Day 19,681

I’m kind of weird when it comes to social interaction.

Sometimes I’m on, sometimes I’m so on that I’m over the top on, and a lot of the time I just want to crawl in a corner and get away from people.

Sound like anybody you know?

I heard a term some time ago, “ambivert”. It combines the introvert with the extrovert, sort of the way that some people are right-handed, some people are left-handed, and some people are weird combinations of both.

Relative to that, I’m in-dextrous – I do some things lefty, some righty, but I rarely do things in both fashions.

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I’ve been the life of the party and the funniest guy in the room, but as I get older, I don’t feel the compulsion to be the center of attention like I may have in my youth. I’m content to watch others and laugh at whatever hijinks might going on, or I might just find a quiet place with a little more elbow room and just take some time to be, maybe enjoy a cool breeze, or watch the stars get blown around.

It’s probably a combination of my personality and maturity. Hell, I’m 53 years old… eventually I’ll grow up, even if through pure traction to keep up with my wife.

Anyway, just wanted to get that down. Hope you are having a pleasant August. Read a new book, hide from the world, be the life of a party… just be happy.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,680

I have a temper.

I do my best to manage it, but sometimes I don’t manage it as well as I probably could, and should.

I don’t like myself very much when I lose it. I get a little loud, I get a little defensive, I get a lot of things that I don’t like about myself.

I do the little things to try and chill out. I breathe, I try to find a place in my mind that is calming, and I work on trying to keep my pulse rate down, as that’s likely to be the most dangerous side of anger for me, that and the likelihood that my blood pressure elevates. Not to a dangerous level yet, but there is a history of hypertension in my family. I remember my grandmother would have epic battles with her blood pressure.

Back to my breathing…

Maybe I’ve had a little too much caffeine today, too.

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I think I’m going to focus on the mental side of controlling my body.

And now, I sit here, and I try to feel a little bit deeper, reaching into my body as much as I can. I definitely had too much caffeine today. I have to giggle a little bit… but at the same time, I think I should feel a little relief recognizing that I need to find a sweet spot when it comes to caffeine. A little bit in the morning to get me up and going. Maybe a little bit after lunch, but having some later in the evening was definitely a step over some line.

And now I need to let it get out of my system or else I won’t be able to sleep.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,679

Today my youngest daughter discovered “Game of Thrones”.

Lord, have mercy on the girl.

I’ve read the books, and like millions of other fans, I hope he can complete the tale before he passes from this mortal existence.

What George R.R. Martin has done in creating this series is nothing short of amazing. In my lifetime, only two authors have created this level of intricacy and depth. George R.R. Martin…



I guess I’d advise any aspiring writer to make sure they use two initials as part of their pen name.

I better take my own advice, right?

Only if I write something worthy of publication.

G is about to watch the arrest of Ned Start by the Kingslayer.

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Yeah, we have her hooked.


Soon she’ll be thinking more about the Imp, and Arya at the House of Black and White.

She’s already pretty hooked on Jason Momoa… too bad, that.

I have to wonder, is there a template, or a workflow that can be created that helps a writer create and manage all of the entanglements that are part of this fascinating web?

If there is, I need to find it. If there isn’t, well, maybe it needs to be created.

You have to start somewhere, right.

I’m done. Be well.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,678

Having some thoughts about the nature of reality.

There is a difference between reality and an individual’s perception of reality. We all look at the world through our own filters. You can have two people both involved in a situation, the same time, the same place, maybe on opposite ends of a conflict, and you can have both coming away from a situation thinking that they were the good guy, they were right… and they won.

Kind of reminds me of the idea that there are three sides to every story… your side, my side, and the truth.

Apparently, Trump is starting his own Facebook station so his daughter-in-law can create media (propaganda?) to counter the reality presented in the main stream media.

I’m sure that the station will focus on spinning everything into a positive about the administration and also portray Trump as a victim, a hero of blue collar America, fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.

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So long as he gets approval from Putin first.

The thing is, you can hire all of the fiction writers on the face of the planet, you can’t run away from the truth.

And the truth can’t come soon enough for me… is it Mueller time yet?

Peace y’all.

Day 19,677

Somedays you have a hard time, struggling to come up with a decent idea for a blog entry.

Today was a bit of the opposite.

(And my youngest daughter just popped into the office to chat, and I lost complete track of what I was going to blog about)

I thought about a blog entry on the subject of comfort food. After all, who doesn’t love chatting about their favorite food to go to in stressful situations? Who doesn’t love leftover fried chicken? Who doesn’t love the old family potato salad recipe?

I thought about blogging about what would I would do if I actually won the lottery… comes down to paying bills, cutting back, and traveling, but only if I could take the family pets… maybe an RV in my future.

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I thought about good music, and how I’m looking forward to the move and setting up my recording equipment again. I may not be the best guitar player, but I have to give myself credit for my creativity. I owe it to my grandkids to record some stuff just so they can say, “Hey, My grampa laid down that track in 2017.”

There is always something to write about. I still think some of my best blog entries were about nothing at all.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,676

I was thinking earlier today about the way certain people describe situations, people, events, and how they add adjectives. I was thinking how odd it is that one prominent person in the US government uses superlatives as descriptors at every opportunity. Things in his mind’s eye are always the best or the worst or something to the extreme end of a scope.

The part that bugs me is that most things fall somewhere in the middle. The extreme is “the extreme” because it isn’t commonplace. Commonplace can be measured, and it can have numbers assigned to it, verifiable facts that support a particular position.

Trump isn’t big on verifiable facts. He’s not big on quotes that include numbers from reputable sources.

He is big on bullshit.

And he’s lazy.

He won’t back up his statements with verifiable facts because that takes work.

Too much work for a petulant man-child.
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I’m going to move forward and pursue positions that I can verify with numbers and research. I’ve grown tired of the unverifiable extremes, his “greatest” and “worst” and all of the other extreme adjectives he uses to describe everything under the sun.

And describes wrong.

Facts matter. The truth matters. The numbers matter. And when you choose to ignore those things, you become a joke.

Seems about right.

Peace y’all.

Day 19.675

My wrist still hurts, and I really don’t feel like writing, but write I must.

And for good reason.

My mom shared a little something with me today. She’s been keeping a journal, too. Earliest entries from 23 years ago. Memories important enough that she took the time to write them down. Memories that she wanted to share with me and my kids and her great grandchildren one day.

So I write.

I hope one day that what I write down makes a difference, whether it’s about an effort to be on the right time of history, or whether it’s about simple pieces of advice, like saving money, not getting overextended on your credit, and surrounding yourself with people that support you and your dreams.

Do those things.

And write.

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I was surprised some time ago while I was doing genealogical research to find out that one of my ancestors was Henry Surrey. This guy developed the sonnet style of poetry writing. Granted, I probably couldn’t write a decent sonnet if my life depended on it.

But we write.

And we try to find something meaningful in the message.

I have to admit, there might not be any more important message to those that follow than to write. Share. Express.

And avoid being executed by Henry the VIII.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,674

OK, a bit of a recap.

The runners people put down as decorative floor coverings can kill a human being. I got lucky today, only catching my rear foot while I was stepping over it, and proceeding to kiss my chin off an appliance.

Tried to catch myself on the way down. Now I have a sore wrist. Brilliant.

Other things that are on my mind.

I should stay open-minded about other types of table top games. Had a great experience today playing a Star Wars themed combat game.

I don’t know what it’s going to take for some people to start having a little buyer’s remorse when it comes to Trump. After this week, he’s gotta be losing some support. He embarrassed himself in front of the military, the Boy Scouts and every police department in the country.

He openly advocated for police violence.

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What the hell?

My wrist is bugging me. I sprained something. Not sure how bad it is, but I’m certain something isn’t broken.

Pretty sore though.

Open House tomorrow. I better put together a few more sentences and call this thing good. I don’t have time to be thinking too hard about what I want to write or how I want to write it. I just need to get some words on the page so I can say I achieved my goal.

And I did.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,673

I have pledged to write two hundred words as part of my #WriteChain pledge.




I suppose I could phone it in and call that “technically” good.

I’m just not into it tonight.

I could end up writing two hundred words about my lack of ambition and motivation.

I don’t think Reince Priebus is updating his blog with a whole lot of enthusiasm tonight.

I wouldn’t think the Mooch would have a whole lot positive to say about his wife leaving him tonight, either.

I’ have broken the ninety-word threshold.

It’s kind of sad. I make a pledge, and I’m willing to write word upon word, building ridiculous sentence one upon the other to create ridiculous paragraphs.

I’m just not that motivated.

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It’s Friday night.

Man…. I remember Friday nights when I was younger. Lisa and I would have out standing Friday night date.

Good times.

And now I’m watching a few robots battling each other, chunks of metal flying inside an enclosed gladiatorial arena.

I thought maybe my wife and kids would get into it. Some, a little… others, not so much.

Now I think about my descendants reading this, wondering, “Hey, Grampa Bob! What’s up? This is the best you can do?”

No, it;s probably not the best I can do.

I’ll try to do better next time.

In the meantime, try and go a day without saying anything mean. And study for your college admission exams. Grades matter.

Love you.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,672

Summer school is winding down here at the house. Lisa is done grading her finals, and tomorrow Bonnie and Gracie close out their classes for the summer. I know they will all be happy for the short break between summer and fall semesters.

I’ve got one more day in class, doing labs with my one student this week. Back to prep next week, with my chat with the Atlanta Office 365 Users Group on Wednesday, and a likely certification exam towards the end of the week.

It’s crazy how quick this year is going by.

We’ll be heading over to CLay Center this weekend to see my mom & dad. I think we’ll take the pups along. Dad loves to see our dogs. I think he has a pretty big soft spot for Freya.

Fruit cups with Chia seeds are tasty, if not a little weird.

I need to read more. I’ve been listening to too much news radio on my commute back and forth to work.

Getting the car fixed on Monday now.
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Other than that, not a whole lot new today.

Hope your July closes out on some high notes.

And if my descendants read this, be smart with your money… save more, get good grades, and keep your promises.

Love you.

Peace y’all.