Day 20,2013

Welcome friends and relatives yet to be born! It’s a crisp Monday evening in rural Douglas County, and the College Football Playoff is rocking. Looks like Clemson is going to take home the trophy tonight, up 44-16 at the beginning of the 4th quarter. I just don’t see Alabama scoring four unanswered touchdowns in the 4th quarter to bring this game back into a reasonable expectation for a win for the Tide.

But how are you doing?

Today I taught my first day of Office 365, and it’s painfully obvious why this course is being retired. There are a few challenges, and it can be summed up in the fact that Office 365 and Azure change faster than the learning team can update the curriculum and the labs. The products are fantastic, but the changes that take place with the products create for some pretty crazy disconnects.

So what do you do? You bounce. You roll. You take what you have to work with and adapt on the fly. I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again. That’s what I spent some time working on tonight and I’ll revisit what I discovered in the morning, and I’ll talk about it with my guys when that bell rings to start tomorrow’s training day.

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Alabama just got shut down be Clemson’s defense on 4th and goal. Wow.

Hope your life is going well.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,202

It’s Sunday evening in rural Douglas County.

Tomorrow I return to the classroom for the first time in a month or so.


That’s the thing about my work. We take a serious hiatus over the holidays, and with the company moving from one side of the road to the other side of the road, there will likely be a few gotchas that pop up.

But that is normal in my line of work. Gotchas happen.

Kind of like what happened in the Bears/Eagles game today.

I have to admit, I felt for the Bears’ kicker today. He had a shot… a good shot. Then the ball hit the upright… and the crossbar… then bounced forward, not through.

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That’s gotta suck. The Bears were 12-4, and they’re out in the first round of the playoffs.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve seen the same thing happen to the Chiefs too many times. Just like that. Missed field goals. Miracle catches by the quarterback back to himself.

Next Saturday, the Chiefs will host the Indianapolis Colts. Just a few years back, the Chiefs played the Colts in the playoffs. The Chiefs ran up a pretty nice lead on the other team only to let it all slip away in the second half.

Looking ahead, I hope the Chiefs don’t take there foot off the gas. But I also remember another Chiefs playoff game against the Colts. It was the “Game Without A Punt”. Colts won. Then there was the Ice Capades game in the snow, when Lin Elliott shanked the game into oblivion.

Maybe I should keep my enthusiasm in reserve.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,201

So I corrected my day count. I am twenty thousand, two hundred and one days old today.

I probably ought to check the day count more regularly. I get distracted a little bit too frequently these days, and I make silly mistakes.

So, it’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County. Kansas found a new, previously unexplored way for the basketball team to suck today as they got their asses kicked up and down at Hilton Indoor up there at Iowa State.

At least one of my coworkers will be happy with the result. I deserve a bit of razzing at the office over this loss… Kansas looked bad. Lost by seventeen, the biggest loss in program history at Iowa State.

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Lisa’s cousin and his wife visited today. They’re retired and are doing some driving about the country, visiting friends and relatives, as well as seeing the sites. I don’t have a real clear recollection, but I guess I first met them at Lisa and my engagement party in Iowa way back in 1995.

We had a good visit, exchange a little info about some genealogy research I’ve been a miserable failure at when it comes to Lisa’s side of the family. Maybe I’ll get a clue or two and find ways to dig a little deeper. I think Lisa would appreciate that.

Anyway, that’s about all I’ve got for now.

Colts play the Chiefs next Saturday. Too many similarities between the last last time the Chiefs hosted the Colts for a playoff game at Arrowhead. “The game without a punt”… ugh. Peyton Manning that time. Andrew Luck this time.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,199

I better go back and double check my day count again. I might be off a day or two.

It’s Friday night. Dane and I are watching a little TV, the first episode of “Counterpart”, wondering if this series is going to be worth the time investment. I think that’s something I’m doing more of, checking out a series to see if it’s worthwhile.

I made a change today. I’ve been participating in a forum on Facebook that is centered on my hometown of Salina, Kansas. The forum has the title “Salina Raw”. I originally participated as a way to just keep my finger on the pulse of my hometown. I discovered some things.

I discovered I don’t fit in that forum, in that space, in that conversation. I was taken aback by the bigotry, racism, and blatant ignorance displayed by some of the other participants. Not all, but some. Enough to run me off. It’s just not healthy for me, mentally. I can get in there and argue, and bring up facts, and verifiable statistics, but some folks you just can’t reach. So, I left. Tired of it. Tired of the insults, the hypocrisy, the lies that some of these people ( I wanted to use other descriptors, trust me) swallow whole without even taking time to chew.

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I’m not going to look back. They’ve got their own little stew of stupidity, and folks are coming back for seconds.

I’m out.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,198

There are no bottle bugs.

Someday that will make sense to somebody that is having a conversation.

OK, back to a more conventional greeting… it’s a Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and we’re watching a little television.

I went over to watch Gracie’s basketball team play at Gardner-Edgerton. I have to say, maybe my opinion has changed a bit from when Gracie was a player rather than an assistant coach. Man, some of the parents are a little over the top.

I remember how I could be when it was my kids playing. Man, I hope I’m a better fan now and in the future than what I was then. I can be a bad sports parent. But, now, as a coach’ parent, I need to focus on being as positive as possible. So many of these young athletes get emotionally whipped, and sometimes (not that I’ve seen it lately) these kids can get emotionally beaten up by the constant negativity.

I’m going to focus on being more positive.

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Some ways will be harder than others.

There are some topics that just rankle me, get me all twisted up and angry, and you can probably guess the sort of topics that get me going and then the words, the bitter, angry, acidic words come out.

I can do better.

So, it starts with me.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,197

Tonight I’m going to get to bed in a reasonable time.

OK, not the most conventional way for me to start a blog entry, but that’s what I was thinking about at the time.

Fireplace has a nice little glow, Kansas is hosting Oklahoma to open conference play, and I’m pondering some goals for the new year.

I need to work on my barn space. I have picked up wheels for my new workbench. I’m going to set up that bench to hold my little table saw as well as integrate a router table. After that, I’ll have plenty to keep me busy with raised-planting tables and walls for the barn.

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Of course I have some professional goals as I start my 24th year as an MCT in a few months. Those sort of things are important, no doubt, but those are goals that I set out of a professional need and requirement. My personal goals might give me incrementally more satisfaction. Things like dedicating myself to getting my writing in every day. It’s not as much about the content as it is the commitment to writing each day.

I probably ought to make some goals for my health and stuff, too. Haven’t really given it much thought, but losing some weight would be good for me, I’m sure.

More thoughts on that later. Kansas up at the half by fifteen.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,196

It’s the first day of the new year, and I’m going to try to be a better person, both to others and to myself.

The rest of it… hey, I’m a work in progress.

I just looked back and realized that I screwed up the numbering on my last two blog entries, so I’m hoping I have the correct number tonight, so… there’s that.

I know the new year is supposed to bring about this period of deep introspection about life, family, the nature of our existence, and the role of bacon in our reality.

Hey, I like bacon.

I am going to reflect, right after these football games.

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I love football. I wish it wasn’t as destructive a game. People get hurt, and then more people get hurt. I really wish there was a way that people could pay these physically demanding sports without the long term problems that come with playing hard.

Of course I feel that way. Derp. I would love to have my 18-year-old knees again.

Hey, if I can get the knees, any chance you can throw in the waist and the hairline, too?

I should take a look at my planner and break down reasonable and attainable goals for the year. Take a look at the various goal/life domains and then make it happen.

More later… as I think about things a little more deeply.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,194

It’s New Year’s Eve here in rural Douglas County, and I’m pondering the past year and the world a year from now.

Things are kind of crazy in the world today.

There’s a lot of division. There’s a lot of anxiety.

But I’m optimistic. We’ll get through 2019. It’ll get weird, I’m sure, but we’ll get through.

I’m probably going to call this a short night as well as a short write. I thought about writing some big, long piece about the past year and other crazy stuff, but this world in so many ways is stranger than fiction.

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I’m wondering what the history books will say about 2019.

That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll likely write more later, but every now and then you got to hang it up and get back to doing the other life stuff. I’ve been pretty good about writing this diatribe on a daily basis, and every now and then I ought to give myself a little vacation, right? It ought to be something I enjoy doing rather than some sort of masochistic literary ritual.

And then I go off and do something like that.

Hey, I hope your 2019 is fantastic. I’m going to try and make 2019 a good year for those around me.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,194

It’s a chilly Sunday evening in rural Douglas County. I’m in a pretty good mood, as the Chiefs put a walloping on the Raiders and secured home field throughout the playoffs. Bye the first weekend, then home, then, hopefully, home again.

Spent some time out with Dane today, and Lisa took him back out, too. Tomorrow Dane and I will go over to one of the local men’s clothing stores and pickup the suit Lisa and Dane found. He feels pretty good about it, and Lisa loved it as well, so that’s good enough for me.

We had a wonderful dinner tonight, with turkey and all of the trimmings. Kind of a family New Year’s Eve dinner a night early.

Mind is kind of blank right now, and this is just my way of connecting up the thought stream a letting the words flow. Sometimes good stuff comes out of the faucet, other times it’s closer to Flint, Michigan tap water.

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I think I’ll take a quick look over in the fruit bowl and see if there is a Fuji apple or a honeycrisp. I do love a good apple. Actually, I did see an orange over there. Might be an opportunity to get a little vitamin C into my system.

Anyway, that’s enough for now.

Peace, y’all.

Day 20,193

Saturday afternoon in rural Douglas County. We’re just kind of hanging out, currently watching a Kansas basketball game, not spending a lot of processor cycles pondering the great mysteries of the universe today.

Kansas is looking pretty good, with Udoka Azubuike back in the lineup after spraining his ankle a few weeks ago. I thought he might be a little hobbled yet, but he’s already won the opening tip, scored on multiple occasions, pulled down a couple of rebounds, and blocked a couple of shots… just the sort of thing you would expect from a seven-foot tall athlete.

I’m pondering a few things from a fiction writing perspective, thinking about characters and plot progressions. I’ll probably give it a little more thought when I’m not distracted by the never-ending variety of sports.

I do love watching athletes compete. Makes an old man wish for younger days.

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Trying to get my power cord properly looped so I don’t lose my connection to the juice.

Our little yorkie-mix, Freya, is fighting a bout of kennel cough. I wish she would take her meds a little more consistently. She just fights it and doesn’t get the medicine into her system, then she hacks and weezes from the sickness.

OK, that’s enough for now. Hope all is well in your world, and life is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.