Day 19,782

Every time I sit down to write a little note to you, who I hope are my future grandchildren, I try to think about writing something meaningful. I want to write something that makes you think, “Hey, ol’d Grampa Bob was kind of interesting. It would be nice just have lunch with him.”

I’m not saying you have to drive yourselves over to whatever convalescent care facility they’ve got me in.

I hope you discover a passion for something in your lives. I hope you choose curiosity over complacence. I hope you play a musical instrument for enjoyment, like the guitar or the piano. I hope you look at books and feel the need to crack it open and read, expanding your horizons.

I hope you dream.

Make friends. Make music. Make memories. Make love.

Keep track and do further research into our family tree. There are more than a few interesting folks in the mix.

Play games with your friends and family. Support your teams, even if you choose not to participate in that particular sport.

Run. Jump. Throw. Swim. Dig. Shoot. Set. Spike. Dribble. Dunk. D-up.

Be a good teammate, the unselfish kind that wants to make another team member have a career high on the day their special family member finally comes to see them play.
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Do unto others.

I once thought that if what goes around, comes around, then the most selfish thing you can do is give of yourself at every opportunity. It all comes back to you, one way or the other.

And know you are loved. I might not be around to tell you personally, but know that as a member of this family, we love. You might be a direct descendant, you might be adopted. Doesn’t matter. You are family, and I’m going to love you. Gramma is going to love you. Your mom and dad love you, your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles love you.

And the dog, too.

Especially the dog.

Have a great day. Go read a book.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,781

It’s Tuesday night, Kansas is playing Kentucky in an early season non-conference matchup, and I have two hundred words to crank out as quickly as possible so I can get back to watching the game.

Sessions had to meet before the Judiciary Committee today.  It was a little ugly.

Had to get an estimate on getting the roof replaced. Close to six thousand dollars. Ugh. Not excited about taking this to the next step or level or whatever noun is most appropriate at this point.

Tie game.

Three minutes left.


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Can’t say I had the most productive day in the world. Did get some things done, but there are definitely some things I need to address tomorrow.

I also need to think about a couple of presentations I’m going to have coming up in February if my proposals are accepted for the MCT Summit up in Seattle.

Also waiting to hear if I earned a renewal as a Regional Lead for the Microsoft Certified Trainer program. As one of a handful of trainers sitting over twenty years, I would like to think I’m a shoe-in for the role, but the reality is that it is somebody else’s court on that decision.

I’m going to get back to the game. I met my pledge.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,780

Hello, my future grandchildren.

It’s been an interesting day in the world. Where should I begin?

Looks like a fifth accuser has come out discussing her experience being molested by Alabama judge (twice removed from the bench) Roy Moore. Looks like he was also banned from an area shopping mall in the 80’s for creeping out all the ladies.

In another part of the news, we need to put in a little historical context. Wikileaks has been at the center of some of the controversy surrounding the 2016 election, and for a long time folks thought that Wikileaks and Julian Assange were neutral parties, but even the CEO Director Mike Pompeo has pretty much admitted Wikileaks was working as a bad actor on behalf of Putin and the Russian government. For months, Trump has been saying that there was no collusion between his election campaign and Russia, but now we find out that there were multiple contacts initiated by Donald Trump, Jr. to Wikileaks.

I’m thinking this whole “no collusion” line from the Trump side is a whole lot of smoke being blown up my butt.

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Time will tell.

Oooh, and tomorrow, Jeff Sessions has to “clear up” some of his sworn testimony before the Senate judiciary committee.

Things are going to get very interesting real fast.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,779

My mind is all over the place tonight.

There are people arguing over on Facebook over the quality of their material possession. I’ve got two wankers showing off pictures of their motorcycles and their four-by-fours thinking that they are settling some sort of argument.

Weird from my perspective. People have their most valuable persona; possessions and I’ll be darned if I didn’t look at my books and guitars before I looked at anything with an engine in it.

Books have taken me to places in the universe no engine could ever take me.

I think my most valuable book. other than our family bible, is likely to be either my original three-booklet boxed set of the original rules for Dungeons and Dragons or my leather bound trilogy of the Lord of the Rings.

Then there are my guitars.

I love the guitar.

It’s a wonderful instrument. The way my fingers can interact with the wood, and the pickups, into a processor, then out through the amplifier.

It can be a lot of fun.
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Yep. It’s definitely either my books or my guitars. I mean, by the time you guys get to be old enough to drive, nobody will be driving anymore. You’ll just take some autonomous car service that picks you up at point a and drops you off at point b.

I tell my kids to learn to drive like a robot. They’ll be the last humans driving on the roads.

Anybody prone to distraction will be replaced with a bot.

Time for this old man to think about hitting the sack.

Hope you’re right with the world today.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,778

Hello, once again, to my future grandchildren.

Grampa is a bit pissed off tonight, so I thought I should add a little disclaimer before I went off on my two hundred word rant about the CiC. (To military folks, that means “Commander in Chief”. For me, it means “Cheeto in Charge).

The man sitting in the White House is an idiot. A full-blown, narcissistic, deny-the-truth idiot.

Since the before the 2016 election, people were aware that the Russian intelligence community was engaged in an attack on our democratic system. A comprehensive influence campaign against Hillary Clinton. Pro-Trump, Pro-Sanders, Pro-Stein. Anything that would prevent HRC from becoming President of the United States.

People bought it.

Trump won.

And every single member of the intelligence community knew it.

Now Trump has a little meeting with Putin, and he’s convinced that it never happened. He’s arguing with his own ambassador to Russia , his own CIA chief, and just about every other member of the American intelligence community that doesn’t match the room temperature.

The Russians interfered.

The Russians wanted Trump in the White House.
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And they succeeded in the greatest exploit in US political history.

There are still any number of Trump supporters that are in abject denial about this reality. Others are coming around. They’re seeing the signs on the wall.

This will not end well.

We elected a moron. Some knew it. Others needed a little more time. But we elected the least qualified President in American history. This is going to hurt. We’ll be better because of it, but we have to first accept that it happened.

It happened.

The Russians manipulated us.

We can’t be fine with that.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,777

OK, I’m flat out letting you know that I am phoning this one in, another stream of thought attempt at getting two hundred words in because this fat old man is tired.

Watched KU open their season tonight, running Tennessee State off the court. Enjoyable, expected, but nothing really to write home about, or write to the future about.

Finished up my class in good order today. Taught Microsoft Exchange to four people, three in the room and one remote based out of Cincinnati. It was enjoyable, and my remote student, Craig, was maybe the most engaged remote student that I’ve ever had. Certainly makes it easier for me.

Dane and I need to get out of the house and do some stuff tomorrow. Maybe go see a movie. There are a couple of movies in the theaters these days that look like they’re worthwhile.

I’m off work to prep the next four weeks. Of course, the Thanksgiving holiday takes up a couple of days during one of those weeks… that’s partially amended due to the fact that one of my new classes is a three day. Odd to have a three-day class these days, just about all of my classes these days are five days.
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Anyway, there are my two hundred words. I’m going to get some sleep.

Hope all is well in your world.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,776

Another night, another episode of blogger’s block.

My class is going pretty well this week, I really can’t complain about things on that front.

If any of you reading this are Dane’s kids, take this opportunity to bug him about not raking up the leaves in the yard.

Gracie is a wizard in the kitchen, whipping up snacks out of nothing but a few ingredients. She could also stand to do a better job cleaning up after herself after one of her culinary adventures.

I’m watching football.

We’re trying to sell our house, and get moved into a house that has a main floor master. We thought we had a buyer lined up, but it looks like their demands following the inspection are going to be too much for us. We would have to take too much out of our budget to pay for a new roof right now.
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They are going to be very disappointed in our response.

In the meantime, we can relax a little bit around here. It will be nice to relax a bit, enjoy the holidays, and take another run at this mess again in the spring.

I hope your day is going well.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,775

Wednesday night, relaxing after a long day.

Hope your day has gone well.

I was thinking the other day about the types of jobs that don’t exist today but will likely exist in the future.

I was rather taken with the idea of a food designer, someone who works with different food textures and flavors to sculpt a more interesting meal. Something involving molecular gastronomy techniques that exist today, as well as techniques that have yet to be created.

I look forward to the chocolate offerings. It seems when someone has a weird idea to create something sweet, they go for chocolate in round one.

Autonomous Traffic Auditor. Footprint Consultant.

I’m just kind of wandering around this. I’m tired, and just kind of struggling to write something interesting tonight.
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Watched an interesting documentary about the Paradise Papers. You might look them up. They could have an effect on the current political environment.

Sorry… these days a lot of my thoughts wander back to the state of the world, and wondering how many of us are going to get through this administration in one piece. Historically, when a politician is threatened, something pops up to serve as a crazy distraction.

That could happen.

Think North Korea.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,774

Hey, I’m back. Thought about breaking into song, but nobody needs that.

It’s an election night and looks like some things are breaking in a decidedly anti-Trump direction.

Like D sweeps in a lot of major races.

Trump is off in Korea, embarrassing the US on a worldwide stage.

I can’t wait for the big indictments to come down. I’m still of the opinion that when the floodgates open, a lot of the trash in the current administration is going to get swept away. Starting at the top.

Until then, I bite my tongue and wait. Bide my time. Wait for the next domino.

I’m still fairly positive that things will get corrected, and America will get on track.

That said, every little victory is one I celebrate. Every indictment, every investigative news story that drops another bomb worthy of further investigation.
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I don’t want to be a hateful person, but I don’t have much of a problem with some getting what they’ve got coming after years of deceit and fraud.

And then there’s the possibility of collusion and treason.

That cannot stand.

And people need to open their eyes and see the evidence being presented. It’s getting more and more damning every day.

I hope you can look back on this piece of history and smile at the outcome.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,773

It’s a Monday. As you may have discovered, some Mondays are more Monday-ish than others.

Mine was OK. The real “Monday” didn’t hit ’til I got home.

This whole process of trying to sell a house is a pain the ass. Inspections and finger-pointing. We’re on our second contract with the house, and I have a feeling this won’t be the last. Nit-picking and nickel-n-diming. It’s a pain.

But, meanwhile…

The United States has a mental health issue at the highest levels…

That’s a quote.

From Trump.

I agree.

America has a mental health issue.

At the highest levels.

Namely, the Commander in Chief.
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I feel like cutting it short tonight. I’m lacking a bit of motivation to get to my stated goal, so I resort to bad habits.

I blather.

I come up with just about any combination of words that make sense in an effort to get to my two hundred word pledge.

Hey… whatever it takes.

So long as I get to that two hundred word objective.

I’m not there yet, so I keep writing whatever I can come up with.

It’s not eloquent. It’s filler. It’s the old ‘lorem ipsum’ that was used to fill in the old advertising templates from college. ‘Greeking’ I think it was called.

But I got there.

Peace y’all.