Day 22,249

Evie Day 518

Good morning, and a happy Thursday to you all. Today is 15 August 2024.

Yesterday was a good day. I had a small turnout for my session, my little one-day exploration of some security concepts and tools related to AI, but those who did attend seemed to have a good experience.

Last night, it was another gaming night with the guys. In this campaign, I play an archer-type of character who fights batter at range than in hand-to-hand combat – easier to avoid getting his that way. We did OK against the big bads that we were facing, and lived to fight another day (Ron, I wish you would’ve made it – the dice were rolling well!).

Today is a catch-up day, going through some presentations that I’ll be recording in the studio next month, and I probably ought to book my travel. I looked at the new travel app yesterday, and it didn’t like me very much. I’ll take another run at it later. I have two trips next month, one to Las Vegas for a work get-together, and another to Seattle for my studio obligation.

The weather here was unseasonably cool for the first part of the week, with thunderstorms. I don’t mind a summer rain, but Odin certainly does not like the thunder.

Time to look at my task list and sketch out my day.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.


    • Matthew Ballin on August 15, 2024 at 6:05 am
    • Reply

    Death to The Hydras!

    • Ron on August 15, 2024 at 10:04 am
    • Reply

    I wish I could have made it, Chief. The auto Gods were not on our side last night. I kept rolling fumbles for road service. We made it back home around 8:40 pm. Long day!
    Continuing to battle the “mechanical” forces of evil . . .

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