Day 22,274

Evie Day 543

Good morning, and a happy first day of the Western work week to you all. Today is Monday, 9 September 2024.

The weekend was a good one, but not as good as we had hoped around here. The Chiefs took care of business on Thursday night (after I thought they would tank the first game of the season) then on Saturday, things didn’t go as well as we’d have liked. The Kansas Jayhawks traveled to Champaign-Urbana and couldn’t get things together, Kansas lost 23-17. Illinois didn’t like losing at Kansas and found a way to rally in the fourth quarter. Kansas gave them a little help in the turnover department, and an odd ruling on the field gave the ball back to the Illini after a muffed punt went into the endzone where it was recovered by Illinois – not a safety, as I would’ve expected, but a touchback to the 20 or 25. Ugh.

This week will be a week of staying focused on work. I need to focus on a couple of deliverables, one for this morning, and another for later in the week. I have a meeting with my manager later this morning regarding the first, as I am applying for a course lead position. We’ll see how that goes.

I think we’ve cleared all of the COVID cases in the house. Lisa certainly seems to be back to her regular self, and Dane and I never tested positive – rather odd considering our proximity to Lisa last week, but I’ll take the win and run with it.

Yesterday morning, Lisa made a couple of Danish pastries for breakfast: blueberry-lemon and strawberry-rhubarb. They were both fantastic, and I am happy to say there were some leftovers that will find their way onto my plate just about the time my coffee gets done brewing.

I’ve been getting back into the executive book summary habit – up to 38 books so far. I need to keep it up and focus on the titles related to staying focused and organized. I need structure, and where it doesn’t exist, I’ll create it.

Yesterday afternoon was a good time with the guys – we slayed a couple of big-bads – well, they were big-bads to us, as we’re not the most powerful party among the five different campaigns we’ve got going on right now. In this campaign, I’m a stoic Dwarven cleric who focuses on the business at hand, with no shenanigans… and his name if Buzz Keal. You can figure that one out.

That’s all I have for now. I’ve got courseware to review and forms to complete.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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