Day 20,052

Hey everybody… not a real exciting day here in rural Douglas County. I stayed around the house for the most part, primarily due to vehicular issues. My car had a bit of a problem yesterday when we went to put on new tires. Looks like there was a problem with my brakes and calipers, and then after they got parts, found out one of the calipers was problematic, and now waiting on parts that won’t be in until Monday.


There might be a little light show late tonight. We’re moving through the Perseid cluster, so we’ll have a few meteor storms tonight and for a couple more nights. We should have good visibility starting around eleven o’clock. What better excuse to head out to the pool on an August Saturday night?

I’m at home this next week, but I have plenty on my plate. Car situations that need to be resolved, some school stuff left over from last year, and a few things that need to be tended to around here. It’s crazy how quick this summer is going by.
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So, that’s about it for this little entry into the system. I hope life is good for you.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,051

OK, time to get a little writing in tonight before I hang it al up and hit the sack.

Grab my wife.

Cuddle a bit.

Get over it, it’s what married people do. Would you prefer  I write, “Went to bed… ignored my wife… didn’t want to creep out the descendants”/

So, number one, Y’all need to get over the idea that your parents and your grandparents didn’t express affection for each other. We do. We will. Get over it.

What? Do you want to blame your problems on parents that didn’t care about each other? We’ve done alright. There aren’t that relationship that ends up in divorce in our little family tree. Feel free to confirm that reality on my genealogy?

OK. I’m going to take a moment or two to wrap this little nugget up. I’ll admit that tonight is a Friday night, and my mastery of the computer keyboard might be escaping me a bit.
This reliable theory works differently in buy canada levitra various organs that are responsible with digestion, like the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. Forzest has been soft tadalafil a helpful medicinal treatment which has been fully tested and approved by FDA. These are these most commonly found levitra on line drugs available in different packs. In general, prescription female viagra Sildenafil citrate is a PDE-5 inhibitor, which works to dilate the vessels and to allow them carrying blood in particular areas.

Forty words to go.

Tomorrow, I’m going to keep my eye out on some barbecue options. Might be time to throw a little seared animal flesh on the grill.

Ugh. Really? I still have that many words to go? Yo would think…

But in reality, I made my goals.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,050

OK, I’m not going to lie to anybody. I’m sitting here completely unmotivated to write two hundred words on a Thursday night.

Chiefs lost their first preseason game. I’m not happy about it, but it’s preseason and has zero effect on the regular season.

I saw some things I liked, I saw some things I didn’t like. It’s a preseason game, It doesn’t matter.

Tomorrow I’m getting a little work done on my car. New tires, that’s always a good thing, especially when you consider how I felt driving on a watered-down highway the last time it rained. I was safe, but I would’ve likes to have had a little more tread under me. We’ll get that fixed tomorrow.

Not much else to add, really. Planning on picking up some select meat choices tomorrow to smoke on Saturday.
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It’s always a little funny when I don’t feel like writing. I just start to ramble, doing that weird stream of thought style of writing. My mind wanders a little bit, straying from keyboard to monitor and back again. Eventually, I know the number count on the screen has grown to a point where I can see the finale in reach.

And then we’re there.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,049

Hey guys, the old fat man here to tell you about the state of my world today.

I love my kids. They have all proven that they have what it takes. There are moments, however, when you have to sit ’em down and have a talk about the state of things.

Had to have one of those talks today.

They are never fun. I was probably not in the best state of mind when it all came down.

Let me be straight. There is no excuse for performing up to your ability. If you take on too much, talk to the powers that be and make moves in the right direction.

But if you take on the load, you have to bear the load.

I’m probably not in the best state of mind to write this tonight, but I pledged to write every day, so I write. And I write about what’s on my mind.

If you have the ability, work up to that ability.

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Some very bright people too the easy way out.

I don’t want any of my kids to be the brightest kid in a job that is beneath their ability.

It’s not about that job. There are very honorable professions out there. But if you have the ability to be an engineer. be an engineer. If you have the ability to be a neurosurgeon, be a neurosurgeon.

But don’t be the guy with the talent and ability of a neurosurgeon flipping burgers at Mickey D’s.

You’re letting the whole world down when you go that route.

Peace y’all.


Day 20,048

It’s a Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and we’re sitting here watching some of the election returns. I really ought to think about getting to bed, but the gubernatorial contest in Kansas is pretty interesting. The current governor, Colyer, was lieutenant governor under Brownback. His opponent is a high-profile political thing in Kansas, Kris Kobach, who has been waving an anti-immigration flag for years, claiming that illegal immigrants have been voting illegally for years in Kansas and all across the country.

Kobach has had many of his claims proven wrong, and he has lost many lawsuits against his racist voting laws.

So, we wait and see.

In the meantime, my little dog is feeling better. My oldest daughter took her to the vet, and we’ve found out that she’s sick. likely picked up something from some other dogs.

I hope she sleeps well tonight.

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Heck, I hope we all sleep well tonight.

I’m just going to rattle off a few nonsensical sentences now to round out this blog entry… but I did get a little good news. Patrick Stewart is going to return to do a new Star Trek series, where he’s an instructor at Star Fleet Academy.

So, yeah… that’s a win.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,047

Well… any post that ends with a 47 ought to be weird.

I may not be up to the task…


Heh heh heh

But seriously… I hope all is well in your world tonight.

Had an old high school (middle school?) friend drop me tonight. I posted earlier today about the issues that Trump made for himself with a tweet he made this past weekend, essentially throwing his oldest son under the bus by contradicting Don Jr’s sworn testimony before Congress.

Not wise.

“Hey son, I want you to take one for the team!”

I doubt this works out the way Trump Sr planned it out in his head.

Essentially, Trump admitted to collusion. He stated that his son (ahem, not him) was trying to acquire damaging information from the Russin government to affect the 2016 Presidential Election.

I would soooooo love to read what the history books are saying about this period of history from where you are sitting right now.
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A guy can hope that things are going to work out the way they should to keep America on a better than average path… but you know what?

I could be wrong.

There might be more shenanigans down the road.

There might be more racism.

There might be more dictatorial behavior from the White House.

I don’t know.


I have to remain optimistic. We have to call this clown out at every lie.

Peace y’all.

Day 20.046

Hey gang, old fat Grampa Bob, doing his thing on a Sunday night.

We had a good day here in rural Douglas County. Simple breakfast, better lunch, and a dinner comprised of an old family favorite.

A little background.

Every family has the little things they do to celebrate doing a little bit better than surviving. Growing up, there were times when surviving was enough. I was a bit oblivious to the tough times most of the time, I thought those nights when we had a bowl of rice with cinnamon and sugar and some milk was a special treat, not knowing that those were the times that were a little rough on the pocketbook. My mom did a great job working with what we had in the house

As things got better over time, Sunday dinner became a little bit more of an event, and that meant steak.

Nothing against those of you that have made a choice to go vegan or vegetarian, but I don’t know that a tofu casserole will ever go over with quite the impact of a t-bone steak on Sunday night.
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Tonight, we ate well. There was steak, There were potatoes. There was a salad.

And there was happiness.

I hope your life is going well. And when you ‘re old enough, find a bottle of Cabernet or Merlot with a fun label on it, and get down with your bad self.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,045

Day 20, 045.

I’m thinking I’ll devote this little diatribe to 45.

I try not to hide my feelings when it comes to the current state of the country. I think we’re in pretty serious trouble. Racists are coming out of the woodwork, and there are white supremacist rallies just about every weekend in this country.

I’m more than a bit stunned by this development.

It reminds me of the history I was taught growing up. This crap that is going on today is going to be addressed in future history classes as the sort of thing we want to make sure society avoids.

Hate isn’t cool. Racial supremacy movements aren’t cool.

We follow the teachings of Jesus in my house. Jesus would welcome his neighbors with open arms and ask what he could do to help.
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That’s the guy I want to emulate. That’s the sort of teacher I want to follow.

Some of the sentiment I see is s damned anti-Christ-like that it makes me sick. People need to wake the hell up and see what they’re doing to help their fellows.

And I’m thinking I need to stop writing tonight and pay attention to the center of my universe… my wife. All that I am I owe to her.

G’night y’all.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,044

Hello, friends! Fat, old Grampa Bob coming to you live once again from rural Douglas County.

I’ve completed my five day Azure course. I was left with the impression that all of my students had a positive experience.

After I wrapped up my class, I headed back to Lawrence, had a little lunch, a Thai Chicken Salad, over at one of my favorite spots, 23rd Street Brewery. Tried the new IPA they had on tap, very heavy on the citrus notes… the Spaceship Parts IPA.

I have to admit, one of the reasons I enjoyed it was probably because of the name.

I go back and take a look at the myriad books I have in my ebook library. Might be time for me to get some of those titles transferred over to my Kindle and spend a little time covering that territory.

I’m not quite sure what the weekend holds, but I’ll do my best to be ready for it.

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Bonnie and Lisa are watching one of their favorite rom-coms… “The Proposal” with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock.

They seem to be enjoying it. I prefer a little more action.

Anyway, we had Chinese for dinner Might go look up a snack here in a moment.

Hope your weekend is fun.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,043

Good evening… well. it’s evening for me. Old fat Grampa Bob here with my daily recap of life in rural Douglas County.

Although tonight, my focus today has been primarily on the cloud services class I’m teaching in Leawood. It seems to be going pretty well. I spend the lion’s share of the evening working on a set of updated notes for my students. Good bunch. I have to confess that I haven’t received a lot of feedback from my remote students. I think they’re doing OK. They’ve haven’t told me about too many problems that have cropped up, so I think things are cool.

After teaching today,I came home, grilled up some pork chops for dinner, and after dinner, put my head down and spent four hours trying to put together some comprehensive notes regarding all of the things we’ve covered this week. If my students were to dwell on those web docs, they’d add another two weeks to the course. It’s really hard to cover all of the minutiae in Azure in five days.

Tomorrow, I’ll take some time and cover some of the workflow automation aspects of Azure, then head for home. I have a three-day class next week… covering some of the finer points of Azure administration.
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I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.