OK, tonight I need to write a more comprehensive post, to cover a little bit of genealogy for my future grandchildren.
I am Bob (Robert) Reinsch. I was born on Sptember 16, 1963. My parents are Don and Carol Reinsch. This blog entry pertains to my dad’s side of the family, namely that of my paternal grandmother, Lenore (Palmerton) Reinsch.
In my dad’s exploration of our family history, he focused primarily on my paternal grandfather’s side, and he discovered a lot of interesting information. That said, he did his research via word of mouth and family records. He didn’t have the advantage of today’s internet, but he gave it a shot, and I am grateful for the information he passed along to me.
On that note… my grandmother was the daughter of Marshall Palmerton and Ida Mae Yenne. She was born in 1902 and passed in 1989. I’ll always have fond memories of her chocolate drop cookies and her pecan cinnamon rolls, because when you’re a young boy in Sioux City, Iowa, sweet food is a very high priority.
On her mother’s side of the family, you have some pretty cool people, including a 4th great-grandfather that died fighting for the Union during the Civil War.
The thing is, that family line has some folks that did some things that were pretty cool, and some were, by today’s standards, complete assholes. We go back through the Sally Mildred Peek, and there’s Peeks and Marrells and Randolphs and Hambys.
And then we get to the Harrisons. I found out I am a descendant of Lucy Bassett Harrison, daughter of Benjamin Harrison V, and Benjamin Harrison IV… and I’m going out on a limb here, but I think there’s a Benjamin Harrison the III, II and I in there somewhere.
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If I go back further, I come across other Virginia family names like Basset and Carter. I find guys I would like to punch, like Robert “King” Carter. (Check Wikipedia… he was rich, powerful, and probably a total dick).
I went to the Burkeley Plantation today. I picked up a couple of things, and I took a couple of pictures from the genealogical record of the Harrison family they had on file.
Yeah, they were dicks.
I have a little reading to do about that history. It’s cool that the guy, Benjamin Harrison the Fourth, signed the Declaration of Independence. and thought of some people as property. I took pics of his last will and testament, and that reinforced my opinion of the guy. I know it was a different time in US History, and I know there were some things that were considered the norm back then, but damn. Really?
I need to ponder this. The pondering might involve the consumption of alcohol.
Peace y’all.