Day 20,192

OK, time to write. It’s Friday night. Lisa made a wonderful lasagna, and Bonnie was around for dinner with her best friend, Ella. It was a good time.

The reality is starting to set in that Bon will graduate from KU in the spring, then head off to pursue her PhD, most likely at Ohio State University (OK, I left of the “The”. I went to “The Wichita State University”… sometimes the “The” is bullshit).

Dane will graduate high school in May as well. He’s got a bright future so long as he works on his discipline a little bit.

Gracie amazes me every day. She’s expect that this would be the point where I would throw in some little cut-down or slight, but that’s not the case today. She’s amazing. She is a doer. People need people around that get things done. G gets stuff done.

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I’m watching a bowl game… there have been a few today, and the one I’m watching now is Iowa State versus Washington State in the Alamo Bowl, and Iowa State is getting screwed with two players getting ejected for targeting so far

Anyway, I’ll let you all get get back to doing that life/work balance thing.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,191

Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m feeling a little bit “oldish” tonight. Tired early, back a bit put out, and I’m just kind of feeling my age.

Went into work this morning to help out a bit, and I did get some stuff done, working on the various classrooms, helping get the systems set up. After I worked on a couple of the classrooms, I went and unloaded some of my stuff in my new locker.

Kind of weird that one of my peers at the office got a personal space of his own. Granted, this instructor spends a tremendous amount of time in the office… he doesn’t have the prep space in his home that I have, so I probably shouldn’t complain… but the bandwidth at work is considerably better than some places (i.e. my house).

Anyway, tore up my back a little worse working on stuff, and got my work stuff put away, brought home another box of stuff.

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Oooh… reminder. I need to check my schedule and prep my appointment for my cardiologist. I need to get in and make sure my heart is ticking as well as can be expected.

Other than that, we’re chilling out watching “Harry Potter” movies and kicking back. Tonight, the new bed!

Peace y’all.

Day 20,190

It’s the day after Christmas here at home, and we had a wonderful dinner here at home with the five of us, plus a couple of pooches begging for scraps.

Tomorrow I head over to the new work location, a half-mile down and across the street in Missouri. There is work to be done, and plenty to go around.

There will be systems to wire up, lockers to load, classroom configurations to setup and modify. I’m looking forward to checking out a few things, like classroom speed and display configurations.

I’ll work as long as I can. There’s a reason I’m the kind of guy that spends most of his time learning and explaining. I’m not the kid I was when I worked for a moving company or ran a keg route for a beer distributor.

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I can remember the first couple of times I tweaked my back, whether it was weight lifting or splitting wood in high school, or the other various lifting and moving jobs I had as a young man. Throw in a couple of car accident, and you can end up with some discomfort from time to time, usually associated with lifting and repetitive bending over. Some days are better than others (lol… the day before the activity is better than the day after the activity).

I’m going to get out of here.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,189

It is Christmas.

We’ve enjoyed a day of family, gifts, laughter and reflection.

These are special days, with funny jokes, spontaneous jokes, inside jokes, and uproarious jokes.

I come from a family that loves to laugh.

So we started off the day with presents… at 6:00 in the morning. My youngest daughter was aggressive (obnoxious?) with our schedule, but she backed it all up. She made the breakfast burritos first thing in the morning… the joke here is that she had asked my wife to make chicken-fried steak for Christmas morning breakfast. Yeah, we’ll have that tomorrow, I’m guessing.

We did our Christmas morning thing, with Star Trek being a major theme in Lisa’s presents to me, as well as a couple of presents from me to her.

Granted, I had no idea what those presents were, she just told me about them after the fact.

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We then traveled to Clay Center for the family celebration, and what a celebration it was.

I really need to make sure I work on those desserts before all of the best ones get snarfed up.

After all was said and done, we drove back to Lawrence, and I am currently contemplating a sammy before I head off to bed. 5 hours of driving in a day does the old boy in.

Love you all. I hope this finds you happy and well.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,188

Christmas Eve in rural Douglas County, and I am currently wearing the most ridiculous pajamas I have ever worn.

I look like a very comfortable version of Santa.

We’re all wearing them, courtesy of my beloved. And we’re watching a terribly cliche Christmas movie. Seriously, the kids are guessing the next line in the movie by the various and sundry characters.

Tomorrow we’ll all get up too early and do the Christmas breakfast thing and the whole presents under the tree thing. One of my kids gets into Christmas a little bit more than the other two, so Lisa and I have received a little extra direction about how things are going to go on Christmas morning.

I don’t know that I’m going to get to my pledged two hundred words tonight. I’ve been pretty good over the past year and half about finding new ways to get to that two hundred word goal, and I think there’s only been a handful of times that I didn’t get there.

I do pretty good though. I make a best effort every time.

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It’s Christmas Eve. It’ll be time to send the kids off to bed soon.

And I’ll still be dad, and I’ll get my two hundred words in.

Merry Christmas.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,187

It’s a Sunday night in rural Douglas County, and the Chiefs are playing like ass.

Last night I wrote my blog while the Jayhawks were playing the Sun Devils, and that certainly didn’t work out the way I thought it would. The Jayhawks led most of the game, but gave up the lead with just a minute or two left in the second half. Ended up breaking their unbeaten streak, and losing for the first time this season.

Chiefs are on the road at Seattle with not much on the line for the Chiefs and a lot more on the line for the Seahawks.

The Chiefs defense is really demonstrating to the whole world why the Chiefs have no business competing for the championship.

Offense hasn’t done a whole lot to convince me otherwise tonight.

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Yeah… we just gave up another easy long gain to the Seahawks. Geez, this defense is enough to drive a fan up the wall.

SO, I’ll grunt and groan and bitch and moan until the Chief’s inevitable departure early in the playoffs. We’ll have a bye the first week, then lose at home the second week of the post-season. This isn’t my first rodeo. \

I might need to just wrap this up and suffer through this inevitable defeat.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,186

Hey gang! It’s old grampa Bob here, writing a couple hundre words on a Saturday night, with Christmas in just a few more days.

I’ve got some wrapping to do.

We’re watching the Kansas-Arizona State game. It had a later start as they’re playing in Arizona tonight. KU has looked good at times, not so great at others.

My sister, mom and a couple of nieces came over to the house today. My wife and daughters arranged a “baking day”, and I hope everybody had a good time.

Dane and I hung out downstairs during the festivities, watching bowl games. Well, to be honest, I was watching bowl games. Dane was playing “Fallout 4”.

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Tomorrow I’ll get some things done both in the house and out in the barn. The Kansas City Chiefs don’t play until Sunday night.

Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot to add. I haven’t been paying a lot of attention to political news today, so I have no idea if there has been any other weird resignations on the day.

OK, might be time to wrap this up and get back to the KU basketball game. Looked like things were getting pretty tight there for a second, but Kansas has added a couple of score, so things aren’t looking quite as grim.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,185

It’s a Friday night here in rural Douglas County, with the winter solstice, a full moon, and a meteor shower all hitting around the same time. I might even put on a jacket and go outside to see if I can spot any shooting stars, as the Earth passes through the seasonal debris field and attracts a few pieces of stray iron.

I’ve watch some sports today, a couple of Big 12 opponents, with Baylor knocking off Oregon, and now, Texas trying to maintain a decent pace with Providence. There will be some good games during the conference season, I’m sure, but I have to predict that KU will be the class of the Big 12 once again. If any school really pushes them this season, I have to say it will most likely be Texas Tech.

I wonder what your history books will say about this Big 12 season.

I wonder what you history books will say about this period of time in American history. Let me be straight about my perspective. Trump should never have been elected. He’s a con artist. He’s a buffoon. He’s in so far over his head that he might have to go to a helium-oxygen mix.

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Anyway, tomorrow is a cookie day. My sister, mom, and nieces are showing up to engage in a Christmas cookie extravaganza.

I’ll be engaged in sports observation.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,184

It’s Thursday evening in rural Douglas county, and it’s been a fairly busy day, leading up to the Christmas break. Dane has been busy with finals, Gracie is still working on some of her studio projects, Bonnie has been asked to come into work at Bayer, and Lisa and I are just sort of dong our thing, getting the house ready and finishing up a few plans in anticipation of next Tuesday, Christmas day this year.

I flipped the TV back over to Law and Order. Lisa doesn’t need to sate my passion for sports programming all of the time. There’s a bowl game on between Marshall and Central Florida. Makes me wonder how many more seasons before we can expect to see Kansas back playing in the post season. Time will tell.

In politics, Trump’s Secretary of Defense submitted his resignation today, the same day Trump announced his premature withdrawal from Syria. Apparently, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was caught unaware of Trump’s withdrawal announcement.

It’s getting pretty messy in the White House. I wouldn’t want to be sitting under the hot lights, and that’s where Trump is sitting right now.

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Those lights aren’t going to be betting any cooler in the coming months.

The heat is on.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,183

It’s about ten minutes or so until one of my favorite shows, “Forged in Fire”. Gotta love those bladesmiths going at it to build a blade for whatever strange competition that judges put in front of them tonight. 

I do respect the competitors, though. These guys are hammering hot steel into a weapon in a short amount of time. Sometimes they persevere, sometimes, not so much. 

You have to respect the perseverance. They deal with mistakes and obstacles presented to them on the way.  It’s a fun watch, and there are lessons to be learned along the way. 

We got a little good news here today. One of the kids has been invited to participate in an interview process foe a scholarship. I’m hoping everything goes OK with that. It would be nice if things fell the right way in that process. 

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All in all, it’s been a decent day. The weather the last few days has been pretty good, but there’s been a little bit of a turn towards cooler weather today, and it looks like tomorrow will follow that trend. 

Other than that, nothing really new to share. 

I hope life is treating you better than you deserve…

Peace y’all.