Day 19,953

It’s a Saturday afternoon here in rural Douglas County, and we’ve got people movin’ around here.

Well, everybody except me at the moment.

We’ve been scrambling a bit today, settling this minor crisis or that minor crisis. Lisa had received notifications that she had two packages on the porch, deliveries of some goods she had ordered on the internet. We searched high and low, but we could not find a package. Then, a young man from a neighboring house started bringing a couple of boxes over. Mystery solved. The packages had been delivered, alright, but to the wrong address.

Gracie and Dane have been taking turns on the lawn mower, both with the throttle cranked up on high and speeding across the yard, mower engaged, like a demon with an inflamed hemorrhoid.

Now I’m looking over some content for my class for next week and nursing my back a bit.

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Water continues to flow into the green mess that is out pool after taking the cover off. I look forward to what it will look like after we get the filter going and the pool cleaned up.

Other than that, we’ve got Mass at four, and planning a little Mexican food for the evening. Yeah, I know Cinco de Mayo is about as manufactured a holiday as folks are going to find, but, hey, I like Mexican food.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,952

It’s Friday, May the Fourth in rural Douglas County.

I have had a busy day. I started off the day finishing out my Azure class. Today we discussed automation in Azure, covering runbooks, checkpoints, and more sophisticated monitoring of workflows in Microsoft’s cloud environment.

Pretty cool stuff. I stuck around a little bit after to help some students out with exam prep and tackling some lab retakes.

After that, I headed back to Lawrence, grabbed a little bite of lunch, then started the process of taking the cover off our pool for the first time. That was not the most enjoyable experience I’ve ever had. We got it done, though, and I now have the hose in the pool, water level rising centimeter by centimeter.

My back is still giving me fits, cramping up in my rear right rib cage area, Feels like a weird kind of muscle pull in a spot where I’m wondering if there is any real degree of muscle tissue.

So, yeah…
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I’m going to chill for the night, have a cocktail that lasts three hours, and then I’ll hit the sack later.

I better remember to shut the water off before I call it a night.

You all have a good night and a good day.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,951

Thursday, just before lunch, and of course I am involved in an online discussion about issues of the day, and I come across some bumpkin that doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “literally”.

How do you explain to somebody that they haven’t any sort of grasp of the meaning of a word like “literally”?

It means that it factual and verifiable, and all too often think it’s the right word to use, when, in fact, they should be using the word “figuratively” rather than the word “literally”.

Yeah, I know, it’s a pretty minor thing to get worked up about, but words matter, you know?

I hope you kids, and I write this intended to be read by my future grandchildren, take a little pride in being literate and eloquent. Know what words mean, and when to use them in the appropriate context.

That doesn’t mean that you use your words to bully those around you.

Years ago, I worked with a man that had a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Cambridge. He was proud of his achievement, and rightfully so. That said, on occasion, he and I would engage in conversation and he would regularly throw out these five-dollar words that left anybody within earshot scrambling for a dictionary.
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I told him that he wasn’t a great communicator. He became unglued.

But he also didn’t understand the problem. Communication is a two-way process, and he spoke well, and with a flourish, but at the same time, he left some of us baffled due to his tendency to use words we couldn’t understand.

Know your audience. If you’re talking with high school students, speak like at a high school level. If you’re talking with Ph.D.’s, speak at a more educated level.

If you’re speaking to Donald J. Trump… I’d guess a fourth-grade level would be a good starting point, but be ready to dumb it down a bit if needed.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,950

Back to writing a little earlier in the day. I have to admit, there is a little bit of piece of mind that comes from getting my post done. It’s not like I put a lot of pressure on myself to get it done, but it is nice that I can go home after work and chill out with the family instead of worry about writing.

Not that I lose sleep over it. I just try to commit to the habit.

Speaking of losing sleep…

This is the last week before finals for my girls. Gracie was up all night at studio working on her projects for Architecture and Design. Bonnie had to talk to Lisa a few times, dealing with her end-of-semester anxieties, and then Lisa stayed up half the night dealing with her own stuff.

Either that or I farted in bed and that kept her from going to sleep.

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I worry about the girls. They are under a lot of stress.

I keep wondering how I dealt with the stress when I was a student. I’m guessing it involved copious amounts of cereal malt beverages and loud music.

There are times I’d like to go back in time and talk to my much younger self. The thing about time travel is that you don’t want to screw up the good things you have in the present, and that would be pretty much inevitable with a single interaction in the past, the butterfly effect and all that.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,949

It’s late on Tuesday morning, and I’m writing at work, getting this new entry started before we break for lunch here.

My students are in the middle of a lab, covering things like load balancing and desired-state configuration on virtual machines being created and hosted in Microsoft’s cloud, called Azure.

It’s a neat course, but it can be a little bit of a challenge keeping up with the details. Fortunately, the course has a lot of links t documentation and white papers on Microsoft’s site.

I can’t help but wonder if Microsoft will even exist in the future my grandkids will live in. Time will tell, I guess. Probably reasonable to expect that some aspect of Microsoft will hang around, but there might be mergers and acquisitions that take place between now and then, and the company that I’ve been associated with for so much of my career might be a shadow in tomorrow’s world.

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We’re getting down to the bottom of the hour here, so we’ll break for lunch then get back to it later. This might sound a little boring, but I do like the classes with little drama. Uneventful is good, some days.

I hope your day is going well… and this old man is going to go grab some lunch.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,948

It’s Monday night here in rural Douglas County, and I’m here to take a few moments and drop off a little note to the future.

Today I started one of the most interesting and challenging classes of my career. I have a total of twelve students. That in itself isn’t the most challenging part. I’ve had classes with thirty or more. This time, however, I have seven remote students and five on-premise, and that number of remote students is a personal record for me.

That’s a whole bunch of faces I can’t see.

And then there’s the this.

I’ve got these students spread across four time zones, from New Jersey all the way to Los Angeles.

Things seem to be going OK after day one. Granted, there a couple of issues, stuff that I’m used to seeing in this particular class when it comes to the Azure Passes that the students use, and the email accounts student use when they sign up for their trial accounts. More nuisance stuff than anything else, but distractions nonetheless.
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Tomorrow we’ll make up a little time, I think, get into the sort of groove we need to get into for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

It’ll all come together.

I hope.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,947

It’s been a Sunday here in rural Douglas County, kids, and the old folks are at home.

Tomorrow I return to the comfortable confines of Centriq Training, prepared to teach the basics of Microsoft Azure Cloud services.

Around here, it’s been a day of mowing and weed remediation, with a little bit of bug repellent thrown in for good measure.

It’s going to be a bit of a nutty week, with KU’s stop day hitting on Friday, and then finals hitting the following week. I’ve got the five-day class this week, followed by an Exchange 2016 class next week. After that, it’s back to prep time.

I know there is still plenty to do around here. I’ve got a couple above-ground planters I need to get situated. I’m even thinking about getting back into the good graces of Uber and getting my paperwork up-to-date so I can drive again.

I am also thinking about the entertainment situation around the house, and we’ve been unable to find the rest of the components to the XBOX ever since the move.
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An investigation may be in order.

Right after I take care of a few other things.

Until then, I need to focus on some other problems and different solutions.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,946

Not having the best of days, so I’m going to crank this out and head back to bed.

This morning while I was sitting at breakfast, I felt the “slip”. I went from having a pretty normal day to having a painful late morning, afternoon and evening.

Something moved in my back, and I’ve been fighting a pinched nerve most of the day. It restricts my movement, gives me some shooting pain, and generally makes my day a lot less enjoyable than it would normally be.

I sucked it up and got a few things done this morning, went into Kansas City to get my computer, got the car washed, basic things like that, but after I got home, I became a potato.

I’m hoping a good nights sleep will allow things to shift back to the right spots.

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In the meantime, I’ll throw down a couple more ibuprofen and hope for some tolerable seating positions.

(I know they want me to make dinner tonight, but I got to tell you, that isn’t going to happen. I’m going back to bed as soon as I get this written.)

This is the part where I try to find twelve more words to round things out up to two hundred.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,945

OK, it’s Friday in rural Douglas County, and the old man is trying to crank out two hundred words in the span of about fifteen minutes, then it’s off to the shower to get ready for an honors banquet for the Self Fellows, of which my eldest daughter is a part.

Went into Micro Center in Overland Park today with the beast to have them replace the failed power supply on the beast. (Wondering now if I should be referring to that computer as “The Beast” in uppercase rather than lower case… thoughts on proper English, I suppose).

I have to admit that Micro Center’s service department surprised me with the speed that they were tackling the problem. They called me, we talked about the problem and out options, and agreed on the best solution. They think they’ll have it done late today so I can pick it up tomorrow.

I like that they were straightforward with me. I also hope that they aren’t yanking my chain about getting the job done so fast.
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Well, enough about that. Time to think about the most efficient way to shave this dome while I’m getting ready for this evening’s affair.

Peace y’all.

Day 19,944

It’s Thursday night now.

I am a little worried.

My big computer isn’t coming on. Something popped when I hit the power button.

This is not good.

I’ll have to run it into the computer shop and have them look at it. I do hate being without one of my primary systems, especially that beat of a machine.

I realize that this is 2018, and a lot of things are going to change on systems in the coming years. A machine with 64 gigabytes of RAM is a big deal in this day and age, especially for a home system. If you get into the industry, you’ll see similar and more advanced systems out there, especially in design, CAD & CAM. (Computer-aided Design, Computer-aided Manufacturing).

Something popped.

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I hope it’s just a fuse. I should check that first before I lose my mind.

We need to be prudent.

Don’t want to spend money on a diagnostic and repair that I don’t need.

Now I’m thinking about troubleshooting methodology and how I might go about isolating the problem. First thing is the smell test. Typically if you encounter a burning electrical – ozone sort of smell, you popped something and a component needs to be replaced.

I’ll get it checked out.

Peace y’all.