Day 19,573

This week I am back in the classroom teaching one of my old standby courses, Microsoft Exchange. It’s kind of crazy how this product has evolved since I first started working with the release candidate for Exchange 4.0 back in 1996.

Back in those days, industry professionals pursued their MCSE – Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certification by taking and passing exams, and we all had to focus on the Workstation and Server products for Windows NT 3.50-3.51, and then we had to have a couple of electives on top of that (I also earned certifications on Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet productivity product, and Windows for Workgroups, one of the single most excruciating experiences of my life). I chose my electives based on demand and interest, and a lot of people were ignoring Microsoft Mail 3.2 at that point, so I jumped on board that ride… and let me tell you, Microsoft Mail 3.2 was not the easiest river to negotiate.

When Exchange appeared on the scene, I jumped at the opportunity, attending a t-prep (teacher preparation) course at Empower in Kansas City. I was rather excited about the product and where it might take me… in this case, it took me to Room 215 at Centriq Training in Leawood, Kansas.

I’ve made a number of bad decisions in my life, but pursuing a career as a Microsoft Certified Trainer focusing on Unified Communications might be the second best decision I ever made, the first being the decision to marry my partner in life.
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Lab time is about over, time to get ready for module 5…

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,572

These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life

– These Dreams, Heart

I am facsinated by my dreams. I sometimes wonder about the source of such wondrous imaginings.

I’m aware that physicists speculate that there might be an infinite number of parallel universes. If that is the case, then there might be an infinite number of “me” in these parallel dimensions. If there is an infinite number, that means that every possible reality has happened to me in a parallel universe. In one dimension, I have been elected President, and in another, I have won the lottery… and in yet another reality, I have been falsely accused and await execution on death row.

Pretty scary when you think about all of the possibilities.

Last night I had a good, weird dream. It started off on an airplane, and I thought there was an explosion, but the plane stopped, and people slowly levitated and disappeared through the top of the plane in a controlled ascent. I started to as well, but as my arms above me passed through the top of the cabin, whatever it was that I was holding in my hand disappeared, and I returned to my seated position.
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That part of the dream stopped at that point, and I arrived… in Singapore. For some reason, I was booked into a suite at a very fancy hotel, 53rd floor, and the room was ten thousand dollars per night… but apparently, I had some sort of coupon or promotion that garnered me three nights for the price of two. A woman, professionally dressed, approached me about having a drink with her and discussing some industry matter. I deferred. As I left the check in counter, they handed me a bottle of very expensive Japanese whiskey.

That’s about all I recall, but I do look forward to my next dream. Some are absolutely more lucid than the others, and I think my heart medication has “interesting dreams” as a known side effect.

I think that’s pretty cool.

I should research what foods have an effect on dreams, and make sure I plan my evening snacks accordingly.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,571

I am a lucky, blessed man. Any number of my friends and professional acquaintances would likely be jealous of me for a simple reason. My dad is still around, 76 years old, and he’s my hero.

He’s not without his flaws, and he’d be the first to admit to that, which is one of the reasons I respect and love the man. When I was young, I watched him. I remember him leaving for work in the morning, methodically facing the day as a service manager for an International Harvester, later Navistar, franchise in Salina, Kansas. It was a noisy place, with big, over-the-road tractor-trailer rigs getting necessary repairs, with pneumatic tools screaming, inflicting permanent damage on the eardrums of the mechanics, and my dad, who now wears two hearing aids that help some… but the damage is permanent.

He walked the heavy concrete floors, and lifted boxes unaided, and it inflicted a toll on his back, and his frame, once 6’3″ and over 200 lbs. of lean muscle, is betraying him, and his mobility has been limited. There was a time that I loved to watch him water ski behind the family boat, and he and his good friend Bill would try and pull off some crazy stunt that was likely the product of one too many Budweiser beers.

He taught me the most important lessons of my life, and I wish I had taken them all to heart when I was younger. Those lessons would have steered me clear of many mistakes in my youth if I had only taken his lessons to heart.

One lesson I am most grateful for… he taught me to watch out for the thieves and con men that smile a little too much. He taught me to be wary of the smooth talking rogue that overpromised and underdelivered. He taught me to never trust those that are quick to blame others and never take responsibility for their own mistakes.

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I hope I have a chance to learn more from my dad in this life. I wish even more could learn the important lessons he has taught me.

Thanks, Dad. I love you.


Peace, y’all.

Day 19,570

I am envious of beautiful lawns.

Some folks have those lush, spectacular lawns that look like deep, dark green shag carpeting.

The kind of lawn that screams, “Hey… come over… take your shoes off… let me reach deep between your toes and massage that toe gap… yeah, baby… you know you want to monkey foot the fescue…”.

Grass is kind of weird like that.

I’ve tried the weed and feed, I’ve tried overseeding. I’ve applied bag after bag of soil on the top of the clay, then overseeding that.

I guess part of my issue is that I rather hate applying chemicals to my lawn. To be frank, it’s not just broadleaf herbicides, it’s also insecticides as well. I would love to have that rich green carpet, but I guess I’m just a little too environmentally paranoid to dive right into the artificial additives that make that happen.

I should probably spend a little more time researching about the natural ways I resolve my lawn issues. I suppose in the meantime, the best thing I can do is keep seeding, watering, and feeding the lawn as best I know how, and, when necessary, pull out that big long weeding tool and eradicate a dandelion or four.

I’ll keep at it. I probably ought to ask myself what Peter Seller’s character from “Being There” would do.

From “Being There”…

President “Bobby”: Mr. Gardner, do you agree with Ben, or do you think that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?

[Long pause]

Chance the Gardener: As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.
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President “Bobby”: In the garden.

Chance the Gardener: Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.

President “Bobby”: Spring and summer.

Chance the Gardener: Yes.

President “Bobby”: Then fall and winter.

Chance the Gardener: Yes.

Benjamin Rand: I think what our insightful young friend is saying is that we welcome the inevitable seasons of nature, but we’re upset by the seasons of our economy.

Chance the Gardener: Yes! There will be growth in the spring!

Taken from:

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,569

It almost happened.

I forgot to write my 200, and it almost slipped my mind.

There’s plenty going on to write about. I’ve been thinking about the Louise Mensch and Adam Khan, and their small format journalistic masterpieces exposing the truth behind this joke of a Presidential administration.

I’ve been thinking about the lack of verbal prowess this joke of a President demonstrates every time he opens his mouth. This piece of garbage is one of the worst communicators I’ve ever come across.

Yeah, I’ve got a problem with Trump. Keep in mind, I work in the private education industry. There are thousands of people that work in private education that do the right thing and provide people with great opportunities to learn, whether it’s technical training, diesel mechanics, aviation maintenance, or in health care.

We’ve elected a clown that just settled a fraud lawsuit for 25 million dollars. If that’s not an admission of guilt, I don’t know what is. Even when this joker tweeted about it, he admitted that it could’ve been much worse.

Con man. Thief.


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No better word describes this fool that overpromises and underdelivers daily. This weekend, he’s back at Mar-a-Lago, transferring the wealth of this country into his account while he plays golf.

We get what we deserve for electing this criminal. And he’s going to find out karma is a bitch. This society loves two stories.

This society loves two stories.

We love the story of the underdog that rises up from nothing to succeed, and the rising tide that lifts all boats.

We also love watching the mighty fall.

It’s like watching a Shakespearean tragedy unfold.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,568

It’s a calm Thursday morning. I fully engaged the opportunity to get back into my routine this morning with two eggs, two pieces of bacon, two pieces of sausage, and a nice surprise with a couple of pieces of toast that were unexpected (normally, the meat lover’s breakfast at Price Chopper doesn’t include the toast, so I’m grateful for the bonus carbs).

My class is progressing nicely, as we’re into a lab with about 15 minutes of time remaining before we move on to a discussion on Sharepoint Online. I like it when things work out and all the labs work as written. Occasionally, it’s an opportunity to work outside the box a little bit when things go a little awry (and in the case of PowerShell, it’s a given that there will be mistakes along the way).

So, we put our noses down, dig into the material, garner a little understanding of what Office 365 can do for folks in their enterprise environments, and hope that what we get into over the course of the week actually helps people out as they speculate and plan their migrations from their existing on-premises environments and slide upward and outward into Microsoft’s cloud solutions.

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I am ever grateful for the students I have in my classes. They give me purpose.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,567

Yesterday I wrote about how I was having a good day, all the stars aligned, nothing but unicorns farting sunshine and rainbows.

I gotta remember that the pendulum swings back the other way, and some she does that with an attitude problem.

Really, the only thing got to my today was a traffic issue on the way to work.

There’s some new road construction on 435 (South Kansas City), and today they introduced a little lane reduction, cutting down to two westbound lanes. Oh man.

Wouldn’t you know it that a couple of yutzes decided today would be a good day for a two car accident that could block both lanes and back traffic up for an hour and a half.

I have a bit of a routine in the morning. I leave Lawrence for Kansas City around 6:40. I can hit Price Chopper to pick up my breakfast about 7:25, hit work by 7:40, and be settled in for the start of class by 8:00.
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It might be a little of my inner Sheldon Cooper coming through, but there is something rather reassuring about routines. I have enough change to deal with in my life as a technical trainer. Operating systems, cloud updates, new versions of Exchange and Skype for Business.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to restore a little order to my universe tomorrow morning, but until then, I’ll work on restoring my focus.

Hope you don’t have any parking lot highway hybrids harshing your mellow in the near future.

Peace, y’all

Day 19,566

This is turning out to be a pretty nice day here in Kansas, and it could turn out to be a great day depending on what happens on a couple of different fronts.

There’s an election in Kansas today, and there are a couple of items that I’m going to get out and cast my vote on.

First of all – school bond issue. My kids have all gone to Lawrence High, and it is overdue for some expansion. The hallways are wall to wall kids between classes, and some of the distances those kids have to cover in the short breaks between classes are just about unmanageable. I’m going to vote for the bond issue, and I don’t care that my property taxes are going up a little bit, because if we’re not willing to invest in our kids’ education and their future, how can we call ourselves responsible parents?

The other key issue for me is voting for a new Congressman to represent Kansas in Washington, DC. One candidate is Ron Estes. He’s the GOP candidate and spent any number of years as the Kansas State Treasurer. He’s a guy that looks to the Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and thinks he’s doing a bang-up job, and wants to take that kind of leadership to national level.

Keep in mind that Sam Brownback’s approval level in Kansas is below the Mendoza line.

The other candidate is James Thompson. He’s focused on education’s soaring costs, getting jobs in Kansas, and taking care of our vets. Regarding jobs – while the rest of the country experienced pretty solid job growth under Obama, Kansas lagged behind in spite of the fact that Brownback’s policies of “trickle-down” economics gave huge tax breaks to the alleged “job creators”. The intent there was to entice those folks to invest in people, and create new jobs. Looks like Brownie just gave them cash to put into their pockets. Kansas has had some of the worst job growth in history under Brownback… but Brownie just blames Obama. The facts don’t support that allegation.
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Kansas is a red state, but it’s not 100% red, probably not even 75%. I don’t think Kansas is best served by having 100% GOP representation in Washington. I think it’s time to add a little blue along with that crimson.

OK, enough of my rant. I need to think about where I’m going to take my wife out for dinner tonight. It’s Tuesday… tacos sound pretty good.

I hope you have a great day as well.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,565

Lots of good things going on today.

I’m back teaching Office 365 this week, which is one of my favorite classes to teach. I ought to be in good shape so long as that moving target isn’t moving too erratically. I also have a couple of familiar faces in the classroom this week (one of the guys brought me a beer – WINNING!), and we talked about an upcoming brew fest in Parkville, Kansas.

It’s opening day at the K… Kauffman Stadium and the Royals finally get a home game. They didn’t look so hot most of the last week playing the Twins and the Astros on the road. I hope they can get back to .500 here in the next series. Could be worse I suppose. Every Royals fan remembers the dark days of the 00’s.

Tonight, I offered to make dinner, and for me, that means one of two things… foraging for takeout, or running over to Trader Joe’s and put together some stovetop and microwave assembly that satisfies the family. Hey, I got a fifteen-year-old boy in the house, and let me tell you, that kid can put away some chow.

Other good news – my favorite college basketball team is going to get a couple of transfer players that have chosen to leave Memphis following the departure of Josh Pastner to Georgia Tech. The Lawson brothers are coming Lawrence… and there’s another big man from Memphis that might be looking for greener pastures as well. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for him.

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That’s about all I have at the moment. I probably ought to start outlining my future blog posts in Scrivener, and building them out to create a little more structure to my blog.

Also, if anybody reading this has a suggestion for a different WordPress theme, I am open-minded to suggestions.

Thanks for reading.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,564

I had a pretty good day yesterday, and I have friends, my son, and my spouse to thank for it.

I am a 53-year-old man, but there are still a number of interests I hang on to that are strong ties to my youth. When I was in high school, in the late 70’s, I was introduced to the world of fantasy role-playing games. I made life-long friendships that endure to this day, and I had a lot of fun.

Yesterday, for the first time in almost a year, I got back together with the current group I play with. The DM is an old friend that I met through work, as he was a student in some classes I taught a number of years ago, and that relationship evolved into real friendship. My 15-year-old son had a great time, and with a mix of established and new players, we had a great afternoon rolling dice and laying waste to the evil that infested an underground stronghold. Nothing quite like a dungeon crawl to get the old blood pumping.

On one level, it’s about the adventure, but I think, like any other social situation, it’s about pumping the bellows to keep the old fires burning and making some new friends.

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We were victorious on multiple levels. Perhaps most importantly we were victorious in setting a date for our next session that happens to be in the same calendar year as our last session.

Beware of flying dwarves.

Peace, y’all.