Day 19,868

Hey kids, old fat Grampa Bob providing you with a recap of the day’s festivities.

So, I wrapped up my Skype class. Out of two students I had for the week, one showed up today. The other guy had to deal with some emergency back at work. Wish he could’ve made it in today, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.

I grabbed a few extra things from work on my way out the door… some of the things that I had been stashing at the office during the move, so, in other words, guitars. I still need to figure out where and how I’m going to get back t laying down a track or two. We’ll get it figured out. In the meantime, I have an acoustic to noodle around on, might even formulate an idea or two.

Got back to town, had a little lunch over at the old neighborhood hangout, 23rd Street Brewery then picked up a few things over at the grocery store – breakfast stuff primarily, although it’s never wrong to have a large container of chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer.

Maybe the lottery ticket I bought will be a winner this time. Probably not, but hey. the odds of winning the lottery go up by a factor of infinity if you actually buy a ticket.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
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Lisa and I went into town for a few things later in the afternoon/earlier in the evening, then had a little dinner at the new neighborhood hangout, Set-“em Up Jacks. Lisa had the chicken, I grabbed a 12oz KC Strip.. can’t really complain. The steak was alright, and the desserts were this side of alright.

After that, we came home, started a fire in the fireplace (wood burning stove), and watched the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics. Quite the spectacle.

That’s all I have for now. I could go on a political rant, but what’s the point?

Peace y’all.

Day 19,867

Every day I sit and ponder about writing. If I were to try and hammer out a full-length novel, what would I write about? Would I try to write a primer targeting other technical trainers about this career and how to get the most out of it? Would I go off into the nether realms and create a fantasy world, or a science fiction based universe? Would I just try to write and make jokes about the world we live in today.

I think about it every day… and I find myself going around in circles, arriving right back where I started. And ther are no more words on the page than there were when I started.

Right now, my only successful and active writing exercise is this blog, but I imagine as I move forward, I’ll do better, primarily due to the changes I’m implementing in my home environment. I’m spending a little more time writing things by hand. I’m avoiding digital devices while I sit in the living room… no laptops – with one exception. I’ll keep my convertible tablet at hand when I have some reading to do, but I draw the line there and I have to stick to that.

Just took a little time to do my job… teaching Persistent Chat on Skype for Business 2015.

I’ve only got two guys in class right now, but they’re good guys.

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The day is progressing nicely now… it’s the middle of the afternoon, but still, have some more to cover. Time to get back to talking about failover clusters and whatnot.

Exciting stuff.

More tomorrow.

Peace y’all.


Day 19,866

I often start my posts with the question, “Hey, how are you doing?”.

I hope I live long enough to ask you that question in person. I really do.

I’m 54, and I’m starting to feel some of the wear and tear on my body that comes with age. I think a lot of it is really caused by playing as hard as I did when I was a young man. I got hurt, I kept playing hard, and now here we are.

I’m not complaining. Any number of people I knew never got a chance to enjoy the luxury of middle-age aches and pains.

I’m into my third day of class, just starting a forty-five-minute lab. Seems to be going OK.

(I spoke a little soon on that one… had to figure out a typographical error in one of the labs… I think it’s OK for now).

Ugh… I need to back off the politics again. Getting into a little disagreement with an old friend that supports Trump. I have a feeling that he’s not going to like the outcome as I see it.

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OK, it’s the middle of the afternoon now. Students back working on labs, but this one is taking a little while, so I think we’ll end up calling it a day after we’re done with this unit.

Might be time to take a look at the games that will be on the air tonight. Maybe there is a game in the mix that will get my attention.

We’ll see.

Until then, I hope you are having a pleasant life.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,865

Hey! How y’all doin’?

I’m wrapping up my workday. I have a couple of students taking my Skype for Business class, and we’re closing out the day with a lab on setting up conferencing policies that manage the amount of bandwidth that can be made available in a particular conference.

I know it doesn’t sound very exciting, but I’ve been fascinated with computers and what they can do since I was a teenager.

These days I focus on a lot of the Microsoft products that facilitate communication, email systems (Microsoft Exchange) and real-time communication and conferencing (Skype for Business).

At least now if you ever have to give a report on what one of your grandparents did as a career, you’ve got that.

Your grandmother’s career is far more interesting. She invents stuff.

I think we both succeed in making the world a better place though. I teach people how to get the most out of new implementations of technology, and she teaches the engineers of tomorrow.
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All in all, I think it’s worked out pretty well for all of us.

About time for me to pack up and head home, though. We’re supposed to get a flurry or two this afternoon, but from the looks of the weather radar, the storm is going to miss us, sliding to the north.

KU has a home game tonight, so that means traffic will be a little heavier for me heading out the door.

I hope you are happy and healthy.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,864

OK, so here’s the “honest to God’s” truth. I’m going to write this entry, I’m going to fulfill my pledge. Then, I’m going to have a cupcake.

It’s been an interesting day. I’ve started a Skype for Business class this week, and while some parts of the class are going pretty well, there are some aspects of it that stand for a bit of improvement. Microsoft could’ve made my gig a little easier by making all of the necessary images available for download.

Things will be cool on that front, however… I’ve got a small class and they know what’s up.

Weather isn’t being as cooperative as I’d like it to be. Caught a little more snow this afternoon, and I’m guessing there is a significant chance for some more snow tonight and tomorrow. I better fill up Ruby on my way into work tomorrow.

Funny thing… I didn’t drink my coffee on my way into work this morning. I usually drink my great big single cup of coffee on my commute, but I didn’t do that today. I slammed it down once I hit the parking lat at work, but before that, I didn’t give it a single thought.

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My coffee.

I didn’t think about it or drink it.

Maybe I ought to go in for a mental acuity test?

Peace y’all.

Day 19,863

Hey, future people, it’s Superbowl Sunday.

To be honest with you, I have a love/hate relationship with the Superbowl. The Chiefs have been to the Superbowl twice in my lifetime and won it once.

When I was seven years old.

I’ve 54. I’d like to see the Chiefs win it again before I die or football gets abolished due to excessive injuries.

Tonight, the Philadelphia Eagles played the New England Patriots. History will tell you that the New England Patriots are perhaps the dominant team of this era in the NFL. Tonight, the Philadelphia Eagles, with a Chiefs former Offensive Coordinator and the Chiefs backup quarterback from last year, won the Superbowl.

I am very happy for the Eagles fans.

Oh, the Chiefs beat both of those teams in the regular season.
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Of course, I threw that in! What kind of a Chiefs fan would I be if I didn’t throw in that little tidbit of information?

Other things that are on my mind… I still have decent hardware chops, getting my big system back online, That’s always nice for a win when the old man can fix a failed SATA controller and get his primary box back online.

Almost ten here, but I’ll take a few more minutes to look over some notes for tomorrow’s class. Teaching Skype for Business 2015 this week. I think the class is pretty small, though.

Y’all be cool. Hug your mom and dad. Don’t be mean to your siblings.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,862

It’s Saturday night, and Lisa and I just finished up watching a movie, “A Boy Called Po”, about a single father raising an autistic son. It was quite touching.

In other areas of the world… well, I’m going to rant a little bit.

An old high school classmate posted a cartoon earlier. Now, to be frank, this classmate and I have a rather weird history. Sometimes we’re friends, sometimes we’re rivals. Sometimes we’re critics of the other. He’s bullied me, I may have bullied him at some point as well. Regarding the current political climate, he is firmly in the Trump/Anti-HRC/Anti-BHO camp. I haven’t hidden that I am an anti-Trump zealot.

So this cartoon questions why the DoJ is pursuing Trump when there is allegedly so much “evidence” of wrongdoing by HRC. The cartoon has a Benghazi box (8 GOP chaired special investigations, all coming to the same conclusion – No Wrongdoing). The cartoon has a Uranium One box – reaching a bit on that one. No ties to HRC. There is a “Clinton Foundation” box. Lots of accusations there, but no charges have ever been filed. Wouldn’t surprise me if there was supposed to be a WHitewater box in there as well.

Then another old friend posts this in response, and I have more tha a little feeling that I am the target of thise little jab…

“Yet, there are otherwise seemingly intelligent people so filled with delusional hatred who will trumpet uninformed, ignorance until their final breath.”

I’ve gone around the block with this other old friend. He just doesn’t get my perspective. He also doesn’t appreciate my penchant for seeking out the truth.

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HRC is no angel. She might very well be a cast-iron bitch. But for all of the crimes she’s been accused of, nothing has stuck to her yet. That means one of two things happens to be true – either she is a criminal mastermind that has allegations slipping off her back like water on a hydrophobic surface, or… maybe the accusations are just bullshit?

Seriously… she’s been accused of any number of things, up to and including the murders of 47 people.

Not charges have been filed.

Now Trump, on the other hand, has committed crimes. It’s verifiable. It’s a matter of public record. Racial Discrimination. Money-laundering. Adultery. Sexual Harassment.

I think some other charges will be coming to the forefront in the coming weeks.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,861

It’s a Friday night in rural Douglas County, and there’s not a whole else to add, really.

Dane had a little pep band gig over at the Lawrence High School basketball games… girls won, boys lost.

Gracie is down in Wichita doing some research for a class project. Her class has to design a daycare adjacent to a hospital. She made arrangements to tour the daycare she and Bonnie went to right up until we moved from Wichita to Lawrence.

Bonnie popped by the house late this afternoon as well. Always nice when she takes time to come by. She has housing on campus, so she’s kind of off on her own.

Lisa and I have been watching a little “Sherlock” tonight, getting in a few old episodes we had not seen quite yet. Good writing, good acting. KInd of hard to beat the BBC some days.

Tomorrow, another busy day. More unpacking and organizing. KU plays host to the ‘pokes from Oklahoma State in the early game. Dane is an altar server for the 4 PM Mass tomorrow late afternoon.
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I’m going to do a little shopping as well, picking up some edibles for the Sunday Superbowl matchup between the Patriots and the Eagles. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the Eagles win it this time around. I know the Patriots are Putin’s favorite team, but maybe we can have a little bit different outcome this time around.

I’m going to go grab a shower before I call it a night.

Hope all is well with you.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,860

OK, time for the old man to kick out a blog entry appropriate for the day.

Right now in our world of politics, there is a memo… a mysterious meme that Trump thinks might blow the lid off of the entire Trump/Russia collusion investigation.

It appears as if the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have issued warrants to investigate/observe a guy in the Trump administration that has made multiple trips to Russia, pushes a lot of pro-Putin ideas (including removal of trade sanctions), and has met with multiple Russian oligarchs.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be worried about our intelligence community if the DIDN’T investigate a guy like that.

Gees, I mean really?

If Trump seriously thinks that a memo stating that Carter Page was being investigated, and was the chief indicator of bias by the Department of Justice, I think this is another strong milestone into the investigation of Trump’s capacity for cogent thought.
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This guy is in charge here, folks!

I’m hoping we’re approaching the end game. Some of the stuff happening here is comical. Apparently, Trump has stated that he doesn’t want to testify before the Mueller team, but he is willing to write out a sworn, signed affidavit that he was not involved in any sort of collusion.

That’s not going to be good enough, Donnie.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,859

OK, time to fulfill my literary commitment for the day.

I know I’ve mentioned it, but I think it’s worth mentioning again.

The time period we, meaning me, Lisa, Bonnie, Gracie, and Dane, are experiencing, is likely one of the most dangerous times in United States history.

Crimes are being investigated. People are pushing out material to discredit the law enforcement and Department of Justice agents that are investigating the crime. It’s really pretty crazy. I believe that the people that are guilty of the crimes are actively engaged in undermining people that have pledged their careers to protecting the American justice system.

It’s getting a little scary, folks.

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Not a whole lot we can do about it right now though other than point out the issues that present themselves. Russian news anchors claiming that “they have control over Trump” again, following Trumps refusal to enact sanctions against the Russians after Congress almost unanimously voted for additional sanctions following the investigation into their meddling in our elections.

We must stand up. We must look Putin in the eye an say “No more”.

We can’t have a puppet president and a puppet Congress. We have to unite and fight to keep our issues our own. We run our little mess here, not the FSB.

Peace y’all.