Day 20,395

Good evening, one and all. Fat, old Grampa Bob is settling in for a 200 hundred word post, which I have pledged to do.

Got some good work in today, preparing for deliveries next week. I probably ought to make some more comprehensive notes about what is going to happen when and where, but I’ll get to that.

Tomorrow I need to get up and get cracking at a reasonable time. There’s plenty for me to get done prior to leaving for the conference on Saturday. I leave late in the day, so I’ll still spend most of the day with the family. I promised Bonnie we’d go out for lunch.

Oooh, that’s a litte reminder. I need to check on that Avis vehicle I was going to snag for the big move to Columbus. I better double check to see if I can swap out the truck for the van, or maybe an SUV. Pickup was the cheapest, though. Decision, decisions.

I still need to hammer out some time to get some mowing done tomorrow as well. I’m now trying to figure out what id going on with my keyboard and mouse. I have no idea what is going on. The only thing I can think of is that I changed my mouse pointer and cursor size earlier today, and maybe that is messing with my WordPress profile. Odd.

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Anyway, that is enough for now. There are likely multiple typographical errors in this thing now, but I guess I’ll just have to live with ’em.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,394

It’s Wednesday night. It’s been a working day here in rural Douglas County, with just enough weather to keep things interesting. We were in a severe thunderstorm warning earlier in the day. Took a little footage on my cell phone of the wind starting to blow the trees around, and the gray, looming clouds rolling in from the west. It’s all rather beautiful, in a gloomy, dark sort of way.

And then I took Mohammed to the airport so he could return to Jordan. He’s the son of a family friend, and you couldn’t ask for a better house guest.

I had a little meeting today regarding our preday session on Sunday. I found out I was putting a lot of extra work into it that was more than a little bit unnecessary. Did come up with a nice analogy to describe the creation of our curriculum, and I plan on integrating that into my delivery on Sunday.

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I’m also taking some time to go back through my courseware for the delivery I’m sharing with my buddy Charles next week in Vegas. Its going to be a week packed with a lot of info to cover in a relatively short amount of time.

That’s a post, enough for now. I’ve got a Jamison on the rocks sitting in my starboard cup holder.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,393

Good morning! OK, so last night I was settling in to write, and just didn’t have it in me. It was getting a little late (when did that ever stop me?), and Lisa was ready for bed, so I gave in to the weariness of my body and hit the sack around 10:45. I did give a passing thought to taking a late night swim, but I merely went out and turned the lights off around the pool instead.

Today is Tuesday, July, 9th. I need to adjust the date on my watch, a gift from our current house guest’s dad, my old friend Ahmad. (My OCD just kicked in, so I am now adjusting the date and trying to get the second hand to the exact right moment… and now the time is right, but the day is wrong… ugh!).

I’m a little picky about the time on my watch. These days, when you have cellular phones that have to keep very accurate time, I don’t bother with a watch all of the time, but my go to watch for twenty years has been the Casio G-Shock Waverider. I like a watch that picks up the NIST signal out of Colorado and keeps very accurate time. It’s just one of the many fabulous ways my insanity manifests itself.

Not that I’m really insane… as far as you know.

Today I have some things I need to focus on around here. I got up early this morning to take Lisa in to work so that our house guest could use her car if necessary. There’s an open offer on the table for him to come in with me later when I go back in to pick up Lisa should he have an interest in seeing her lab. His dad spent some time at KU completing his master’s degree in mechanical engineering, so maybe he’ll have an interest in some of the things his dad did while over here.

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I’ve got presentations to work on in support of an internal Microsoft conference next week in Las Vegas. I’ll be working with a good team of people, with Charles being my co-presenter, and a few old friends of mine from the MCT community helping out – maybe not in my room, but there will be three concurrent sessions of the same content.

Gracie will be out to the house later to put new flooring in the office Lisa and I share. It will be a relief to have a floor on that can actually accommodate a rolling chair – no more plastic mats on the ground getting dry and brittle over time. Might be time to get some new options, so I can have a little more desk space, maybe?

Some things will always be at a premium.

I hope the world is treating you well.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,392

Look for a 400 word pot tomorrow.Therefore, there is very little scope for any kind of mishap or wrong treatment rendered to the look at this store sildenafil 50mg patients. But, again, men may be taking a product that they believe will ultimately lead to them being happy. viagra buy in usa You can buy this buy cialis herbal oil from reputed online store. The medicine is cheap cialis oral PDE5 inhibitor, working as anti-ED medication. Not feeling it tonight.

Day 20,391

OK, this is kind of a special moment. I typed the headline of the blog post without having to go back and modify the capitalization on the word ‘Day”. It’s been a problem that I need to address, and maybe I’ll learn to take a fifteen minute to half hour break each day to focus on my keyboarding skills. Who knows? It might become a trend.

In today’s news, the US Wmons National Team defeated the Netherlands to earn their fourth Women’s World Cup, and repeating as champions fro the first time since the Germans did it in 2003-2007.

That was later followed up by the US Mens National team losing to Mexico, 1-0. It’s almost a metaphor to US foreign policy.

In the meanwhile, the powers that be are likely taking a look at my blog posts… but that’s ok. These are future notes to my grandchildren, and my opinions may be tinted one way or the other, along the infrared or the ultraviolet spectrum… These are my words, and I own them. I advocate for common sense leadership.

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If there are an infinite number of parallel dimensions, then in one close to this, that statement, that post just got me killed. I’m pretty confident that that i not the case in this, my material prime

I wish you all the best. No matter what plane you are observing from.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,390

It’s Saturday. I meant to write yesterday, but, truth be known, I lost my motivation as the day progressed. TO that end, I’ve got a little making up to do, and this entry, I promise, will be no fewer than four hundred words.

Internet is doing a bit better today. I’ve managed to download some necessary files from the web, and I continue to download more in the background while I pound out this missive on my Surface Pro.

I’ve been working with a new graphics package I purchased online, Affinity Designer. Not to bad. Decent price, and it has a lot of the features I have been looking for in a graphics package. I should spend more time with it as the opportunity presets itself. I think I can combine its features with a couple of other generators I own to produce some quality illustrations.

I’ve got another week before I take off on another business trip. I need to go through my list of things I need to prepare, not only from a work perspective, but also from a home life perspective. The summer is slipping away, and it’s a scant few weeks away that I’ll be helping Bonnie move to her new residence at Ohio State, as she pursues her PhD in Materials Science. Dane will be moving out as well, heading up to the hill, to Templin Hall, the dormitory for the honors students, surrounded by other like minded freshmen.

Lisa and I will be living here at home. I’ll continue to blog, but I will be continuing the habit of obscuring my travel schedule. I can’t blame my wife for asking me to do that – it’s pretty much a common sense decision.

I’ve still got a few more things to get done around here before I can lumber off and jump into the swimming pool for a bit. It’s a pretty nice day to be outside, not quite as hot as it’s been this past week, but the pool is very warm and quite comfortable. If I could find my sunglasses, I’d consider grabbing my Kindle and sitting out on the hammock for a bit of reading.

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So many books I have in the collection waiting to be read. Might be time to put the Kindle away and focus more on the epub files I have, get those files loaded into Dynamic Reader and get back to straight literary consumption.

Time to reconsider spending some time with the keyboarding tutor as well. It might be switching from one keyboard to the next regularly, but it seems that my typing isn’t as consistent nor error-free as I would like.

Gotta pursue constant learning, constant improvement. I’m too young to start stagnating.

That’s a good one. If I were to round to the nearest hundred words, I’m definitely closer to the five hundred work milestone than a paltry four hundred words.

(But then again, I have no idea who out there reads my posts. If you are reading this, I thank you)

Peace y’all.

Day 20,388

It’s the fourth of July, and we’re sitting in the living room trying to comfort the dogs while the sound of fireworks penetrates the night, causing our furbabies to whimper and tremble.

I’ve been fighting with the internet all day trying to download some files, and it’s been a bit of a struggle.

Ooh – just remembered – I need to check on a download… be right back…

Rats. Had to cancel a download and start over. I hate it when that happens.

We’re currently discussing our ice cream options. I’m thinking I’ll skip that part of the evening ritual tonight. I have some keto-friendly ice cream in the freezer, but I’ve also fixed myself a drink, and I’m not sure Canadian Club and Diet Squirt would go well with ice cream right now.

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I’ll wait up, and later tonight I’ll flip over to Netflix and watch another episode of “Stranger Things”. I just have to get to my two hundred words.

I’ve had two friends of mine make posts today that are in opposition to the group Antifa, a loose organization of anti-fascist and anti-racist protesters. Apparently they haven’t put the whole cause-and-effect thing together, and fail to understand that if there were no fascists, Antifa would not exist.

Oh well. Societal math and sentential logic. Time for me to move on and think about other things.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,387

It’s the day before the 4th of July. I’m writing rather late at night, and I’m looking forward to time with family tomorrow. There will be steaks!

Spent part of the day fighting my internet issues. I made the decision yesterday to take some additional measures to insure that I have consistent access here at the house by modifying my current plan with Sprint, who has been my cellular carrier for twenty years or thereabouts. Adding another wifi hotspot probably isn’t a bad idea. I’ve got to have reliable connectivity, as does Lisa.

Tomorrow I’ll have some work to do first thing, conducting an interview for work. That has the potential to be interesting. Moving forward I’ll be interviewing more people, so this is an opportunity to acquire a new skill set.

Fireworks are going off outside, and it’s scaring the dogs a bit. I understand, but if this is frightening my dogs, I can’t help but wonder how vets dealing with PTSD deal with the noise. It has to set them off a little bit. I worry.

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Not much more to add, really. I’ve got some laundry to put away, and some mowing to take care of tomorrow. One moment at a time.

I’m wondering if there is some ice cream my pending moments?

Peace y’all.

Day 20,386

Yeah, it’s a Tuesday night, and I’m probably not in the best mood.

It’s not due to the day. I had a pretty good day. Got up, got some work done, then wet and rented a trailer and took off on a journey with Dane to get a new weightlifting rack and weight set for him (and maybe me, too).

The USWNT had a hell of an obstacle in front of them when they squared off against England today. England is young, talented, and confident. They brought the game to the Americans, but, in this case, the USA prevailed, but England definitely brought a fighting spirit to the pitch.

And then there was the online discussion about majority rule.

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Yeah, I should’ve just shut up and moved on. But, you know me.

I actually had an acquaintance argue that New Jersey and Wyoming should have an equal say in law making. Keep in mind that New Jersey has the most dense population in the country, with a population of 9.1 million people in their tiny little seaboard state. Wyoming, on the other hand, has to be one of the least populous states in the United States. They have a population of between 500 and 600 thousand people. This old acquaintance was worried about the influence that New Jersey might have over Wyoming. I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s fairly obvious to me that this isn’t a matter of equality on the national stage.

So, to be clear… fuck you Russ.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,385

It’s a Monday morning, and I’m trying to get the feel of this new keyboard down. It’s not exactly what I had hoped for as far as a click tactile feel, with the Cherry MX Brown switches, but it’s not bad… actually, this might be the best keyboard I’ve had, from a quality perspective, since the old IBM keyboards from the late 80’s-early 90’s.

It’ll just take some getting used to.

A lot going on here at the house. Gracie is tearing up the carpeting in the living room, replacing it with a more practical woord-look vinyl flooring. With our dogs, it makes more sense to go with something other than carpeting.

OK, now I’m noticing something I don’t like about the space bar on the new keyboard. It’s like it as a dead spot right under my right thumb, and then I have to go back and put spaces back in my sentences because of this spot. I keep hitting it right, but I guess I need to hit it a little harder to make sure my space kicks through.

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This is why you read my stuff, right? To read about me complaining about my new keyboard.

I’ll load up a typing tutor extension on my web browser, and then we’ll see what happens.

Next time… more substance, less complaining.

Peace y’all.