Day 20,255

OK, it’s a Tuesday afternoon, and my students are busy, doing labs Some have decided to go back to their desks, some have decided to go home, and a couple have decided they can be most productive sitting in here, with me. It’s a great group of folks I get to work with this week, as one would expect from an all-Canadian class. In the past, I’ve joked that I would like to be nice enough to people to be mistaken for a Canadian. I shared that little bit of wit and wisdom with the group, and they all smiled.

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As I started to write this, I took a look back at yesterday’s entry, and realized I hadn’t made one. I better go check the drafts folder. I don’t know what happened – I was pretty sure I had filled one out. Odd. But… and this is a big ‘but’, it wouldn’t be the first time that I had intended to write an entry, thought I had written an entry, then realized later that something had happened somewhere between hitting the “Publish” button and the rest of the world.

Class is going well, and as I’ve stated before, it’s always the students that make the class. These folks are interesting and just generally positive people to be around.

Last night I had a pretty good evening, ordered a keto-pizza with cauliflower crust, and I really enjoyed myself. For lunch today I had another pleasant surprise – the Thai Express restaurant in the building offers riced cauliflower instead of steamed rice as an option with their entrees. Oh, baby, I’m looking forward to lunch for the rest of the week!

OK, still a little behind, but I’ll make it up tomorrow and Thursday. I’ll have a little downtime on the flight home Thursday night, so I should be able to get caught up over the next couple of days.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,253

It’s a little weird here, sitting in my hotel room on a Sunday night, before my delivery tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, I turn 56. There are a lot of things I could dwell on, but I’m going to try ad avoid the cliche retrospective that folks do on their birthdays. There’s where I’ve come from, there’s where I’m going, and then there’s the only time that really exists – now. (OK, that wasn’t some lame attempt to suck up to Eckard Tolle).

I’m ready. I’ll look over a few more things in the morning before getting packed up and heading over.

I had fun today at a place called “The Loose Moose”. They had NFL Sunday Ticket, and I got a front row spot at the bar to watch the Chiefs beat the Raiders. I have to confess, that beginning with the Chiefs going down by ten to the Raiders gave me a little pause, but then they got some things figured out and went after the Raiders hard. Chiefs win, closing out the last matchup at the old Oakland stadium, 28-10.

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I’m looking forward to getting a good night’s sleep tonight. The last few nights have been either unrestful or abbreviated.

Anyway, wish me luck with my delivery tomorrow.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,252

There are some things I shouldn’t do when I’m tired. One of those things is thinking. I think the others are trying to be friendly to family, friends, strangers, and dogs. I take that back… the dogs are pretty forgiving.

I have a tendency to be grumpy when I’m tired, and with the lack of sleep and travel schedule I’ve had this past week, I’m not currently the best version of myself.

I am feeling better. The two medications they have me on to address my ear infection seem to be doing the job, and although I had a short night last night, I did have a fairly restful few hours of sleep. Then I got up and got checked in online for my very early flight tomorrow morning.

There are some good things happening. Yesterday I had a good class. Interestingly enough, made a joke about how bad KU football is. KU was to play Boston College last night, and BC was favored by almost three touchdowns. I joked that everybody ought to take BC to cover the spread and then some.

Boy, oh, boy. I could not have been more wrong. Granted, BC came out strong, stopped Kansas, and scored twice before KU got on the board. It was a 10-0 game in the first quarter early, and I was in a state… I was thinking, “Here we go again, another road blowout”.

I got on my flight from Tallahassee to Charlotte, and I was really hoofing it to catch my connection, and I made it with just moments to spare. After my flight got up to ten thousand feet, I hopped on the internet, and a friend pinged me, asking me if I had been seen a recent score. I had not, so I went and checked it out, and I was in for a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Kansas was beating Boston College.

I quit looking. I was afraid that if I kept paying attention to the score, I would feel that familiar disappointment.

And I didn’t. I caught a final score, and I could hardly believe my eyes. Kansas didn’t just beat Boston College. They broke an eleven year streak of losing to Power 5 schools on the road. They won by 4 scores. They had what might turn out to be a breakout game. A Les Miles(tone) game.

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I am happy.

Tomorrow, I hope to be even happier. Chiefs play the Raiders, and I’m hoping for a statement to be made in that scrum as well.

OK, I’m still tired, still grumpy, but at least I recognize it, and when you have an awareness, you can do something about it.

I might be still a little behind on the month. I’ll take a look at the totals later, but I’m ok with being a little bit off. I’ve been a little bit off physically, and mentally. Everything is going to be OK.

Thanks for reading. Sorry if I came across as whiny – I’m not the best version of myself right now.

Back to work on that…

Peace y’all.

Day 20,250

Hey, went to the doctor. I’ve got an ear infection. I’m taking stuff to help resolve the pain and inflammation. I’m tired, and I’ll write more about this tomorrow and over the weekend.

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Peace y’all.

Day 20,449

OK, future grandchildren of mine, let’s talk shall we? Once again, it’s old fat Grampa Bob talking about life and the world I live in here in good, old 2019.

I had a good day. Not too demanding, teaching a class on Azure Fundamentals, but I did get a few good questions. One thing that kind of gets me… I’ll get good questions from some folks, I’ll tell them I don’t know, but I give out my card. I let them know that I don’t know the answer, but I’ll pass the question on up the line (subscriptions for government accounts, SQL server cluster migration) on up to others that have more experience and knowledge… and then they never send me the email to let me know how I can get back with them.

That becomes the blocker. That becomes the point where I get frustrated, because I want to help. I want to give them good, informed answers that will help them in their role.

But they have my info. I don’t have theirs.

At that point I could start looking through privileged information to get

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their personal information, but that wouldn’t be ethical. If they wanted me to send them the information, there’s a process, right? I’ve chosen to share my information out. That’s on me. But I’m not going to “hack” some readily available information under the assumption of implied consent. That’s no way things are done these days.

(OK, just saw a spellchecking attempt that made me laugh… might be time for me to hang it up for the night).

That’s enough. I might be getting a little too preachy.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,448

Good afternoon to my future grandchildren, and anybody else that works up the courage to click on my blog page (or maybe you were just that bored?).

It’s a Tuesday afternoon, and I’m on a protracted layover at the Dallas airport while I await the eventual departure of my flight to Tallahassee, Florida for three days of Azure training with yours truly orchestrating from the front of the room. I’m looking forward to getting back out in front of people, as this layoff has been long enough – 3 weeks plus since I was talking in front of a class.

Spent some time with my wife yesterday, just talking about life, including our life together, goals, and the things that worry us. The things that worry her are the things that worry me. Some things are beyond are control, obviously, as who knows what’s going to happen tomorrow? All I can do is keep getting up and getting after it, and try to make myself the best version of me I can produce. The things we worry about are the same things any parent worries about – the kids. Sometimes we worry more than others. Sometimes not as much. I just hope all three of my kids find their place in the world where they feel they have value and those around them recognize their value. I hope they don’t sell themselves short. I hope they attain their goals, celebrate the moment, then move on to the next goal.

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It’s all in the churn…

Peace y’all.

Day 20,447

OK, I’m about ready to call it a night and head off to bed. It’s a Monday night, and we’re after 10:00. The first Monday Night Football game was a heck of a game, with the New Orleans Saints pulling out a win that the Houston Texans fans just have to look at as another absolute heartbreaker. My heart went out for them and their fans when that all got settled. The second game tonight is the Raider and the Broncos. Considering that the Raiders play the Chiefs next Sunday, I’m kind of hoping the Raiders burn through a lot of excess energy and show up to play Kansas City a little bit flat.

They aren’t flat right now.

The Raiders are taking it to the Broncos. And it’s just the first quarter.

So, I’m packed. I’m taking a look at the tasks before me, for this week and next.

I also find myself looking at the dining options in the communities I’ll be visiting.

Love me a good Poke bowl. Raw tuna, seaweed, other stuff, and a nice dressing.

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That’a bout all I have for tonight.

Gees… the Raider have scored again.

Like I was saying, that’s about all I have for tonight. I’ll get back on it and post from my Florida hotel room tomorrow.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,446

It’s a Sunday night, this 8th day of September, 2019. It’s time for me to reflect on my day.

OK, something that just crossed my mind is this perception I might have created to my blog writing commitment. Keep in mind, I started this blog out as a lark, without any real direction or purpose. A couple of years ago, I decided to commit – I wanted to be more deliberate in my writing. I chose to follow a #WriteChain commitment, a pledge if you will, of writing two hundred words per day. I’v been up and down.

I want you to know that I’m trying to manage this pledge. I sometimes punt a day or two, and then I’ll try to make up the difference in word count over the next few entries. I haven’t always made a full commitment on some things I swore I would do or I wouldn’t do, but with this I’m in. I’m not going to promise that I will do something or won’t do something in the future because that gets a little ridiculous. None of us know what the future holds. All I’m doing is saying I’m going to continue to try and maintain a pace of two hundred word blog entries per day.

Oh… the Chiefs won today, beating the Jacksonville Jaguars 40-26. Patrick Mahomes to Sammy Watkins was the winning hookup on the day, good for three touchdowns and almost two hundred receiving yards for Watkins. Mahomes had over three hundred and fifty yards, and new Chifes LeSean McCoy had almost a hundred yards of offense on his own.

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I’ll probably be recapping the Chiefs games throughout the course of the season. It’s going to be a good one.

I hope all is well in your world. I hope you have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. I hope you are healthy.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,445

OK, my future grandchildren… Grampa has a bit of a problem.

I’m a sports fan.

I’m a fan of some of the most frustrating programs in sports history.

OK, the Royals took thirty years between their two championships.

Jayhawk basketball went from 1988 to 2008, a twenty year gap.

For the Kansas City Chiefs, it has been since January 11 of 1970 that the Chiefs have been champions of professional football. If they get back this year, that’ll make it right at fifty years and change.

Tonight I watched the KU football team stink up Memorial Stadium on a truly epic level.

Remember, this is me being a passionate fan. I want them to be good, but wanting something to be so does not make it so.

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KU lost. At home. To Coastal Carolina. Coastal Carolina had to evacuate their practice facilities earlier in the week due to Hurricane Dorian.

I’m going to guess that the Chanticleers were a compensated opponent for the Jayhawks. We likely paid them to put Kansas in their record books as the first ever Power Five opponent they ever defeated.

Yeah, I’m not in a great mood right now due to that. I need to snap out of it. Sometimes I just take sports a little too seriously. I’ve lost sleep over games, typically college basketball or pro football related. I need to wind this stuff back in a little bit.

I just noticed that WordPress looks better in the latest build of my browser.

Anyway, that’s enough. Tomorrow is another day, and the Chiefs play at noon.

Today is the 7th day of September. My writing pledge is 200 words per day, so I should be at or over 1400 words on the month so far. I just checked my word count tool, and I’m pushing 1600 words so far. Not too shabby.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,444

Alrighty, I’ve got a little making up to do. Once again, hello gentle reader, whether you are an old friend, a new friend, a stranger, or my intended audience of unknown grandchildren that have yet to breathe the air of Earth yet.

I take a look at a genealogy website, and I get amazed by where the family has come from. I can easily trace the roots of my family back several hundred (a thousand?) years back to the British Isles and the mainland of western and norther Europe. Lots of English blood, lots of Scandinavian blood. To be honest, a lot of the English blood contains some Scandinavian roots as well.

Which leads me to wonder where the future family roots will lead. Sure, my kids share the genetic roots of my wife and me. But my grandchildren, great-grandchildren will have 25% or 12.5% of my genetic material, and every further generation will cut that in half with every iteration. The DNA of my 4-greats grandkids will have 3.125% of my genetic legacy, and 96.875% will come from other trees. Who knows where that other content will come from? More European? Asian? African? I hope, somehow, someway, I get to discover what happens with my lineage in the next life.

OK, so that clears up about a third of what I needed to write today to get caught up. I haven’t been quite as dedicated to writing the last few days. We’ve implemented a new tool set at work, and we’ve been working through a few things, finding some incomplete or mismatched records. It’s kept us busy. I also had to get some paperwork done for work that I had been putting off – ok, in reality, it had completely slipped my mind, but my manager is cool, and very supportive, and she cut me a little slack. I got it done yesterday (and if that could count for a 200 word blog entry, I’d jump all over it, but those words don’t get counted in my site metrics, now, do they?. So, yes, work and life have been a higher priority, so addressed those needs, then went to bed rather than write.

I’ve had some ideas for some interesting characters/themes for my fiction writing pursuits. I’m still fleshing things out, thinking about the characters and their attributes. Is there a posse/crew/sidekicks? Is it more of a lead/sidekick relationship or more of a group of peers? Maybe a small core group of peers, and a wannabe or two tagging along, hoping to prove themselves useful? And then, of course, what kind of trouble can they get themselves into?

Back to work related stuff…

One of the things I do like about our toolset and our scheduling, it gives me a chance to dig into the process a little more. We’ve had to be vigilant about the deliveries that are soft, which are confirmed, which overlap with other deliveries. The process is educational, and I’m learning about all of the steps that go in to the class planning process.

I’m not going to complain about the downtime. I knew what I was getting into when I signed on – anywhere from 50 to 70% travel. I can expect to be in the road three weeks out of every month. Sometimes a plan will change, and I get back back to back weeks at home. I’m adapting. It’s a whole process, and now after having dealt with the passing of Dad, I need to refocus and get back to work. Work is welcome. I know the whole “at the end of his life, he regretted not working more” spiel. One of the things I’ve learned about this company is that they do care about me, my family, and getting my burned out. I’ll be alright. Right now, work is welcome relief.

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Funny, my mind goes off to that question that hangs out there… “What would Dad do?”.

He’d go back to work, and dive back in.

He wouldn’t write down and share his feelings on the matter.

In some ways, I am so much my father’s son, and in other ways, my own man. A product of a different time and different interests. Dad loved internal combustion engines, and I have a similar penchant for technology.

Dad would go back to work.

I going to follow suit.

Peace y’all.