Day 22,197

Evie Day 466

Good morning, and a happy Monday to you all. Today is 24 June 2024.

Today is the last week of the fiscal year at work. We’re closing out strong. I have a solutions architecture class starting in a bit – East Coast time zone. These classes don’t bug me at all… I get in a little earlier, I get out a little earlier. I do need to check on my recording schedule – I might have a segment due tomorrow, but I don’t think I’ll have any problem finding time to get a segment in the can.

We had a good weekend around here. On Saturday, it was all about me and quality time on the mower… although I think I was actually on the tractor with the brush mower behind. I also broke out the little electric mower and did as much of the sideyard as I could with the batteries. I have not been impressed with the battery life of that little electric mower.

Saturday also became a nice family day. Later in the afternoon, Bonnie came over with her dog, and later Gracie and Evelyn came over as well. The pool was warm, and a good time was to be had by all.

Yesterday, was a work and play day. I looked over my content for today, downloaded the latest slide decks, and read a few relevant articles online. Lisa and I had a quiet dinner and then went to the pool for a bit last evening.

Four-day class this week, a three-day class next week, and then I’m taking off the 4th and 5th. On Friday the fifth, I plan on going to see my mom in Clay Center. I don’t mind the driving but I’ll admit I’m not as comfortable driving home in the evening as I used to be. This time of year shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s still something I think about.

I’m going to get this in the can and get going.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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