Day 20,347

Whoah, almost mistyped 20,34666. No worries, I got it corrected, and to be honest, it was nowhere near a “666” kind of day. It’s been a pretty good one.

Had a few meetings this morning, and everything along those lines went pretty well. Got my work done, started to shift my focus towards my pending deliveries.

This afternoon things started to get a little more “colorful” with the kids. Gracie started bugging me about taking Lisa out to dinner… at EXACTLY 5:30, which is a bit on the early side for dinner, even for us senior citizens. Find out that Gracie, Bonnie, and Dane had a plan… they had hired a young novice professional photographer to take a few pictures.

So, I took Lisa out for an early dinner. It didn’t take her very long to figure out what was happening. 3 kids, talk of going out to dinner, yet mysteriously wearing color coordinated outfits… and me taking her out for dinner at 5:30 in the afternoon? Yeah, she figures stuff out pretty quick.

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It all went very well. Lisa and I had a nice dinner, then went over to the grocery store to pick up a few things. We went home, got settled in, and the kids were home soon after , as they went out for dinner after their little photo shoot.

Bonnie picked the movie for the night, “Drop Dead Gorgeous” from 1999. It was definitely a gem. We had a great time, and about halfway through, Gracie got back from Target where she had the pics printed and mounted in hardly any time at all. Tears were shed. It’s all coming down to a little piece of reality… Bonnie is going to Ohio State for grad school, and she won’t be around the corner or down the hall.

It’s been a long and somewhat emotional day.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,348

Hello, hello, hello! It’s a cooler than normal Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and I’m cranking out a couple of hundred words as quickly as possible, so I can go get my act together, then head off to the airport in Kansas City to collect my bride.

My dad took a fall today, and it looks like he has broken his hip. Apparently, it’s not as bad as it could be, but he’ll likely be in the hospital awhile while it heals to the point where it’s safe for him to come home. I hope everything goes OK. I worry, but I’m in a terrible position to try and help out with my other responsibilities. I’m grateful for the family that he has nearby, with my mom, my brother, my sister and her family.

Had to get some things squared away around the house here today. Pump went out on the pool, so I arranged to get a new one installed this Saturday. We’ve got about six weeks of pool use left, so we’ll try to get the most out of it while we can.

There are many products on the order levitra market to increase climax time and delay ejaculation. discount sildenafil Presently, the advanced types of pills for birth control tend to regulate estrogen that might cause some misunderstandings and could direct the sufferer to avoid taking the drug. Erectile dysfunction treatment viagra free consultation is multifaceted and greatly depends on the cause of the erectile dysfunction. While the men’s formula is very popular in the range, Gold Max Pink for women has also online cialis made a lot of name for itself.

Dane has been having a good time today. His school computer came in, and he’s over the moon. I might have overdone it a little bit, but I wanted to get him a computer for his fourth year in Mechcanical Engineering, nit just his first. Now if we can get that new 3D printer figure out.

In the meantime…

Peace y’all.

Day 20,347

Hello, one and all of you, whether a stranger reading my blog or one of the grandchildren that I hope one day to have. I know, it’s a weird concept, writing a blog for grandkids I don’t have, but I think they’re worth it.

So I write.

Today I had an Azure Fundamentals delivery in St. Louis, and then drove home. It was a long, boring drive with an audiobook that I wouldn’t recommend, even with one of my favorite narrators driving that delivery. It’s a military sci-fi series, that I really ought to put down… but I went throough three books in the series, and I think I should have been a little more discriminating in my selection. It wasn’t a great series.

I’m home now, though, and that is most important. I’ve got a full slate of things to get done tomorrow, including getting my rental car back over to Avis, and trying to get our pool pump fixed.

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In the meantime, I’ll just keep things real… but I have to confess, tomorrow morning when I probably ought to have an alarm set to get me up and get me going… that’s not going to happen. Tomorrow is a “no alarm” kind of morning.

My favorite kind of morning.

Until then, I wish you all the best.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,346

Yeah, it’s been a trip. Back on the road, teaching in St. Louis, within sight of the Gateway Arch.

Yesterday was a pretty busy day, and I was wiped out. I got up at 4:15 in the morning to take Lisa to the airport. After that, I had to get some work done, get packed and then hit the road, a four and a half hour drive from Lawrence to St. Louis.

So, I forgot to write last night. It’s true, I just plain forgot. I remember working on stuff, getting ready for my class today, but eventually the weariness of the day and the travel just got to me and put me down.

Tomorrow, we’ll do it all again, once more class at the same customer site, and I hope it’s as successful a delivery as today’s. The account CSA and I did a pretty good job bantering, switching up voices and styles in the classroom to keep the attendees engaged.

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I don’t know that I’ve got an extra couple of hundred words in me tonight. I’ll finish this off, look over a couple of things, set my alarm and call it a night. Tomorrow will be another long day, wrapping up class late in the afternoon, then grabbing the rental car and heading back to the house to see what’s going on. I’ll have a day on Thursday to try and make a little sense of the trip, get the house ready, then head off to airport to get Lisa when her flight comes in.

Day 20,344

Looking up at the number, I’m reflecting. I’ve been on this plane of existence for twenty thousand days, and almost a year to spare. It’s kind of wild to think about.

I got home the other night (er, morning, actually), and settled in to get some things done around here Saturday, until the 106 degree heat index told me to stop. Ran four loads of stuff from out in front of the garage into the big dumpster we have sitting out in front of the house. Dane is going to have to get some help to knock out the rest of it before they come for their container on Tuesday. I’m not jealous of him.

Tomorrow will be busy. I have to get up early to take Lisa to the airport, and then get back here to get my stuff packed up and get paperwork printed out prior to my delivery in St. Louis on Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m having dinner tomorrow night with one of the principal Cloud Solutions Architects on the case. It will be an interesting delivery, I’m sure.

Looks like it’s time to spend a little more money on the house. Hot Water heater in the basement is leaking, and that’s more than a little problematic. I hope we dont hae to worry about swapping out a hot water heater right now. Also, the pump for the pool filter looks like it has decided to turn belly up as well. Oh, joy! And just as we’re getting into a rather hectic time of geting kids situated in their new digs, whether it’s a house close to campus, a dorm room up on campus, or a graduate house facility halfway across the country. I should just buckle down and deal with it.

And so there it is. I ripped out an extra hundred words tonight, so that gets me closer to my pledged writing quota.

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We also celebrated Gracie’s birthday today. She’s turning 21 on Tuesday, but Lisa and I will both be out of town. The house will remain occupied, though, by two of our adult children and our very fierce dogs, Lucy and Freya. As long as they’re around, I don’t have to worry about strangers coming to the door unannounced… the small beasts are very sensitive and very loud.

I’m still fighting a change in time zone. I’ll get that sorted out in the next day or so, though. I have to get up early Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If that doesn’t help reset my body clock, nothing will.

I’ve got a few new audiobooks to listen to. Might be time to queue one up in the system and let things happen. I’m thinking about getting a copy of the Mueller report to listen to. I’d kind of like to get a little more clarity on that document.

That’s enough for now. Just shy of five hundred words, and that’s enough to give me one less thing to worry about. So long as I get three hundred to five hundred words in the book per day, I should be able to make up my deficit.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,343

It’s Saturday night. Yesterday was a lot of fun, with completing my packing and getting checked out of the hotel (thank you for your help with my IHG points, Rajna!), trying to gt my session wrapped up, arranging transportation to the airport, flying from McCarron to MCI, then driving home… finally arriving at 2:30 in the morning.

I still feel like I’m a bit on West Coast time. I need to think about getting to bed and keep resetting my body clock, but body clock is saying, “Yeah, We’re Up!”.

I also recall that I came into Friday owing the blog about six hundred extra words, and I know I didn’t get that done yet this week. I wonder – what if I were to count all of the words I’ve typed so far this month, and use that as a comparison? It’s the 20th day of July, so I ought to have written close to four thousand words so far this month. Thar might be a better way to track my commitment – by aggregated word total across all of my blog entries.

It’s an idea. The whole thing gets a little narcissistic, though. “oooh, look how many words I wrote that week! Such double plus good points I made about living in the 21st Century! Give yourself a pat on the back, Bob!”.

Not my style. I don’t care for a lot of self-promotion. I get it that we live in a world where people often don’t get credit where credit is due. My problem really has to do with the idea of over-promising and under-delivering. I’ve known too many people that would promise the moon, and deliver dust.

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So, let’s just focus on keeping it real. If others think that I deserve credit, I’m fine with that, so long as it’s credit I deserve.

I wish you all the best… and this is word #314. Hey, I made up a little ground on my deficit. Good for me!

Ok, Bobster, don’t get overexcited – it’s just a word count.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,341

Hi gang! It’s after 11 o’clock on a Thursday night, and I’m in Las Vegas. Just had an outstanding meal at Catch in the Aria. I highly recommend it, especially for those that are trying to cut their carbs. It was fantastic.

I know I’m a bit behind. I figure after yesterday, I owe roughly 800 more words than I have written, and guess what? Tonight I’m not going to put a dent in that at all. I’m tired, I have to get up in the morning, grab a bite of breakfast, then continue on my training mission. I’ve got a couple more modules to deliver tomorrow afternoon, then it’s off to the airport and back home. There’s a possibility (no promises) that I might be able to crank out an entry tomorrow afternoon, but I’m not very optimistic. It’s a work trip, and work has to come first, and in my role at Microsoft, that sometimes means that I have to work significantly longer than an 8-hour day. It’s just the reality of this job… and I love it.

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I’ll get this wrapped up momentarily, then get back to the evening ritual, followed by sleep, sleep, sleep… until that alarm hits at 5:45 in the morning. I’ve got my suitcase partially packed, and I need to get a few things “charged” before my trip tomorrow. I need to get a little more juice in my Bose cans… I plan on sleeping on the way home tomorrow, so getting my noise=canelling earphones ready is an imperative. IN the meantime, I wish you all the best.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,399

Another night on the road, another salad for dinner. I shouldn’t make it sound like I’m complaining. Part of the reality that I live with is that I know I need to lose weight. I’ve had some success so far with the keto method (ketogenics – focusing on getting into ketosis so I burn away fat. It’s a low-carb strategy for weight loss). I can’t complain about my results so far. I’ve lost about forty pounds, and I still have a ways to go to get to my goal weight of 250 pounds.

One day at a time, one meal at a time, on decision at a time.

OK, cutting to the chase. I have been a bit remiss the last couple of days getting my blog cranked out. I wasn’t into it, to be honest with you. I’m on a work trip, and I’ve got some things weighing a little heavy on my mind, and I spent more time pondering those issues that writing the blog that I committed to a spell back. I figure I’m up to six hundred words due, and I don’t know that I’ll get that all cranked out in a single sitting.

I have same things I have to get done after I get home. I’ve got a couple of computers to buy for my bookend kids. Bonnie needs a new system for school, as does Dane. Bonnie wants something in a 13″ screen fomat, and Dane’s need. OK. right now I have no idea how my blog looks. I have these two painful menu options standing right in front of the text I’m writing, and I can’t see shit. I may have misspelled a couple of s are a little more aggressive for his computing needs

Ugh. This is not optimal.More on viagra price that in a very later article. cialis 40 mg An active member of the North Carolina arts community, he has donated paintings to many charitable fundraising efforts, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Works of Heart (an annual gala fundraiser for the Triangle AIDS Alliance), and the Visual Art Exchange. On the market, the pharmacy online viagra medicine is available as kamagra soft tabs, kamagra jellies and kamagra tablets, the medication allows an individual getting control over the condition. The medication can be obtained through online pharmaceutical companies that offer Kamagra products under your physician’s recommendation. soft tadalafil is the oral medicines for erectile brokenness (or ineptitude as its some of the time called). I am not a guy that likes to spend a lot of time trying to write all of the little detail html code into his blog. I am getting a bit frustrated. I’m going to wrap this up. I’d like to write a little more, but my interface has become a little unmanageable, and I am one that can deal with some minor inconveniences, but this is just a little bit more than what I am willing to deal with at this point of the evening. I am in Las Vegas. I have not spent a nickel on the slot machines or any other sort of gambling. I’d rather play with play money on Facebook than take a chance on losing real money. Alright, that’s enough for now.I’m still going to owe the blog another two hundred and fifty words, so expect another entry of about this length a little later in the week. Peace y’all.

Day 20,397

Good morning… I meant to post yesterday, but I focused on family, packing, and travel instead, is today will end up being a 400 word post, just not quite yet. I have some more “getting around” to get around to and I also need to wrangle a cup of coffee.

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Peace y’all.

Day 20,396

It’s been a pretty good day, although I must admit, the interface on my laptop is causing me all kinds of right now.

All it takes sometimes is the wrong on-screen menu open at the wrong time, and there goes your blog entry.

I had a pretty productive day. I’ve still have a lot more to get done, but that goes with the job, right? In the meantime, there is libation to help me cope with the reality of life in front of me.

We’ll get through it.

Looking forward, it’s going to be an interesting July and August. Plenty of work to get done, and some interesting destinations, all domestic.

Until then, I’ve got plenty to keep me busy with reading, planning, reviewing, and all of the other stuff that comprises the life of a technical trainer. An Azure Technical Trainer… working as a full-time employee for the Mothership, code for Microsoft.

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Yeah, I’ve got more than a little bit on my plate.

And now my interface is getting all wonky again, and I have not idea what I just wrote.

Oh… now it appears at the bottom of the page. Considering whether this is a WordPress issue or a browser issue. Time will tell.

In the meantime…

Peace y’all.