Day 22,207

Evie Day 476

Good morning! It’s Thursday… but in the US, it’s the 4th of July, a day we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I pause and think about what my 7th great-grandfather thought when he signed that document. His name was Benjamin Harrison, and he was the governor of Virginia at that point in history.

I don’t think I would’ve liked him much. He didn’t treat folks well.

I will get a brisket trimmed up and seasoned to put on the Woodfire Grill. I’ve got some meat to prep for later today and tomorrow – I’m heading to Clay Center to see my mom on my day off.

Last night there was enough rain to put a damper on some fireworks celebrations. We still had our share around here with the thunder and the lightning. The dogs certainly noticed.

I got together with some of the guys last night for a bit of gaming. We had just completed a battle with some bad guys, and I was kind of dinged up, down 2/3 of my hit points, but it was all good – the bad guys were vanquished. We didn’t have the full party there with family and other responsibilities, so it was mostly a night of healing and looting… after all, those bad guys won’t be needing that cachet of gems now, right?

OK, let’s get this sorted…

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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