Day 19,623

Man, oh man

Folks were trying to change the subject today!

I have had an ongoing “conversation/argument/d*ck-measuring competition” with some guy from my hometown of Salina, Kansas on social media. We have a bet of one growler of beer regarding the Trump administration, and my side of the bet states that Trump won’t make it through his first term due to either impeachment, resignation, or medical issue.

I think I got a little bit closer to winning that bet today.

(Full disclosure: I have three bets regarding Trump failing to make it through his first term. Two bets are for growlers of beer, one bet is for a 750 ml bottle of whiskey, $35 minimum. The last bet was one that I pushed for because I knew I would win, and this guy deserved a lesson in humility)

It was funny, though. While I was watching the Comey testimony, he was focused on all of the wrong things. He was focused on any comment having to do with the previous administration (Loretta Lynch) while I was a bit “laser-focused” on the misdeeds of the current administration.

And then he went off on some sort of bizarre tangent about international court rulings, Iran, and the sexual preferences of previous Presidents.

Basically, a bizarro amalgamation of word salad that left me wondering if this person accepted the same reality I live in.

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Seriously, it was a trip.

Hang on, folks, this is going to get really insane before it’s all said and done.

What else would you expect from the biggest scandal in US History? Afterall, we don’t do things small in Trump’s America.

We make it epic.

We make it historic.

And we broadcast this shit in prime time. Sweeps week, yo!

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,622

Some days you have all the inspiration you need, others days you have to fish a little longer.

There’s always something ridiculous coming out of the Trump administration, and I don’t expect that to stop anytime in the immediate future… it might take a few weeks for this bunch of clowns to shut down the circus and head out of town.

New York Attorney General might have the Trump family in a RICO pinch. Looks like they’ve been siphoning off charitable funds intended for children with cancer into Trump’s personal businesses.

Sessions might be bolting.

Oh, and a new report that Donnie Two Scoops asked another agency to try and halt the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn’s Russian dealings.

Tomorrow, the acting head of the DOJ testifies. Rothstein? (I was wrong, it’s Rosenstein edit 6/7/2017)  I can’t recall. It’s the guy that provided the letter to Trump that he did or didn’t use as justification for firing Comey.

On Thursday, C-SPAN wins its time slot forever. Comey testifies before Congress in an open session and the soon-to-be-former Prez and his partners in crime get to tweet about it.
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I am looking forward to Thursday like you wouldn; believe.

This mess is going to get spilled out on the floor like the guts of the tiger shark on the dock in “Jaws”.

We’re looking at the biggest scandal in American political history. It’s multinational, it has money, it has billionaires controlling politicians, it has deceit, and it will soon take down the most puffed-up egomaniacal ass clown that ever earned the GOP nomination.

For political spectators, this is going to be a month os Superbowls with game sevens at half time.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,621

There are some folks that are always going to be a little difficult to reach.

Sometimes it’s due to a difference in culture.

Sometimes it’s due to a difference in age and experience.

Sometimes it’s just because the person you’re endeavoring to communicate with can’t do basic math.

Dear god, I’d hate to see how this stoopfawk balances his checkbook.

I was having a conversation about wind energy in Kansas, and I recalled seeing a statistic from from a couple of years ago that on a good day, Kansans received better than 30% of their electrical needs from wind energy.

I was then challenged to prove that statement.

To be frank, I couldn’t find that exact link, but I did find that in 2013, Kansas wind energy production provided 19.4% of the electrical needs for Kansas.

I then paused and went to pay my electric bill, and lo, Westar energy has some really nice pictures of windmills on their home page.
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And links.

And quotes like this – “Westar is committed to growing renewable energy. In 2017, the equivalent of a third of the energy we supply to homes, farms and businesses will be produced by renewable sources.”

That statement, then led to a breakdown into insults and no further substance from the individual in question, to which I responded with a gif from the comedy “Tropic Thunder”.

I’ll likely engage Simple Jack in the future, and I’ll come poised with links, statistics and other verifiable facts.

Once again, I fully expect yonder stoopfawk to go full retard.

Until then…

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,620

There’s a weird place where rivalries and friendships intersect, and both of these roads can be found in the Twilight Zone.

My odd relationship with my rival, Alex, began in 8th grade I was the new guy, and he wanted to negotiate a trade with the crosstown junior high with a friend of his who had transferred, and I think he was willing to throw in a couple of Mercedes-Benz hood ornaments to spice up the deal.

We didn’t always get along. We got into a little bit of trouble in 8th grade (some off thing about “help me” messages on paper airplanes being thrown out of Mr. Cooper’s first hour journalism school window). Reality is, he might’ve never gotten in trouble if it hadn’t been for me, and he got the worst of the punishment.

We interacted when necessary in high school, and bumped into each other a couple of times after high school.

We reconnected a bit on social media, usually on the social media side, but last year we had a bit of a falling out over the election. We didn’t chat for awhile.

Over time I’ve backed off some of my more militant positions on social media, and things have softened up a bit as more of his posts started showing back up in my timeline.

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Today he posted a geeky automobile pic and asked folks to guess where it came from. Based on what I know about our peer group from high school is that there might be two or three people that could’ve guessed that car.

Might have been a bit of a coded message, y’know?

I’m going to work from an assumption that my previous aggressive positions are being forgiven a bit.

Oh, and my daughter made apple turnovers today that are out-freakin-standing.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,619

Yeah, I’m kind of phoning this one in.

We were having an open house today, and Dane & I slid out a little early under the pretext of getting his cell phone situation resolved. He now has a spanking new Samsung Galaxy S8. I think he’ll be happy for awhile.

After that, we headed downtown for a bite of lunch. Lawrence is lucky to have the variety of cuisine that it does, and we made the decision that sushi was the catch of the day. (Yeah, I know, bad play on words).

If you are ever at Yokohama in Lawrence, and you happen to like spicy appetizers, I”d like to suggest the Heartattack. Seafood and jalapenos never went so well together.

After that, we bebopped over to one of the game stores in town only to discover that they’re going out of business. It’s hard for local game stores to compete with online retailers. To be honest, I’m surprised they stayed open for as many years as they did.

Over to Menard’s for some discount snackage, then back home to round out the day.

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The chair. Legs up. Headset on. Marconi Union.


Sounds incredibly stressful, does it not?


Peace, y’all

Day 19,618

It’s been a long week and a short week all at the same time.

Started off the week with Memorial Day and a trip to go see my folks, then it seems like I spent the rest of the week preparing to take a certification exam, which I got around to today.

Some certification exams are a little bit easier to pass than others. I guess it might come down to the amount of time I spend with a particular product from the Microsoft pantheon. I spend a lot of time working with Office 365, Exchange, and Skype for Business, but certain other areas can be a bit more challenging, and with the cloud-based tools, they sure seem to change awfully fast.

So, I should have another MCSE certification under my belt after this little academic excursion today.

I guess there are some things I should be happy about, professionally speaking.

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Had a celebratory beer afterward. The Luminosity Pale Ale over at Free State Brewing is a nice beverage.

Tomorrow begins a busy weekend. I’m hoping the opportunity will present itself to go see the new “Wonder Woman” movie. Might be a good one to share with my wife and daughters.

In the meantime, I hope you have a pleasant weekend. I’m out… burning up all that anxious energy leaves me weary.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,617

Sometimes the online discussions are an exercise in frustration.

I’m on a Facebook forum centered around my hometown of Salina, Kansas. Salina is a fairly conservative community, with a large working-class population. There are a number of college-educated folks there, but there is a significant population of folks that didn’t pursue much education beyond high school.

And, of course, I get into arguments with any number of them online.

One popular discussion is the current administration. I’m a critic. A lot of folks in Salina, and in places like Salina, don’t care too much for people like me criticizing a person that they have been convinced is a near-messianic figure in Donald Trump. They disregard his marital woes, ignore his many bankruptcies, and are accepting of his fraud and misogyny.

So I introduced this little mindmap site today, that does a pretty effective job illustrating the relationships between Trump, his associates, and Russia.

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I wanted to get this into my blog so that I knew I would have it in the permanent record. I have a feeling this little mindmap could take on some additional significance in the coming weeks.

This is my go to site now when one of debate opponents says, “Where’s the evidence?”. Granted, trying to get through to some folks is like trying to explain the theory of quantum computing to Jethro Bodine.

I’ll just let this one sit and age… I think it’s likely to age well.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,616

Kids make the difference.

I’m sitting here, wrapping up a decent little indie flick on Netflix called “Goodbye, World”. A virus infects all of the tech, takes everything down, and the world goes to hell for a number of people.

The things I notice are the ties that bind. Friendship can stand any umber of challenges. God knows that during the last couple of years any number of friendships have been strained by the politics here in the states. I’ve lost friends, and I know friends have chosen to block me on social media.

Family endures. Family has to. It’s about blood, and about the things that make families families.

Here;s the thing though… some families kind of suck. I’ve been lucky in this life. My dad is my hero. My mom is my friend. My brothers have my back. And my sister is one of the best human beings I’ve met in this life.

We extend out families. My wife is the foundation of the family I have today. I think I’m here for comic relief.

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It seems that a lot of young couples find a way to walk away when the going gets tough. If there are kids involved, though. people can be, and need to be, a little more inclined to find resolution and compromise.

Kids matter. Kids make the difference. And they are worth the effort.

Thank you, Bonnie, Gracie, and Dane.

Your mom and I have neve had that kind of trouble, but even if we did, you guys would make the difference. We’d find a way. And we have. We’re here. I hope more couples make this choice.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,615

Somedays I find myself wondering “How many wheels are there on this bus?”.

It might be a shorter list of people that didn’t have undeclared contact with the Russians prior to Trump being sworn in.

Right now I’m listening to a recap of Sean Spicer’s daily press conference regarding Trump’s overseas trip, where he may have single-handedly undone some 70 years of diplomacy with our NATO allies.

Dear God, what have we done to deserve this buffoon? Putin has to be chuckling his ass off, because he’s at a spot now where he pretty much can’t lose. If Trump stays in office, Putin gets his way. If Trump resigns, the resulting turmoil helps Putin. If Trump gets impeached, it creates even more chaos.

It’s the most insane time in the history of the United States. People are buying into a false narrative, and I’ve got to start to think that folks will soon realize they’ve been had, but then again, the depth of saturation this set of lies has achieved is going to set us back for years, if not decades.
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Makes for a rather dangerous time.

The United States of America will be fine, but it’s going to take a hell of a leader to patch up the wounds being created by this bunch of right-wing nutjobs currently in the White House.

Peace, y’all.

Day 19,614

Memorial Day, 2017.

A day of remembrance.

I can’t say I’ve had a number of relatives die in support of the Republic. I have one great (5 greats) that dies during the Civil War, John Hendrix Goodheart, that died in Tennessee in 1862. I know he was a Union soldier. Can’t say whether he died of a combat wound or otherwise, but keep in mind somewhere between 620,00 and 817,000 died during that conflict. More than all of the other wars the US has fought in combined.

I know I had relatives that fought for the Confederacy as well.  I haven’t done quite as much digging there as I could have. Am I too hung up on being on the right side of history? Could be. Seems rather important to me in this day and age. I know my lineage includes Benjamin Harrison and Robert King Carter. Significant historical figures, with memorable achievements, but I have to say, the whole “slave-owner” thing has a tendency to neutralize any pride I might have in their being a part of my ancestry.

I have men in my family history that served. My brothers, Tom and Dan Reinsch. My uncles, David Reinsch and Jim Severson. I’ve found men that served in wars going back hundreds of years.

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I am grateful for your service. I wanted to serve but couldn’t, much like my Grampa Reinsch in World War I. He had a hearing loss. I had cancer.

I am grateful. I will encourage my kids to consider service, in honor of those that came before.

Until then…

Peace, y’all.