Day 19,594

Well, this has been an interesting day for even the most casual observer of politics.

I think I’ve been pretty clear about my opinion of the current administration, i.e., I’m not a fan. I work in private education, and the person in the White House committed fraud running a private educational institution. Some of his public statements have adversely affected my opinion of the person as well.

Today, there was a clarification from the Director of the FBI regarding the emails relating to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. That release can be found here.

A scant few hours later, Director Comey was in LA addressing a group of FBI agents when he found out that he had been fired by the Trump administration, and from what I gathered, it was via Attorney General Jeff Sessions… who had recused himself from the Trump/Russia investigation, but that didn’t stop him from firing the guy  that was investigating him.

For those of you scoring at home, Trump has fired some people. The irony is that in the case of Sally Yates, Preet Bharara, and James Comey, all of them were responsible for conducting investigations into the Trump administration at some level.

Then, at around 8:30 Central Standard Time, this little nugget came down from CNN.


“CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI’s Russia investigation”
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Stuff has gotten very real inside the beltway.

If you want to see how insane this is going to get, get on Twitter and follow some folks – Adam Khan @Khanoisseur , Louise MenschVerified account@LouiseMensch , Olga_Lautman NYC @olgaNYC1211 , Claude Taylor @TrueFactsStated

This rabbit hole could go very deep.

I think people are about to find out why the FBI is the FBI.

Peace, y’all


Day 19,593

Today is one of those days where I want to get my blog entry done, then take my big, fat ass and get it thrown into bed.

It’s been a long day, and I’m bushed.

Good day, just a long day.

I get into bad habits during my prep weeks from time to time. I sleep-in because I don’t have to get up at 5:45 to rally my butt and get into the car by 6:40 to head into Kansas City for the job.

Sleeping in is a good thing. Screw you, Ben Franklin.

It’s been a good day though. I’m teaching a familiar class this week, covering Microsoft Exchange 2013. I didn’t write the book on Exchange 2013, but I was a contributing author on four chapters.

It’s just feeling a lot more like a Monday than it does some other times.
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I need to look up a few random name generators. Time to prep another gaming environment and I’m not going to use a random name generator as a crutch, but one can seek inspiration from different sources, right?

Little Debbie Swiss Rolls are the debbil.  The good kind of evil.

Yeah, feels like I’m phoning this one in. At least I didn’t digress on Sally Yates’ testimony today. I would’ve liked to, but I have a feeling that there’s a whole lot of this little story yet to come to light.

OK. That’s two hundred. If I get it to three hundred, I’ll be able to defend Greece from the Persians.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,592

Life is good and on the verge of getting a little weird.

I’ve had a great weekend, got some work done around the house, and my lawn (at least in the front) is starting to come around. The backyard… well, it could take another few years of tlc to get where it needs to be.

The plan is, I won’t be around here for that. We’re putting the house on the market next week.

It’s a little bit weird for me. Let me tell you why.

I was born in Sioux City, Iowa, and lived the first four years of so of my life in the community of Leeds. My dad got a promotion, so we moved to Topeka, Kansas. I attended Kindergarten through 2nd grade there. Then we moved to Omaha for about 6 months. Kansas City for about a year after that.

Halfway through my fourth-grade year, we moved to Salina, Kansas, and I finished out elementary school and got through a year of junior high before we moved into a different home north of Salina, leading me to transfer to a different junior high. A year at Roosevelt-Lincoln, then on to Salina Central High School.

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5 years straight in that home north of Salina, then I went to college.

In college, life gets to be pretty transient. Some things can stay pretty consistent, the city, the friends, the campus, but I was pretty much “out of the house”.

The home I live in now has been my home since August of 2001. I’ve lived here longer than any other home I’ve called my own. Now we’re going to see what happens, put the place on the market, and see what the future holds. It’s a bit scary. I like my routine, but there’s any number of reasons to make the change now.

We’ll just have to see what’s in the plan.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,591

Life is an incredible, unpredictable series of events. So many of them give me cause to rejoice.

Right now this keyboard is on the opposite end of that rejoice cycle. Some days, what I wouldn’t do to have an old IBM click-tactile keyboard.

So, back to the chat.

There have been any number of reasons to rejoice in my life. Some friends have found new love in their lives, but one, in particular, comes to mind.

I’ve known Joel since I was in fifth grade. He and I have had common interests, with varying degrees of diversion, for literally decades. I found love in my early thirties, but for Joel, he had to wait a little longer.

OK, if you’re actually reading this, go out to youtube start listening to Bonnie Raitt’s “Love in the Nick of Time”.

Joel is, in reality, a little more than a year older than me, and he’s about to become a father for the second time. I’m 53. My two eldest are at KU, while my 15-year-old son is in high school.
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It’s kind of easy, really, to step back and wonder what life might be like becoming a parent in your fifties, but, truth be known. my wife and I have had ample opportunity to ponder… yeah, it’s a Catholic thing.

My best wishes to those that have found love in the nick of time. And for those still hoping, get out of the house, or get online, but just get out there. YOU deserve love in your life. EVERYONE has a right to love and be loved.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the world, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Steve Bannon have signed up for Tinder accounts.

Yeah, it works that way sometimes.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,590

Full-time writers are amazing people. Sometimes I struggle to find 200 words to put together each day, and then I’ll jump on twitter and read the tweets from the full-time published creators, and I am in awe. I think it was Stephen King that had a work habit of writing several thousand words every day, first thing in the day. Amazing. Then I follow a few other writers that tweet regularly, and I have an even greater respect for them. They sit down and crank out the words. They commit, and they follow through on their commitment. No procrastination, no “I don’t feel like it today”. They sit down and they go to work.

I’ve had an interesting day. Kicked it a bit. Went to the movies with my son this afternoon (btw, go see the “Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2” movie. It was a lot of fun. Foraged and rustled up some dinner for the fam, then went back out driving for a bit, making a little money on my side gig driving for Uber. Some of the young people I have in my car are very respectful and proper, while sometimes I’ll get a crew that is already well into their cups, so to speak.

So what do you do? You get ’em from point a to point b, and hope nobody gets hurt.

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In the meantime…

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,589

I’m watching James Corden (Cordon?) for the first time, and wouldn’t you know it, during his monologue he doaes a joke about..

“Bob, you have three weeks to live”

Well, that’s a bit of a bummer. I don’t know whether to spend my time focused on living or maybe just turn off The Late, Late Show… screw the karaoke.

It’s been a bad day for a lot of people. I know that ACA, popularly referred to as ‘Obamacare’, is flawed, but today, rather than fixing it, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives have passed a piece of shit bill that might strip away insurance from as many as 24 million people.

There are times that I think there is Jesus, and then there’s Republican Jesus.

Check this. Under the new bill, rape might be considered an existing condition.

I can hear the testimony in court now, “She wanted that pre-existing condition. Just consider the way she was dressed.”

Two other things to consider, This provides almost 900 billion dollars in tax relief for the wealthiest people in the country. Makes you wonder if we actually are assigning a value on some human lives here. “Sorry, we can’t give you a new kidney, somebody had to redecorate their fourth house in Jackson Hole.”
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“Sorry, we can’t give you a new kidney, somebody had to redecorate their fourth house in Jackson Hole.”

Kids love hearing that.

And they will.

Maybe not from their grandparents, though. Cuts to Medicare might send grampa and gramma off to than earlier expectations.

Hmmm. So that’s how the GOP plans to cut back on Social Security expenditures.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,588

Every now and then you have one of those days that just beats you down and keeps on beating. Today, it was primarily my own choice, but the combination of deadlines has hit me a little bit.

I’ve got a refresher certification exam lined up tomorrow. By all rights, I ought to pop this out the first time I take it, but I’ve been bitten in the ass before.  Seems like a regular event that I dive into my study materials, and I think I have a grasp on things, I think I’m making progress, and then the exam rears it’s ugly head and puts me in my place, fragments of my ego trailing behind me like drops of blood leading away from the scene of the crime.

I know. I ought to be more positive. My ache is compounded by the joy of trash day. Our local public works folks come through on Thursday, and I placed a special order to have our larger items removed as well. Making the phone call is the easy part. Moving the chunks of lumber, old basketball goals, an old smoker and a few other things to the front of the house was the achy part. And let me tell you, I’m feeling it now.

This whole growing old business… ugh. I miss being 19.

Time to choke down a couple of ibuprofen and hit the sack after I go back through a few more notes.

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Whose brilliant idea was it to take a cert exam tomorrow morning at 9:00 an hour away from the house?

Yup. It was me.

Does anybody want to volunteer as a scapegoat?

Peace, y’all

Day 19,587

Tuesdays are supposed to be the most productive day of the week.


OK, I probably ought to give myself a little more credit. I got some stuff done. I planned meals for a few days, and acquired the ingredients…

Now, y’all might not know this, but I enjoy cooking. And tomorrow, I get to whip up a batch of my chili. Now, my wife makes a great traditional chile. I go someplace else with my chili. My wife uses ground beef, and I get to use smoked pork loin. She goes red, I go green. Hers gets a little cheese. Mine gets a dollop of sour cream – and it needs it,  I use a green chili salsa to liven mine up a little bit, but it might have a little too much of the vinegar taste to it at times, so the sour cream does a decent job evening out the flavor notes.

Kind of funny. An old friend/fraternity brother of mine wrote a brief lamentation about going into an Indian restaurant, and asking his server to bring it to him “spicy”.

Now, I got to tell you this. Unless you know what the hell you are doing, you do not … let me repeat this…

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YOU DO NOT!!!!! go into an Indian, Thai, or Hunan restaurant and order SPICY!

Another word I would recommend you avoid is “Traditional”.

Jack, I’m telling you… those folks live for that shit. They know they have you now… because you ordered this in front of friends, and if you’re a man, you have to own this shit now. You are going to sit there and live through excruciating pain… but let me tell you, brother, the pain you are dealing with now is nothing to what you are going to deal with in another 4-8 hours, depending on the efficiency of your gastrointestinal tract. You thought you were on a puddle-jumper to Houston. Nuh-uh. You are now officially on the red-eye.

Find a Ben & Jerry’s buffet… and C’mon Ice Cream!

Peace, y’all!

Day 19,586

One thing that I don’t like about my career is the constant demanding maintenance of my certifications.

And it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

So, to clarify, I’m an MCT, which stands for Microsoft Certified Trainer. I’ve been continuously certified and delivering Microsoft content for 22 years as of this August. The real number is even longer if you go back to teaching day long seminars on how to optimize your experience running Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

For on-premises deployment, people will typically deploy a Windows Server solution with services like email, database, management, and other services. For the last twenty plus years. Microsoft has updated those package every 3-5 years. For a certified trainer, that means we have a three to five year cycle to keep our certs up to date.

Now I’m certified in Office 365 and Windows Azure.

Certification in those areas requires a little more frequent certification cycle. Annual renewal.

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I’m not getting any younger.

A student of mine had a wonderful analogy regarding trying to learn new things. She said her iceberg could only hold so may penguins. As something knew needed a permanent location on the iceberg, a few penguins got booted off… no more room.

Time for me to start throwing some elbows on the iceberg.

I just hope I don’t end up like Johnny Mnemonic and have to sacrifice my childhood memories for an extra terabyte of data.

Peace, y’all

Day 19,585

It’s the last day of April 2017, here in the middle of the country.  A rainy Sunday, following a very rainy Friday and Saturday. Looks like there have been some fatal tornado touchdowns in East Texas. Gotta offer up a prayer for those that have suffered the loss of family, friends, and property at times like this.

Around here there has been some flooding, although nothing really in my quarter. Apparently, it has been worse in other parts of Kansas, and friends in Colorado have had to deal with a mid-spring snow of all things.

Kansas has been hit a little hard this year, with the prairie fires, followed by the recent rains and flooding. But, hey, other places have had it worse, and will likely have even greater difficulties in the coming years due to the unpredictable nature of our climate issues.

(OK, I believe in the 97%, not the 3%, when it comes to global climate change)

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On the habit building – I think I’m doing OK. I’ve been pretty consistent about stopping myself from going to bed at night until I know I’ve written my blog entry for the day. I’m considering some other habits I should develop, and how I might make them part of my daily routine. One I should definitely get back to is the pursuit of 10,000 steps per day logged to my pedometer.

BTW, if you haven’t checked out the new MST3K on Netflix…. do it.

Peace, y’all