Day 19,752

Hey kids… old fat Grampa Bob trying to be less of a reprehensible human today than what I was yesterday.

In your lives, you are going to come across and interact with a lot of people, unless of course, you choose to hide in your basement away from anything remotely involving social interaction.

If you have any of my socialization genes, that’s not likely to happen.

Let me clarify this whole “reprehensible” thing. A while back, someone whom I respect referred to me as a reprehensible human being because I stated that federal aid to hurricane-stricken areas of the United States should be prioritized over Trump’s proposed “wall”. I was accused of politicizing a tragedy due to my feelings about this administration.

I try to understand where this is coming from. Keep in mind that I have a different set of life experiences than this other person. I’ve never served in the military, and he was a Marine that took a vow to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I wanted to serve, but couldn’t due to an illness I suffered before I signed my contract while I was in ROTC.

To be honest, I probably wouldn’t have been a very good military officer. That’s another story.

The thing is, that accusation has stuck with me. Am I reprehensible?
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I looked it up. To be reprehensible means that a person is deserving of blame or strong criticism.

It’s pretty hard to argue against that definition. I am a sinner, I have opinions that are unpopular with some, and I have a tendency to shoot my mouth off.

I am reprehensible. And I’m not likely to change.

Love you guys.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,751

Hey kids.

Grampa would really like to be brief tonight, but two hundred words is still two hundred words, so here we go.

Last night I wrote about humility and being humble.

Today I watched an example of lack of humility.

I remember a running back named Barry Sanders. Barry lived by a little mantra of “act like you’ve been there before”. Not a bad philosophy really. Any number of athletes perform some cool act on the field.

Rather than let that moment speak for itself, nope, it becomes time to take it to another level.

ANd they act like they’ve never been there before.

One of the worst is a player I cheer for every week, the Tight End of the Kansas City Chiefs. The guy does any number of great things every week, but he never seems to fail at coming up with some act of stupidity that costs the team fifteen yards.

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Is it that important?

Can’t let the play stand on its own merits?

It’s all sour grapes for me today anyway. My team lost, and I’m grumpy.

I probably ought to drink a glass of water or milk or something else and drag my fat butt to bed.


Peace y’all.

Day 19,750

OK, so it’s fat, old Grampa Bob trying to lay down a little bit of something to thnk about.

How about we address the idea of humility?

A popular song on the radio (yes, we still have radio in 2017) is a song by Tim McGraw called “Humble and Kind”. You should look it up and listen to it. For this day and age, its meaning is deep and powerful, and it has an appeal that can only be described as transcendent.

You might find out you are very good at something, you might decide to be competitive. For me, that was track and field, running, jumping, hurdling, when I was very young. For you, it might be volleyball, or basketball, maybe even something like golf, music, dancing, math… any number of things, maybe even chess.

It’s OK to want to be the best at something.

Doesn’t mean you need to rub other people’s noses in your success. Just the opposite.

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You might find yourself winning easily against people that have invested hours and hours into something, and come up short.

Stop and think how they feel for a second.

What I would suggest is you stop and thank them. Maybe it was there presence and their effort that propelled you to do you your best.

Be a good winner.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,749

Hey kids, it’s Friday night and the end of another work week. Grampa Bob was teaching people how to get some things done in the Microsoft Office 365 environment, and things went pretty well for the most part, with an occasional issue directly related to the “moving target” characteristics of a service that changes at the drop of a hat.

It’s pretty challenging for the curriculum designers to keep up with, and because they can’t, I have to. That’s the nature of my job.

Now I’m done, taking a bit of a breather, then I’ll get some shuteye and get ready for the challenges I’ll have to face tomorrow, getting up early to get the yard and house in order for an open house tomorrow.

I think tomorrow’s open house will be the last for awhile. We’re getting a little tired of the level of order and neatness we’ve had to maintain while we’ve had the house on the market.

I’ve grown weary of the disappointment. Had a contract on the house in July, and the buyer backed out. It would be nice to get an off under our belts, but as we’ve already missed out on the house we were hoping to buy, I’ve become a little apathetic for now.
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I know we’ll get it sold, but right now I’ll be happy just to get through the winter, then we’ll put it back on market and see what happens.

In the meantime…

Peace y’all.

Day 19,748

Hey, future grandkids, what’s shakin’?

Sometimes you are going to deal with situations that are really out of your control, for one reason or another, things are not going to go in the direction you would prefer.

This week I’m teaching a class that is centered on services being provided by a different organization.

An organization outside my sphere of influence.

I have zero control over what happens with their services. Seriously. But I’m teaching the products and the labs that they re hosting on their site.

Today we had an outage that lasted close to three hours. That was more than a little bit of a distraction.

It affected me.

But, what’s an old, fat, bald guy to do?
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You roll with it.

You spend a little more time in lecture, you work ahead in the book, you talk about the hands-on labs the guys are about to do, and you hope that the service gets restored so you can get back to work and try and provide an adequate learning environment.

And you don’t get upset with the situation. OK, so I might make a few jokes here and there to try and lighten the tone a bit.

But you roll with it.

I did. I hope you can, too.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,747

OK. It’s a Wednesday night, and I’m trying to think of something worth chatting about with my future grandkids… and believe it or not, I’ve been doing a little thinking, a little pondering, and little cerebral ping pong.

Let me ask you this… what did you guys do today to try and make yourself a better human being?

Did you spend some time reading something that made you think about the plight of others? Dod you have a good idea on how to help some folks?

Did you read a poem?

Did you write a poem?

Threw you a curve with that one didn’t I?

But part of trying to be a better human being can be tied very closely to the arts and self-expression. You have to let those things out, let ’em breathe, let ’em take on a life of their own.

Maybe grab an instrument and tickle out a melody you like. Doodle.

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Listen to someone and try to understand how that person is feeling.

Experience something.

I do a lot of my self-improvement by reading, and sometimes I make a comment about how what I’ve read has affected me.

Just try to care. Do good things. Pray.

Avoid being called reprehensible.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,746

Hi, kids. Today, I’m going to jump right on in, and come clean early in this little blog post.

I’m tired.

When I have prep weeks, I don’t have to worry too much about getting up early and driving an hour to work to embrace the day. I get to sleep in a little more, and I don’t have to worry so much about things like driving, dressing, and (shhh!) taking a shower for the first major event of the day.

Yeah. I know it might sound a little “off”, but I’m being honest with you.

Some days I don’t shave until four o’clock in the afternoon.

Don’t panic. You’ll get over it.

I’m heading in to work in good time tomorrow to resume teaching my Office 365 class. We’ve had a couple of setbacks, but nothing I haven’t had to deal with before.

Some folks go through lab fast, others a slower and a little more methodical.

The older I get, the more methodical I become, so don’t pick on old people, OK?
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We’re learning.

Sometimes it takes a little time to figure out which penguins we’re going to kick off the iceberg.

This is the past where I’ normally say something like “Rant over”.

I’m not really ranting.

Just tired.

I’m going to go to bed now.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,745

Monday’s can be a bit of a bummer. Heaven knows mine could have gone a little better, but let’s not dwell on the negatives tonight, shall we?

What do you guys think about comfort food?

There are certain dishes that people seem to embrace, give them a warm feeling, possibly reminding folks of safe harbors, home cooking, and enveloping hugs from a grandma or two.

Macaron and Cheese. Biscuits and Gravy. Pie… the kind really doesn’t matter. Pumpkin pie, apple pie, strawberry-rhubarb pie, heck, I’d guess there are a couple of Irish families out there that think shepherd’s pie is a comfort food.


Bread pudding.

Dear lord, I’m going to make myself hungry just writing this blog entry.

Chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk.

Chocolate drop cookies like my Gramma Reinsch used to make, right beside those pecan cinnamon rolls that I could lose my mind over every time we went to Sioux City to see my grandparents.


Chocolate chip ice cream.

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There’s always something that takes you back to a warm, snuggly place where you can be left alone… just you and your cookie.

Good times.

Good memories.

Comfort food.

What’s yours? Meatloaf? Cheesecake?

Ah… I got one. The one my kids will turn to time and time again… my wife’s chicken and noodles. I know a couple of you guys reading this thought of that, especially if any of my kids carry on that particular tradition.

Chicken and noodles.

Comfort food.

Go hug your folks, pet your dog and get ready for bed. Love you.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,744

Today was a good day to think about future grandkids.

That means we were talking and thinking about you.

Today we made a family trip to Clay Center. We went to my mom and dad’s place and weren’t there very long when my mom’s sisters and their husbands joined them for an afternoon get-together.

It was pretty special.

There comes a time when you wonder how many more get-togethers like this we all might have in store as time goes by. None of us are getting any younger, and as we age, the travel becomes a little more difficult, and even though the mind is willing, sometimes the body says no.

I know that medicine might be on the verge of some pretty incredible solutions, cures, and treatments to the maladies of aging, but we can’t count on promise or vapor.

Now is the only time that exists, and it is impacting me as well. I need to make a better effort to see my family these days. I have been remiss in that.
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I’m not worried about you kids. Whereas I’m a bit of a selfish jerk that often looks to get out of family get-togethers, you all are blessed with my beloved wife’s DNA and character, which means you are more likely to go out of your way to spend time with friends and family.

Throw in a little Catholic guilt, and I know I’m going to have a little company from time to time in the whatever nursing home you guys pick out for me.

Love you guys.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,743

Greetings to any future grandchildren of mine. It is October 7, 2017.

Today, our local university football team was pretty much stomped by another team in the same conference.

We’ve become rather accustomed to that over the time we’ve lived here in Lawrence.

Kansas football isn’t very good. I sometimes think we drop an entire season of football into the karma bank and then take withdrawals out all the way through basketball season.

I really don’t see the football program getting much better in the foreseeable future. I do feel for the players and coaches. All of these young men probably played on very successful teams growing up. These guys were the best around.

For years I was the youth football coach on the team Dane played on when he still played football.

I was not a great coach.
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(I just got done writing a longer piece about my failures as a youth sports coach, and I never even touched on a few of my character flaws that appeared while I tried to coach Bonnie & Gracie’s basketball team back in the day.)

Suffice it to say that some people are better suited to coaching youth sports than I ever was.

That’s a pretty easy conclusion to come to. I complained too much about the officiating and took things too personally.

I hope you guys have a better experience.

Peace y’all.