Day 19,711

How are you doing?

I hope things are going well for you.

I have no idea how old any of you are, but I sometimes think about what I would tell myself if I were to go back in time.

Here are a few things I’d probably tell myself, and hopefully I’d take my own advice.

Good grades matter. Do your homework, and put some effort into it.

Read books for pleasure. Television is great, but reading is personal.

Save your money. Tuck away 20% of every paycheck. You’ll want to be a homeowner some day, so saving up for your down payment can’t start too soon.

Don’t stay up too late, especially on a work or school night. Nothing good happens in a bar of club at 2:00 in the morning.

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Learn to play an instrument, and learn to read music. I love the guitar, but I wish I had learned to read with some proficiency.

Play a sport you can play for the rest of your life. Make it a family activity.

Procrastination can become a bad habit. Make a checklist of the things you need to get done daily, weekly, monthly, and stick to it. Don’t put things off.

I’ll probably have a few more tips down the road, and yes, I will probably repeat myself over and over, but that’s OK. the important things are worth repeating.

Go get a book, or go grab your instrument and relax, jam a little bit.

I’ll write more tomorrow.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,710


Grampa Bob here again.

Today I’m thinking about descriptors and modifiers. They can be important in that “theater of the mind” that can be conversation or writing.

I have a problem with extremities. I have a real problem with every single incident becoming the greatest or the worst of all time. There are degrees. There are adjectives and modifiers to describe things that result in the loss of ten percent of something (decimate), and there’s no sin in describing something as being on the same scale as another event as a mechanism of description.

There are different shades of blue and red. There are a lot of different words to describe “green” or the way the dirt feels in your hand when you pick it up and run your fingers through it. Sand won’t feel like rich, fertile loam, and clay won’t have the same feel as peat.

How does it feel to have grass tickling up between your toes? Describe it to me. Now do the same thing but now you’re walking on lava rock sand on a beach in Hawaii. There’s a difference. The words you choose to describe a sensation matter. How does a wet wall feel?

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I was reading the other day about a D&D group that invited someone to play with them that was visually impaired. The judge running the game has to step up when it came to his verbal descriptions.

Maybe that’s a good habit to get into. Describe things in a way that someone listening to you can have that lightbulb over their head moment, and say “Aha! I know exactly what you’re talking about!”.

Maybe I should take my own advice.

I’m going to grab a little snack and hit the sack.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,709

Almost forgot to make my entry today.

It’s September 2, 2017. Saturday of the three-day weekend celebrating Labor Day on this coming Monday.

And now I’m back to hating this keyboard again.

Chilling on a Saturday night, waiting for Dane to get home from some marching band event, a bonfire over at one of the kid’s house. Hope he gets home safe and soon.

I try to keep my commitment to blogging, and I usually do pretty good, but tonight I was in bed and the thought crossed my mind to just let it go tonight. Then the other voice kicked in and reminded me that I’m not necessarily writing for me anymore. I’m writing for some posterity, trying to pass on something worthwhile to those that come in to being a little later in this timeline, the unknown addressees of this narrative.

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I’ll try to be more interesting next time. But one thing you can take away from this entry. I didn’t feel like writing. I didn’t think I had something special or sparkly to share with you guys tonight, but maybe the thing I ended up sharing is a little positive reinforcement. Sometimes you don’t want to do… it would be easier for me to roll over, turn off the light and just fade for the night, but I made this pledge, and I try to stick to it.

Even when I don’t feel like it. Even if I’d rather just go to sleep.

You’re worth the effort.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,708

Hi kids.

I’m being a little weird tonight, thinking about fantasy/swords and sorcery environments.

Maybe a little bit of an explanation.

Back when I was probably about 14 years old, I was done playing baseball, having chosen other extracurricular activities. My brother, your great uncle Tom, still played and continued to play into college. His coach was a number of years older, and he introduced me to a game called Dungeons and Dragons.

I fell in love with the whole swords and sorcery genre. Read everything I could get my hands on, whether it was Tolkien, L. Sprague DeCamp, Robert E. Howard, or others (Sword of Shannara was a fav).

I always wanted to create and write about a memorable environment or world in that space. Hey, maybe b the time it’s all said and done, I’ll have accomplished that. Maybe one of you guys will find my old notes and semi-filled journals and decide to do something with it.

Maybe you won’t… no pressure.
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I was thinking about magic, and what components one would have to put together to write things down. Can’t use ordinary ink, can’t use ordinary paper. Might need special substances to seal the scrolls and spellbooks.

Just thinking.

Hope you’re having a good day.

‘Bout time for me to head up to bed. Maybe I’ll gather some more insight into the process tomorrow.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,707

Hi kids.

It’s Thursday, August 31, 2017. Last day of the month.

Gramma made a cake for Gracie to take into her studio tomorrow. She can’t believe I can’t smell it. I’m a little stuffy tonight, might be due to the changing organics in the air. Some of ’em really get to me and clog me up.

I’m watching the last pre-season game of the Kansas City Chiefs. I’m kind of wondering whether or not professional football will even exist in 20 or 30 years. Lots of controversy surrounding the long term damage the sport has on the brains of the players.

I played in high school. Dane played from 2nd grade through 7th grade. Started off on a great championship team with some older kids, and finished out on the 7th grade championship team. He hung it up on 8th grade… he just wasn’t having fun anymore.

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Maybe the technology will improve, and the game will become safer to play in the future. Maybe they’ll come up with treatments to help the players that have had a few too many concussions and are being challenged by the prolonged after-effects.

Time will tell. In a perfect world, the sport will become safer, and the athletes won’t have to worry about lingering injuries that scar them for the rest of their lives.

I can hope.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,706

Hey, kids.

Grampa Bob here, waiting for Gracie to get back from her studio work up on campus.

Dane and I just kicked back for a bit to watch an episode of “The History of Comedy” on CNN. The subject was satire, and they covered quite a bit of territory, from Mel Brooks to Key & Peele. Good stuff.

Look at the world differently.

You always will. Your perception of the world is unique to you. And the things you find funny about our world can be shared.


Sometimes the things you find funny just need to remain a private joke. Between you and the other voices in your pointy little head.

Other times, cut loose.

Just own the joke.

Some people are not going to find you funny.
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One of y’all is going to be an absolute hoot to be around. I’m saying it. One of you descendants is going to be the funniest guy in your cohort.

Some of y’all just need to kick back and listen. Enjoy others. Maybe try not to be funny.

Some people have it. Some people don’t.

Gracie is home now, so I guess I can call it a night.

Be funny. If you can.

Love you.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,705

OK, it’s Tuesday night, August 29, 2017.

Time for me to chat with the progeny.

A number of weeks back, I sprained my wrist falling into the old washer out in the garage after I tripped walking across the floor. I think I recall catching my foot on something as I was moving towards the fridge out there, and took a spill.

Left wrist is starting to feel better. With the prospect of some prep time coming up, I’m contemplating getting in a round of golf during over the next couple of weeks. I’ve only played half a round of golf this year, so getting out wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Folks down in Texas are still in bad shape. One old trainer friend is calling it in and heading for higher ground. Others have been a little more fortunate. Trump showed up today to tell people that everything is going well and the crowds are huge. He apparently is selling hats, too. Because when you’ve lost your home and all your possessions, the one thing on your mind is buying a Chinese-made “Make America Great Again” hat.

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My class is going well. Can’t complain about one-student classes. We’ll be wrapped up a little earlier, and that’s not a bad thing either.

Time for me to head upstairs. I hope you all dream of relaxing days on the beach.

I’m going to pursue that reverie as well.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,704

Hello, descendants!

Grampa Bob trying to make sure my blog is more interesting than that of any other grumpy old grandparents that show up in the family tree.

The news is still full of stories about how bad things are and are continuing to worsen in Texas with Hurricane Harvey.

Don’t worry, kids, we’re making some donations.

I don’t have a boat, so I can’t rescue.

I’m not physically fit, so I’d be more of a liability than a help, to be honest.

So, I take some time, figure out which charities are legitimate, and make a few donations.

I think it’s important to spread things around a little bit, but we’re doing what we can.

I do feel for those folks caught in that bit of chaos.

I’m a jerk. I’ll admit that. But I’m not a heartless jerk.

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People are hurting.

That’s the state of the world today.

And tomorrow, other people will be hurting. I’ll do what I can then as well.

And some of those people will be frauds, just trying to pocket as much cash as possible.

You know what? They might fool me and get some money from me and gramma that would be better going to somebody else.

I can’t do anything about the fakers and the frauds. Their karma is their karma, and in the long term, if they get bit in the ass, that’s just a little bit of what goes around comes around.

Help where you can. If you can do a little more, please do. The old fart you save might be this old fart.

Love you.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,703

Hey kids! Grampa Bob here again.

It’s August 27, 207.

Hurrican Harvey is trashing Texas right now. Will be for a couple more days. I wonder what the history books will have written in them about this particular meteorological episode? I also can’t help but wonder what additional events will follow. Will things get better? Will they get worse? Will we start seeing a trend towards more storms such as this, and even more power behind them?

It’s kind of scary, watching giant tornadoes cut a path across a map.

I saw a picture today of senior citizens in a nursing home awaiting evacuation. The water in the nursing home was up to their chests, and they were wheelchair bound.

I can’t help but wonder how many people are going to die due to this weather event.

There is going to be billions upon billions of dollars worth of infrastructure damage and property damage in Texas. A terrible, terrible event.
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In my lifetime there have been any number of “name” storms that have wreaked havoc on the coasts of America. Camille. Andrew. Katrina, Sandy.

I remember flying out of Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina just as Bertha was hitting the coast. I saw if from the air, and it might be one of the most incredible things I’ve ever witnessed. Bertha was nothing compared to this storm.

TIme will tell how bad this week really was in storm history.

From my perspective, it’s pretty darn bad.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,702

Getting ready t head upstairs and head to bed, 9:42 on a Saturday night.

Yesterday my mom turned 75. For any descendants of ours that read this, know that my mom is a loving woman that was warm and creative. She loves her art, and she loves watching children and grandchildren play sports. It’s her love of football, basketball, and baseball that was passed on to me.

My dad is more of a motorsports guy.

I love to watch, and when I was younger, I loved to play. These days, the only thing I find myself really enjoying is an occasional round of golf. Pretty safe sport, I know, so long as there aren’t any lightning strikes nearby.

Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday. I have a feeling she’ll be Gramma, or Gramma Lisa or something else along those lines by the time y’all come into the world.

She is an incredible woman. An inventor, an engineer,  a mom, and a wife. A few other things could be added to that list. A good Christian woman. a lover of small animals, especially (!) small dogs.

And my partner for life.

She turns 29 again. There’s a story there. You guys should ask her about it.

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I’ll turn 54 in a few weeks.

Is it football season yet.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all if football is no longer played in fifteen or twenty years.

Time will tell.

I’m going to go grab some shut-eye.

You all be nice to one another.

Peace y’all.