Looking up at the number, I’m reflecting. I’ve been on this plane of existence for twenty thousand days, and almost a year to spare. It’s kind of wild to think about.
I got home the other night (er, morning, actually), and settled in to get some things done around here Saturday, until the 106 degree heat index told me to stop. Ran four loads of stuff from out in front of the garage into the big dumpster we have sitting out in front of the house. Dane is going to have to get some help to knock out the rest of it before they come for their container on Tuesday. I’m not jealous of him.
Tomorrow will be busy. I have to get up early to take Lisa to the airport, and then get back here to get my stuff packed up and get paperwork printed out prior to my delivery in St. Louis on Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m having dinner tomorrow night with one of the principal Cloud Solutions Architects on the case. It will be an interesting delivery, I’m sure.
Looks like it’s time to spend a little more money on the house. Hot Water heater in the basement is leaking, and that’s more than a little problematic. I hope we dont hae to worry about swapping out a hot water heater right now. Also, the pump for the pool filter looks like it has decided to turn belly up as well. Oh, joy! And just as we’re getting into a rather hectic time of geting kids situated in their new digs, whether it’s a house close to campus, a dorm room up on campus, or a graduate house facility halfway across the country. I should just buckle down and deal with it.
And so there it is. I ripped out an extra hundred words tonight, so that gets me closer to my pledged writing quota.
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We also celebrated Gracie’s birthday today. She’s turning 21 on Tuesday, but Lisa and I will both be out of town. The house will remain occupied, though, by two of our adult children and our very fierce dogs, Lucy and Freya. As long as they’re around, I don’t have to worry about strangers coming to the door unannounced… the small beasts are very sensitive and very loud.
I’m still fighting a change in time zone. I’ll get that sorted out in the next day or so, though. I have to get up early Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If that doesn’t help reset my body clock, nothing will.
I’ve got a few new audiobooks to listen to. Might be time to queue one up in the system and let things happen. I’m thinking about getting a copy of the Mueller report to listen to. I’d kind of like to get a little more clarity on that document.
That’s enough for now. Just shy of five hundred words, and that’s enough to give me one less thing to worry about. So long as I get three hundred to five hundred words in the book per day, I should be able to make up my deficit.
Peace y’all.