Day 22,275

Evie Day 544

Good morning, and a happy Taco Tuesday to you all, including Sue, who had tacos last night at the Paramount. Hi Bob!

I have a dog here that is pawing at my leg to come sit on my lap… so I lower the leg rest, she looks at me, then wanders off. That’s a fact of life when you live with a senior dog. Lucy has her good days and her bad days, and I can’t help but wonder if dogs can get dementia just like humans can when they reach seniority. It’s something I think about, as I look at the calendar and wait for that annual date that reminds me that entropy cannot be reversed.

And now they are doing the tribute to James Earl Jones, who passed yesterday at the age of 93. What an incredible life, and what an incredible set of pipes. Of course, they cut away… and you hear James Earl Jones say, “This is CNN”.

I’m back in my virtual classroom this morning. I’ve got a short video to cut at 7, and then I’ll start class at 8. We’ll get after it for a couple of hours, then I’ll switch gears for a bit, shifting my focus onto some other upcoming responsibilities.

Tonight, we’ll have our traditional Tuesday night meal, then Lisa and I will huddle around the TV… well, it’s a 75-inch big screen, so no real need to huddle around it like it’s a 1930s-era end table radio. The debate will be on, and I have chosen my side… no real surprise which candidate I’m backing. For the first time, Lisa and I have chosen to buy yard signs to support a candidate. I wonder which delivery driver will try to take the sign out? I have heard some of our delivery drivers listening to right-wing radio when they pull into our drive to make a delivery. It might be wise to put the sign in front of the big tree stump as a layer of insurance against vandalism.

OK, it’s time for me to get focused on the day ahead.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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