Day 19,603

I was reading a little bit about Trump’s background, and one aspect of him that stands out rather prominently is his avoidance of alcohol.

Wine was good enough for Jesus. Apparently, for the Cheeto Messiah, he’s waiting for something better.

So, my recommendation to Trump is that he start drinking. It will give him not only an excuse for his erratic behavior, but also a reason as to why he can’t remember it.

Donnie Two Scoops, you’re not as seasoned a drinker as I am, so I think you should start with frosty ice cream based drink, maybe a Brandy Alexander, then move on to frozen drinks that lack the dairy, a pina colada or a margarita. You’ll have to learn to look over the names of these two drinks, just look at them as drinks with work visas and you’ll find a way to justify their presence in America like an underpaid Polish housekeeper.

After that, you’ll need to acquire a taste for beer. Start with a blue-collar domestic (Pabst Blue Ribbon, Coors, Heileman’s Old Style), then, over time, work up to micros. When you can handle a beer over 60 IBU’s, come see me for a departure into my favorite styles, Belgian Farm Ales and Saisons.
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When your testicles descend, we can graduate to bourbons, ryes, and single-malt scotch.

Yeah, we might be waiting awhile.

Peace, y’all

Day 19,602

Today is a day of historical significance. It’s a little bit on the surreal side, to tell you the truth.

Today the Department of Justice appointed a special investigator to look into the affairs of Donald J. Trump.

Man…  this is huge.

I came home, flipped on CNN, and called my kids over to watch. I let them know how significant this was. This sort of event is one that changes US history, and might be impacting any number of agencies and policies for decades to come.

It could radically affect campaign finance reform.

It could affect the way news is presented to the American people.

It will definitely affect me. I did my best to provide my peers with real information about facts regarding Trump prior to the election. I had any number of people laugh in my face and tell me I was delusional, and that I was on the wrong side.

I think it’s safe to say that I should feel a little bit more confident in my position now.

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I’m writing this, and I think I’m really writing this for myself.

I’m going t move forward and actively avoid those “I told you so moments”. The fact of the matter is, it’s reaching a point now with this guy that I shouldn’t ever have to say it. Anyone I know that I’ve disagreed with on this subject is also reasonable enough that I know I don’t have to say it.

Trump is a buffoon. He’s unqualified. He may very well be a criminal.

HIs time as president is about to come to a swift close.

It’s a pretty sad time. Somewhere in Russia, Vladimir Putin is laughing his ass off at how easy it easy to manipulate the American people and get his guy into the White House.

We deserve better leadership.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,601

It’s the 16th day of May, in the year 2017. This is going to be a day that will be of some historical interest, as this is the day that news broke about James Comey’s notes regarding his conversations with Donnie Two Scoops. Donnie apparently committed an act that can only be described as obstruction of justice, asking the director of the FBI to halt an investigation into Trump’s chosen National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn.

I also had a rather interesting bit of repartee with a Trump supporter. The Dunning-Kruger effect was strong with that one. I provided links ton interviews and news stories, and he provided no facts nor links in support of his position, yet claimed victory in our little debate. He also had a penchant for calling people names, i.e. “sheeple”, “snowflake”, and “libtard”.

It wasn’t too long after our interaction that news came down about the release of Comey’s notes regarding his interaction with Trump. Damn.


This is going to be bad.

The sources I follow are making this out to be, quite likely, the biggest political scandal in US history.

It’s a pretty sad time. Our adversaries overseas are getting their way right now, affecting our alliances in NATO and the Pacific, and watching a degree of ineptitude in the White House that makes Warren G. Harding look like one of the better presidents.
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This is going to be expensive. Bills are coming due.

The irony… there will always be a segment of our population that will believe to their dying days that, no matter how bad this gets, it would always be worse if the American people had elected Hillary Clinton.

Check that. HRC won the popular vote by 6 million votes. Trump won the electoral college. So, yeah, I guess we got that going for us.

I hope our election process doesn’t get hacked again.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,600

I guess it’s safe to say that my Monday was a little bit better than some other people’s Mondays.

I do find certain aspects of politics fascinating (cue Spock-like raised eyebrow).

It sucks on a level when you realize that the guy that currently lives in the White House would seemingly show off classified information to a group of Russians to show off.

It’s embarrassing.

But there’s a part of me that wants to stop mocking Trump simply because it’s not funny anymore. It’s sad. It feels like more and more of a violation of the trust we normally put into the office of the President.

I guess I shouldn’t worry too much. It would appear at first blush that Trump is on his way out, one way or the other. He essentially admitted that he endeavored to engage the Director of the FBI in a discussion regarding the ongoing Russian ties investigation. Now, he’s shared classified info with an adversary and smiled the who time.

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It nauseates me, and I think his nonsense if finally getting to a number of his supporters.

It’s all over except for the hearings. I will not miss this guy.

Like I said before, there are two stories Americans love – the story of the underdog that overcomes all obstacles and rises to the top, and the story of the proud jackhammer with everything pushing too far and falling from grace.

Might be over by the Fourth of July.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,599

Mother’s Day.

Or should that be Mothers’ Day?

I love my mom to the moon and back. She played an incredible role in helping me become the man I am today. And now, as a father and husband, I have to give all of the appropriate credit to the woman who is my wife and the mother of my three kids.

I am who I am due to this incredible amalgamation (5 dollar word) of experiences. My mom got me from zero to manhood (boy, that sounds a little weird) and my wife is responsible for me going from Man (Level 1) to Man (Whatever the hell level I am at today).

We spent the day focused on preparing the house to go on the market, as that is the collective focus of the family. Baby wants a new house, baby gonna get a new house. I’m coming around. I haven’t hidden from the most beautiful person I have known in this lifetime how I feel about moving. I abhor it. I attended 7 different schools in 9 years as a kid, and that may have had an effect on me. I moved all the time as a college student and young person trying to figure everything out. The nomadic life is not for me.

So here we are. Gonna sell the house that I’ve (We’ve) lived in since 2001, and find our “forever home”. The place I’m likely going to die in, unless I can upload my consciousness and become a Von Neumann probe.

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I’m OK with it. Yeah, parts of the process suck the big suck. I’ll get over it. I must. There is no ‘Plan B’.

This is one of the times that I just repeat to myself over and over, “Everything is going to be fine”.

And it will.

I’ll have myself a little garden.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,598

We all have certain songs that take us back to the days of our youth. Certain songs, certain bands, certain guitar riffs that, on a level, are absolutely transcendent.

I’m a guitar nut. I caught the bug as a teenager, and, for the most part, taught myself, but along the way I had opportunities to take lessons with a genius.

The songs that take me back are the guitar -driven pop songs of my youth. There was Styx, with Tommy Shaw tearing it up. There was Gary Richrath from REO Speedwagon bending strings and flailing away so melodically. And, of course, there were other guitar masters like Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhodes, Angus Young, Elliott Easton, and too many others to give a proper accounting.

One that sticks with me, for one reason or another, is Neil Schon’s body of work with Journey.

I’m not quite sure the reason, but as a kid, there seems to have been more opportunity to see Journey perform live than a lot of other acts in my neck of the woods.

The opening riff from “The Party’s Over” still beguiles me.

The other person I really owe an incredible grat of debtitude to is my first guitar teacher… Jerry Hahn.

I shouldn’t address him that way, though… I should call him Jerry Freakin’ Hahn.


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He changed my life.

He didn’t have much to work with in me. I was just learning, fumbling around a fretboard like a kid with two left feet at his first dance.

Like the guy that got turned into a newt, I got better.

He taught me a different way of looking and listening to the world, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Yeah, I know the pop guitar of Neal Schon and the bebop jazz of Jerry Hahn are at very different places on the musical spectrum, but I have an obligation to recognize the effect they each had on me.

I have my music, whatever it’s worth. I might have my sanity because of it as well.

Thanks, guys.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,597

Insert bad joke here about marking 1-inch increments on my leg, so I could claim to be graduated.

My daughters are officially home. They’ve moved out of the scholarship hall (Bonnie) and the dilapidated dorm (Gracie), and have reclaimed their rightful territory here at Casa del Bobster. I drove my wife’s hybrid into work today so they could use my car, the Ford Flex (affectionately referred to as ‘Ruby’), and, as anyone might expect, it is still packed to the gills with the furnishings one might expect.

No worries. I’m glad they’re home.

Life is getting a little weird around here. My baby wants a new house, and if baby wants a new house, baby is going to get a new house.

‘For Sale’ sign will hit the yard, and the interwebs, on Monday.

We’re hopeful. I think we’re asking a reasonable price, and we’re close to an elementary school and a middle school. This is a great home and location for a young family.
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I’ll miss this place, but all that really matters to me is laying my head down on a pillow next to my bride. She’s my life, I’ll follow her to the ends of the earth.

B & G are helping out around here tomorrow, Dane and I have a previous engagement in Topeka with friends and weird dice. I offered to cancel, wife said no, so that’s that. Sunday will be yard work.

I hope you all have a pleasant weekend.

Peace, y’all.

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Day 19,596

“Can’t go up yet. I need to post my blog.”

I’m getting better. I’m thinking about the undone things before I go to bed at night, and getting my blog posted has become a thing I must do. Gotta get ‘er done.

I recognize I’m not the most interesting cat on the planet. I’ve met some of the most interesting people, from academics in my wife’s pee group, to guy that model by supercars when they aren’t training for the Olympics or consulting as internationally recognized experts on computer network security. Seriously. If you have a friend that you think could be an international super spy, I might have a good point of comparison.

It’s been an interesting day. The FBI raided a PAC office with some interesting ties. More talk about some other things having to do with the current administration, including a very interesting NBC interview between Lester Holt and Trump. Things are getting very weird here in the ol’ USA. And somewhere, you gotta figure, Vladimir Putin has to be chuckling his ass off about the turmoil we’re going through here.

So what do we do? We get up, we go to work, go to graduation, and see where the pieces fall.

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Remember, the American people love two different kinds of stories. They love the underdog that overcomes incredible odds and obstacles and rise to the top.

The other story… not so kind. We have a collective schadenfreude. We kind of enjoy watching karma in slo-mo. But that’s not always possible. We’ll have to watch it in real time, then we can review it later… over and over and over again.

God bless America. We could stand a little blessing right now.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,595

I remember Watergate.

I would’ve been in 4th grade if memory serves me correctly.

Crazy times, with lots of headlines, splashed on the front pages, back in a time where folks primary source of news was print, followed by television and radio. Television had four or five channels, no 24 hour news channels, and radio was all terrestrial, and you had one pop/rock station, one country station, and one public radio station on the FM side, and the AM side featured the local soft rock station that broadcast the high school football games on Friday nights and college football on Saturdays, with intermittent baseball games during the spring and summer.

Now we’ve got so much info coming at as from so many different directions, and have of it is bullshit rumors sourced out of Eastern Europe at the behest of those that want to impose an inordinate amount of influence on American democracy.

What I am witnessing right now frightens me. I think America will be ok, but will ultimately be changed because the people made a choice last fall. Check that… the people made one choice, the electoral college made another.

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The electoral college elected an inexperienced, 70-year-old teenager that applied for his first job. His supporters seemed to set aside his bankruptcies, his fraud, his misogyny, and elected him to the highest elected office in the land. All the while he overpromised, and now we’re witnessing the underdelivery. When things don’t go his way, the solution is simple – blame the previous administration.

The FBI is starting to dig and dig and dig. I have a feeling that this guy in the White House approaches every situation from a perspective that he’s the smartest guy in the room. I have a feeling that he’s soon going to find out that all these little schemes he’s plotted are going to collapse beneath him like a house of cards.

I could be wrong.

Peace, y’all.