Day 22,194

Evie Day 463

Good morning, and a happy Friday to you all! Today is 21 June 2024.

I believe it is officially the first day of summer on this day of the equinox.

Here’s a weird thing. This week, my class was a three-day class, and it’s the only three-day class in my course catalog. I’m seeing a number of one-day classes showing up (particularly in August) and my regular class is a four-day class. When you are used to four-day classes and then teach a three-day class, it sure makes Thursday feel like Friday.

Yesterday was a good day. My son celebrated his 23rd birthday in his low-key style. He’ll get together with some of his friends this weekend for a little more personal celebration – two of the friends in his circle have birthdays around this time as well, so it will be a group event.

I’ve got plenty to focus on today, with my solo class next week, a certification exam pending, and a co-hack to coach in the coming weeks. I’ve got a presentation to put together as well.

This weekend, there will be more mowing.

I’m not the most exciting guy in the room these days. I think Odin the Goliath Morkie gets to wear that hat.

Oh, and a couple of friends of mine are home from the hospital after a rough patch. Matt, I’m glad you are home, congrats on the weight loss, and Ron, I look forward to talking with you on Sunday, glad everything is on the mend.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.


    • Ron on June 21, 2024 at 9:28 am
    • Reply

    Thank you Sir, for the shout-out. I look forward to working together to save the realm (as usual).

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