Day 22,394

Evie Day 663

Good morning, and a very happy Taco Tuesday to you all. It might be my first Taco Tuesday post of the new year, but Tuesdays will not change anytime soon. Today is 7 January 2025.

That also means that yesterday was January 6, the anniversary of one of the darkest days in US history. There were plenty of stories about it, and plenty of comments by folks with short memories claiming it was a peaceful protest. I watched the whole thing unfold on TV. It was not peaceful. People died. Anybody that claims it was peaceful is an absolute ********** idiot. It’s as if some of these morons only ever saw the Tucker Carlson cherry-picked cut of the events, edited at Putin Studios.

I started my first class of the new year yesterday, and the first day went very well. We had a good class, with abundant interaction and a few jokes to serve as the cherry on top of the parfait. Or banana split. They are both good.

Today, we’ll continue. I’ve got my little space heater already working to warm up the sunroom. I probably ought to get my diffuser/humidifier going this morning as well. The cold can take a lot of the moisture out of the air, and I don’t want to get freeze-dried.

Last night Lisa and I found some new episodes of “Outlander” on STARZ. They weren’t showing up last week, but for one reason or another showed up yesterday when I was nosing around. It’s a fun show, not for kids… lots of adult interaction, both violent and sexual.

OK, time for me to contemplate the rest of the day…

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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