Evie Day 713
Good morning, and a happy Wednesday to you all. Today is 26 February 2025. (Edited… had the date wrong the first time around)
Yes, I had tacos.
I have some follow-up I need to attend to today. I have a contract I need to sign regarding terms for freelance work – there’s a training broker based in the UK that wants to use me when the opportunity presents, so I’ll get a signature on that doc and get it returned. I put out a quote for some other services for a training provider, going through their lab environment and making some suggestions about implementation and content.
I also had another company reach out to me yesterday (thanks Christine!) about doing some writing. I do have an inclination in that direction.
I have some more studio components coming in. One funny thing stood out – I have mounted my teleprompter and camera on a stand, but I didn’t realize until yesterday that the mount was incomplete – there’s a second articulated arm that I forgot to order with the original desk mount. That is coming in, and then I’ll get that mount situation addressed. I need to thank a buddy of mine over in Germany for that one – Ulf, thanks for the tip.
Two guys that have given me great tips on my production space – Ulf and Dieter. Thanks guys… or more accurately, Danke schoen!
Nothing else going on right at the moment. Time to make some coffee and get started with my work day.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.