Day 22,424

Evie Day 693

Good morning, and a happy Thursday to you all. Today is 6 February 2025.

Yep, mistyped the year again.

Yesterday was a good day. I reached out to some other folks I used to work with, and I sent my resume to a couple of training companies that saw my status change. Lisa and I worked on switching over our insurance to a plan offered to State of Kansas employees which will get us by. I won’t be planning any elective procedures for a while, right?

Gracie called me yesterday while she was working from home. Evelyn wanted to see Grampa, and she was wearing the cutest little pink cardigan – her “grampa sweater”. She’s too cute for words.

We had a good gathering of the guys last evening. My character went down in the first round of combat – “Wade in!” they said, “They’re just a couple of flesh golems” they said. There were six, and I should’ve just used the fireball wand.

Today is a study day. I have a certification exam tomorrow morning, so today is my day to revisit the curriculum. I’m kind of excited about passing this one, as this will complete the security suite.

There is not much else going on, really. The weather was warm the first couple of days, but it’s cooled back off since.

Time to get the coffee going and get myself something to eat.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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