might even fill out that MVP application one day and see if that garners me a little more recognition. In the meantime, I’m content to train, help people with the problems that pop up in their IT environments, and crack a few jokes on the way.