Day 20,467

It’s bright and early Monday morning, and it was even earlier and a lot less bright when I got up this morning to drag my fat ass to the airport to get checked in by 5:30 for a 6:30 flight. Right now, I’m at 37,000 feet over some of the most beautiful, snow-covered landscape in North America.

I am headed to an internal event in Washington State for an event we call “Sync Week”. As a technical trainer, I spend a lot of time talking. This week my primary objective is to shut up and listen.

I love what I do. I have a great job, talking about technology and helping people accomplish more and advance their own careers. I have experienced a lot in my career, and certain facts remain…. with technology, there is a challenge in staying up to date, and the older you get, the more of a challenge that can be. I do OK, but I could be better.

This week we gather. I need to kick a few penguins off the iceberg and make room for some new penguins. It’s just part of my reality. I’ve become accustomed to it as a “work hazard”. And I have a tendency to fall back on my mantra “Everything is going to be fine”.

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Everything is going to be fine. I’ve been performing all that has been asked of me at a level I would describe as “adequate”. I can and will do better. My manager and peers would likely say I’m doing better than that, with a couple of training partners calling me a rock star. Even if that was true (it’s not), I can’t let myself believe that. Overconfidence leads to complacence, and I can never allow myself to get comfortable. There is always another bridge to cross, and if there’s no bridge, let’s build that sucker.

Best to you all.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,466

Ok, here we go. It’s Saturday night, the last Saturday night of September in the year 2019. I was traveling yesterday, but I did eventually get home… around three o’clock in the morning. Man, that was a rough trip home.

Lisa and I had a good day, going out to lunch and then trying to address the “trash out to the road” issue that will continue to be a problem as long as I keep going out on the road on the night before trash day.

So many oddball things kind of swirling through my head right now. Might be a combination of Canadian Whiskey, Fresca, and exhaustion.

I was thinking about bullies again. I think I’ve chatted with y’all about my take on bullies before. They’ve become quite the phenomenon lately, and certainly an interesting topic of discussion. I remember telling the kids when they were very young that there were three kinds of people. There were the bullies that picked on people. There were the victims of bullying that for one reason or another, were always targeted by the bullies. Then there are those that defend the victims and stand up to the bullies. I hope my kids end up in that third category.

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Maybe I overthink things.

Maybe I should call it a night and get some sleep.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,465

It’s weird, but I have to confess…

(I wonder how many times I’ve stared off one of my blog entries with just that statement. I know, more random thought stream absurdity!)

… that I am excited about the possibilities presented by embracing yet another internet service provider out to the house. Maybe the fifth time is a charm?

Or is it sixth?

So the story, which I have probably related to you, gentles reader, before. When Lisa and I moved out to rural Douglas County, I confirmed three times with the local cable provider that they would be able to provide that residence with uninterrupted internet access as we moved from the old house into the new house. Every single time they told me “yes”. And then they showed up to install and gave me the bad news. No drop. I was furious.

I jumped in the car, and started to explore my options. I have since signed separate two year contracts with Hughes and Mercury Wireless. The service is metered – I get high speed for up to 50 GB of download, then they govern it down to a megabit or so from a reasonable 25-30 megabits. I’m a 500 GB a month user. That is wholly inadequate. Mercury Wireless in unmetered, but the speeds are unreliable.

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Other than that, I have two different cellular providers, both metered.

So, we had Wicked Broadband come out to the house to do a site survey, and they told me they can see two of their towers from our roof. They believe that we can pull 40-70 Mbps.

Be still my beating heart.

The install happens next Thursday.


Peace y’all!

Day 20,464

It’s been a week. Might be time to see if I screwed up the timeline and the total number of days I’ve lived here on Earth.

Weird to think that someday I’ll have descendants that say, “I lived the first 10,000 days of my life on Earth, the fountain of humanity, but at the age of 22, I decided to participate in the colonization of the planet we now call…”.

It’ll happen. I hope he or she blogs about it and passes it on down to the next generation. Had dinner with old friends tonight from the Microsoft Certified Trainer community. It was an eye-opening experience as to what some things mean and what other things don’t mean. I also found out a little bit more about people, and I have to say that I am grateful for some friends, and hella lot more grateful for some others.

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We had a good delivery today. I manned the boards and handled the registrations and the online questions. My partner did a great job going through the material, and I learned from watching him teach. I also learned a few things about myself by watching another trainer train. I will be able to build upon that in my future deliveries.

I pack in the morning and head out to the airport after Ken and I are done with our last testing session, and then back home for a couple of nights. I’ve got some mowing to do back at the homestead. I wish you all the best.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,463

OK, it’s a Wednesday. I’ve got a lot going on today! First of all, I have to take care of class stuff, with a three hour internet delivery starting at 11:00 today. After that, I have an interview to conduct with a candidate for a technical training position. I probably ought to look up the details on the candidate prior to the interview.

Then, after all of that is said and done, I head to the airport. I have a flight late this afternoon/early this evening to Phoenix, Arizona. Over the course of the next couple days I have a delivery with one of my fellow trainers, along with proctored tests to get these folks certified on Azure Fundamentals.

I also need to get some hydrogen peroxide in my ears. My left ear is bugging me a little bit, so getting that addressed should be a priority for me today. I can’t let another ear infection bog me down. It affects my attitude and my performance in the classroom.

The house is looking a lot better. We have the flooring taken care of in the bedroom and out closet. Lisa has already expressed her satisfaction with the new flooring. If she’s happy, then I’m happy.

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I probably ought to get myself organized and address any other issues that pop up today. I probably ought to forward the info to the kids about their tags and taxes getting renewed.

That’s all I’ve got for now. I hope your day is going well.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,462

Nothing personal, but I’m not going to be writing much tonight. Just not there.

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Peace y’all

Day 20,461

It’s Monday night, and the house is in a bit of disarray. Lisa and I are having the floors redone in our bedroom and closet, and most of our stuff from that room is currently occupying places of high profile in the middle of the dining room and living room.

Tomorrow I tackle the online delivery. I’ll be performing my first AZ-900 over the internet. We have a big client in the eastern time zone, and we’ll get class going at about eight o’clock my time.

We’ll treat it as a any regular AZ-900, and I’ll be using Microsoft Teams for the delivery. I’ll be the primary, and an other instructor from the east coast will be handling the online questions and attendance. I’m looking forward to this.

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I have a couple of concerns, but I’m doing my best to allay them . I’ve got four different internet providers. I’ve got decent speeds for this sort of delivery.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,460

Damn I got my day count screwed up again Good thing I go back and reckec that stuff from time to time.

So, what is there to talk about tonight? Chiefs won against the Baltimore Ravens, so that was a good thing. Lisa and I enjoyed a couple of really nice filet mignon tonight for dinner, and that was really good. Watched the TOm Cruise reboot of “The Mummy” and I must admit that the Brendan Frazier version was better.

I’ve got to get up and get going in the morning, with an early morning oil change. We’ve got some projects around the house as well, and I think we’re going to finally get the help we need to get them done.

It’s going to be a busy week with all that we’ve got going on. And that’s OK. I still need to get some stuff done, and I will likely get roped into moving some furniture … not my favorite thing to

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I’m going to wrap this up a little early. I have plenty to keep me tied up tomorrow, so I’m going to focus on those goals. I hope all is well with you.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,259

It’s Saturday morning, and I’ve already been working. Got some overdue mowing in, and just as I came in the house, the sky opened up and the rain started to fall.

It’s been a few days since I wrote. I guess I last wrote on Wednesday night, if my dates and entries are correct. Since then I had an uneventful trip home… but I was able to get some necessary work done. This coming Monday I have an appointment with the Department of Homeland Security for my TSA/Global Entry Trusted Traveler , but because I was able to get to the Toronto Airport early, I went through the interview process then and there, so now I’ve freed up some time on Monday afternoon.

While I waited in the lounge at the Toronto Airport (Pearson), I did crack my laptop to check my email. Seems there were a couple of scheduling issues that popped up, so I ended up picking up a couple of additional days of delivery right after we get done with our team retreat in Washington. Looks like in the span of a week, my presence will be required Seattle, Chicago, and oceanside Virginia.

Yesterday was a good day. After I got hoem very late on Thursday night, I got up and took care of some things that needed to be attended to , and then grabbed a late lunch with my son. We did our normal thing and went out for sushi It was nice to see that one of our regular sushi bars was back open after a brief remodel, and offering 30% off most of the items on their menu. Dane & I ate well yesterday. We also had a really nice talk. He’s grown into a fine young man, and seems to be on the verge of having a girlfriend. He never really dated in high school, and college has presented him with a chance to hang out with more young people that he has more in common with. He had to come home yesterday afternoon to pick up his D&D books in anticipation of a new game starting on Sunday. It’ll be good for him, and he’s going to be playing with an interesting mix of players, with there being more members of the fairer sex, and the person running the game is female as well. In all the years I played, I never once had a female DM. I’m going to guess that there will be a little more story and a lot less dungeon crawling hack and slash.

Tonight, Lisa and I are heading into Kansas City for a show, but not before she and I go take a look at a piano for the house. Nothing grand, just a little electric piano for Lisa to play and practice on. Then we’ll grab a nice dinner before we head over to the Midland (the Arvest Theater at the Midland… gotta give the sponsor their credit) to see a great guitar player, Tommy Emmanuel. I’ve seen some of his videos, and a few other pieces, anf I am really looking forward to watching this guy play.

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Other than that, I’m just trying to relax a little bit before I dive back on the training train on Tuesday. One virtual training gig here at home, over Microsoft Teams, and a two day delivery in Phoenix.

Life is good, I’m happy. Lisa seems to be happy. The dogs are getting their tummy scratches.

College football starts here in a little bit. I’m going to wrap this up, then double-check my word count for the month. When you’re looking at two hundred words per month, I’ll be aiming for a word count of six thousand words for the month of September. I think I’m steadily moving in that direction.

I wish you all the best, and hopefully I’ll be sharing scores from Kansas and Kansas City football games tomorrow with 2 Ws rather than any other combination.

Peace y’all.

Day 20,256

Reflections on the day. This is the 18th day of September, 2019. I had a good day. professionally, and the peripheral details of my life have been average or better.

My class is progressing well. As any trainer would expect, an on-site delivery has its own set of challenges. The most positive part of this delivery, as is likely to be expected based on the venue, is the students. It’s kind of an odd joke, but I’ll tell people that one day I hope to be kind enough to my fellow man that I’m mistaken for a Canadian.

I’m working with true Canadians this week. A very cool and friendly group of people. Any time the job needs a trainer in Canada, especially Toronto, send me. I’m half-packed.

Not much of an entry night, I know. I have a few things on my mind, but they matter requires a bit more contemplation.

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I wish you all the best.

Peace y’all.