Day 22,199

Evie Day 468

Good morning, and a happy humpday to you all! Today is Wednesday, 26 June 2024.

Wednesday is named after Woden, or Odin, from the Scandinavian pantheon, and my little “Goliath morkie” is named Odin as well. Odin was a good boy last night when the nasty thunderstorms rolled through. Of course, I slept through them, my wife got up with the pooches at three, and there were a couple of power outages. Odin does not like storms, and he did nuzzle up next to me in bed during some of the storm. I vaguely remember the “thump, thump, thump” of his leg scratching himself percussively.

Today is day three of my class. We’re focusing on apps, authentication, and authorization today. It’s not as much fun as networking and storage, but I don’t anticipate any problems. Case study and review, three modules, three breaks, another case study and then close out the day.

Wednesday night is one of my game times, hanging with the guys as we span four time zones and make some fantasy world safe from the bad guys… well, those other bad guys anyway. One thing I like about our group is that we all generally play good characters, with nary a murder hobo to be found. I prefer to help solve problems rather than becoming one.

Last night there were tacos.

I’m going to get this in the can and take a look outside to see if there is any damage. Lisa is worried that some of her tomato plants might’ve taken the worst of it.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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