Evie Day 705
Good morning, and a very happy Taco Tuesday to you all. Today is 18 February 2025.
Well, yesterday was a nice day. I got a few things done around here, including a small panic attack which compelled me to move my certification exam out a week. I don’t know why I do it sometimes, but I do it.
I was able to organize a couple of things yesterday. I looked at my workspace, and the computers sitting there that I have t ship back to the mothership… although they aren’t my employer anymore, I still call them that. There’s going to be a little vacancy there until I get a new system for presenting and recording in place. I’m looking at a couple of systems, and the financing shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll try to get the most bang for my buck as I shop.
I picked up some roses for Lisa, as well as a card. One of the nice things about having a wedding anniversary three days after Valentine’s Day is that candy and flowers tend to be on-sale. Life is a series of minor victories.
Gracie and Evelyn came over for dinner last evening, and Dane was already here at the house. We grilled some nice steaks and Lisa whipped up (literally!) a wonderful dessert. I also picked up a couple of token gifts… reminders of where we started back in February of ’96, and where we are today. Evelyn was feeling better, not much cough, and she was an absolute delight, but she started getting tired shortly after dinner, so it the visit had to reach a ceremonious ending, with a cute little girl blowing kisses and saying, “I love you, Grampa!” and “I love you, Gramma!”.
That’s the best part of this job.
The snow came down a bit last night, and we’re expected to see some more today.
Tonight, Kansas plays at BYU late. The way the road games have gone for Kansas, I’m not optimistic.
But at least I’ll have tacos…
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
peace y’all.