Evie Day 679
Good morning, and a happy Thursday to yo all. Today is 23 January 2025.
Every time I write the year correctly the first time, it’s a minor victory.
I had an exchange on LinkedIn I would like to share.
A former coworker posted a note on LinkedIn, the professional social network, that he was just so darn happy that the president declared that everyone has to go by the pronouns assigned at birth, and all of this pronoun nonsense was over. I had to remind him that using the pronouns people prefer is a sign of respect, and that I would continue to use his preferred pronouns in that fashion. He then complained about why certain groups have “months” and veterans don’t, and that he was upset about the rainbow being associated with LGBTQ acceptance rather than God’s promise that he wouldn’t kill everyone on the planet again because God is a good and caring God that just killed all the women, men, babies on the planet.
I probably should have asked how he knew for sure that God wasn’t regretting his decision and showing a rainbow in support of the people he had murdered, including the LGBTQ folks. It’s not like somebody was taking down contemporaneous notes.
I’m snarky that way. A lot of folks claim to know the mind of God, and I love it when I get a chance to say, “That’s not what God told me” just to see the look on their face.
God told me to leave my neighbor as I love myself. God told me to do under others as I would have done unto me. God never told me to that if I advocated for the eradication of folks with gender dysphoria, I wouldn’t be inconvenienced by pronouns. Seriously… there are people that think the world would be better off if trans kids offed themselves so they wouldn’t have to change one part of the way they refer to another human being. How selfish is that?
Oh, Susan tells me that it’s National Handwriting Day. Write somebody a nice handwritten note… and make sure it’s legible enough for them to read. I know I will – my dad is watching.
On that note, it’s time to get ready for the day.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.