Day 19,802

Good evening, whoever you are, wherever you are.

Today was a bit of a special day. We had the inspection of the new house. Spent a couple of hours checking the outlets, firing up the stove, filling up the bathtub, turning on the showers, looking at the trim, and checking that all of the garage doors opened and closed.

Well, that’s what the inspector and Lisa did.

I walked around.

Took a few measurements.

Played with the owner’s dog, Dopey.

Walked the property… man, oh, man… that’s going to be a lot of mowing.

We’ll get it figured out.

It’ll take a few hours every other weekend, but that’s the nature of it, right?

I don’t want to move out to the country and have a crappy yard.
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Gracie is excited, planning all of the different things she wants to accomplish out in the barn.

I think the biggest change is going to be the draw to the outdoors. The yard, the pond, the pool, the deck.

Did I tell you we’re going to have 100 Mbps Internet access… yeah… roughing it.

I’m going to need to figure out how to get the wifi signal spread around a little bit.

Maybe hang a few Raspberry Pis as webcams around the property, keep an eye on things.

Stick a wind turbine up over the barn, maybe?

It’ll be an adventure.

Peace y’all

Day 19,801

Time to reflect on the day and think about what I did or didn’t do that is worthy of any sort of archive.

Not much today, really.

Went to the dentist this morning to get my teeth cleaned and get a check-up. I’m not a good person when it comes to going to the dentist regularly. I have a reputation for procrastinating for years, I had a number of bad experiences when I went to the dentist as a younger person, and I just don’t like going.

I hope you are blessed with teeth more like those of my beloved, and a lot less like me.

Anyway, this was a spa-type experience, which I knew was coming, but I really didn’t know what to expect.

There was a darkened room. There was ambient, relaxing music. There were warm mittens, blankets on my legs, a warm stone on my forehead, cool something on my eyes, and a warm mask on my face.

I didn’t just relax… I got smoothed out. Skippy-style.

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It was probably my best dental experience in my life, and at 54, I’ve had a couple.

So, I recommended it to some other friends. One friend, a dentist, maybe didn’t think quite so highly of me recommending his competition.

I didn’t put his practice down. He took a moment and mentioned some of the things his practice does to address the needs of anxious patients like me. He was cool.

I’m still smoothed out.

Time to go hit the sack, I guess. New home inspection tomorrow.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,800

Every day we’re getting closer to closing and moving.

It’s kind of crazy.

I’ve lived in this house longer than I have lived in any house in my life. Obviously, the same goes for all of the kids. Might even be the same situation for my wife, but if it is, I don’t recall her mentioning that to me.

It seems almost insurmountable, you know? So much stuff we have to worry about transporting from point A to point B. I wonder how people that have to move frequently for work deal with it.

But… that’s progress. Changes. New surroundings. New beginnings.

A little extra elbow room.

Tuesday we go over for the inspection of the property. I received a laser measuring tool today. We’ve been messing around with it a little bit, learning how the device works.

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It’s a little silly watching two 54-year-old folks running around measuring things for giggles.

So much to plan for…

I still need to figure out where we can get Chinese delivery out there, and the occasional pizza. Fortunately, Lisa will have a commute home from KU that takes her past a couple of grocers and more than a couple of restaurants.

We’ll get it all figured out.

I might have to learn to cook a little bit better. I don’t think Lisa would mind if I worked on my cooking chops.

Peace y’all

Day 19,799

It’s a Saturday night in Lawrence, Gramma has already gone to bed, it’s just about ten o’clock, and the tv is on. It’s going to be a stream of thought kind of night.

Right now I am grateful for comprehensive spell-checking, because I have no idea what my bog would look like if I didn’t have something worked out to check my typing.


It’s not that my spelling is bad. It’s that my keyboard work is bad. I mistype a lot of words when I really get going.

Went back to work on my homebrew gaming environment again. I started thinking about the layers of history that I might want to work in. How many ancestral civilizations do I need to make things interesting.

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I’ll start off with players working in the 7th age. I have no idea what I want to call it, but having 6 layers coming before ought to keep things interesting.

Some ages will have conflict… well, actually, all ages will have conflict, (DER!), but some will have combat based on traditional war, then magic, then focusing on the other sentient species in the world.

We’ll see where it goes. It will be interesting to see what I can work out/flesh out as differences between two adventures. We’ll see.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,798

It’s a Friday night in Lawrence.

It’s been an interesting day here in the world.

Looks like the Trump administration’s former national security advisor has pled guilty to at least one charge of lying (one charge relating to multiple instances).

I imagine there are some boots shaking in the District of Columbia tonight.

Can’t come soon enough for me.


Yeah, this is the big meanwhile…

The tax plan is currently in front of the Senate is being debated and finalized, and by tomorrow morning, a small group of people that are in the pocket of the wealthiest Americans are going to make a decision as to whether or not they are going to borrow money from the future to pay for a huge tax break today.

It drives me up the wall.

A lot of people are going to get hurt.
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And a small group, insulated from the reality of the lower class and middle class, don’t have to care. They’ll have their blinders up and won’t have to come face to face with that real-world experience outside of their mansions, high-rise penthouses, and country clubs.

It kind of pisses me off.

Even if we benefit from this plan.

We probably won’t.

Can’t write off a company jet.

Pisses me off.

I’m stewing.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,797

Hi gang… whoever you might be tonight.

I started writing on a daily basis earlier this year. I came across a twitter feed called ‘Writerology’, and they had what they called a #WriteChain challenge. You pledge to write on a daily basis.

In my case, I thought it would make a good exercise, but I also thought about attainable goals. If I were to make a pledge of writing a thousand words per day, or four pages per day, I know that pledge wouldn’t have lasted a week.

I had to make sure that I could attain my goal, and that I could do it on a daily basis.

I have done pretty well, with a couple of delays, and one incident where I was trying to do my writing on my phone, and let me tell you, trying to write a blog on a phone might be ok for some people, but I’m not going to be that guy.

I’ve found a decent time to write – I write before I go to bed each night, but on occasion, I have chosen to get my pledge fulfilled earlier in the day.
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You should do that with your goals. They need to be attainable. You need to be mindful of them. And after you’ve achieved one goal, you need to set the bar a little higher and keep on pushing.

I might do that after a complete year, maybe pledge to bump up my word count to three hundred words.

Time will tell. Until then…

Peace y’all.

Day 19,796

I spent a little time today reading about blogs, and ideas for blog entries, and on the first page, I came across a quote by Anais Nin. I can’t recall the specific quote, but I came across one that I thought was rather relevant –

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

It’s an interesting quote, but it is important. As I witness history being made, whether at the micro level that we see within our family, or at the macro level, which we see at the local, state, federal, or international level, I have to keep in mind that I see things through my own set of filters. I have a tendency to see things through my own set of filters, more likely to see things I want to see, and more likely to ignore the things that I don’t.

I likely see positive aspects of politicians whose ideas align with my own, and I am more likely to be more critical of those politicians whose ideologies run counter to my own. I need to recognize that and take that “filtering” into consideration when I try to make decisions.

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The truth is a weird place, but if I’m ever going to get there, I have to accept the truth about what I see and how I perceive the incoming experience.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,795

OK. Today I stopped and thought about a lot of things, and also found a way to get some of the things I had to get done in support of our prospective move.

We have the new roof going on the house in the next couple of days.  I need to spend a little more time working the garage, getting as many things boxed up as I possibly can in a relatively short amount of time.

January 19, 2018 is starting to loom over me a little bit.

Inspections next week.

I’m kind of losing my mind.

We’ve got Christmas, we’ve got Bonnie’s birthday an New Years. There just seems to be so many things coming up in the next few weeks, and we have so many other things to address in support of the move.

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Yeah, we have a great new house… and I’m looking forward to the new house, and the new start, and the new everything… it’s all going to be a tremendous adventure.

I’m going to get butterflies fourteen ways from Sunday just thinking about everything we have to get done.

It’s a bit overwhelming.

But, we’ll find a way to get it all done. Everything will be under control.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,794

So, what shall we talk about today?

The idiot in the White House recognized a couple of World War II Navajo Code Talkers today, and somehow in his feeble little mind, came to the conclusion that using a racial slur was a good idea.

Please, I hope this international nightmare that is the Trump administration comes to a conclusion sooner rather than later. The guy embarrasses the entire country on almost a daily basis, whether it’s about a lack of sensitivity to widows or minorities, lying about the volume of time he spends on the golf course, or whining about how the press is out to get him.

There are very good reasons the press is pursuing the story. One of the primary reasons is that there is one. First, no one in his re-election campaign had no contact with any Russian representatives, then it reached double-digit contacts.

Rule of thumb with Trump – if he complains about something, he’s hiding something.
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How the people of this country got fooled on such an epic scale, I have no idea, but it will take decades to correct the problems he is creating. I pray for you young ones, I really do. And I’m sorry more couldn’t have been done to prevent this from happening.

Please forgive us.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,793

OK… let me think.

What kind of message do I want to leave to my future grandkids today.

Don’t get too hung up on being a sports fan. Your team will eventually let you down.

I’m a bit grumpy.

In professional football, the team I adore, the Kansas City Chiefs, started off the season 5-0.

We were sitting on top of the world. Everything was going great. Our quarterback had not thrown a single interception on the year.

Sadly, I guess I root for a team that peaks in September.

Playoffs are in January.

Yeah, that’s not a great combination.

My Chiefs have currently lost five of their last six games.

Needless to say, the quarterback is no longer getting a whole lot of support for the most valuable player, ya know?

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Sometimes it’s not so much the sheer fact that they’re losing, it’s also the teams they are losing to. Chiefs started off by beating two teams that are the top of their conferences. Now we’re losing to teams that are coming in with one win. It is very frustrating.

At least I have basketball to fall back on.

Yeah, I know, I shouldn’t get too hung up on sports.

Can’t help it.

Hope I get a chance to see you guys play.


That’s not a sports thing.

That’s a family thing.

Love you.

Peace y’all.