Day 22,155

Evie Day 424

Good morning, and a happy Monday to you all. Today is 13 May 2024.

It’s been a weekend. College graduation festivities started on Friday and ran through yesterday evening. Bonnie and her dog, Ruthie, came home and spent the weekend. Gracie and Evelyn joined Bonnie and me in the stands to watch the youngest of our immediate family get a little recognition for his accomplishments. We’re all very proud of our new graduate in Mechanical Engineering. He’s earned a pat on the back and an “atta boy”.

Saturday afternoon, Gracie had to work in a local flower shop for a few hours, so Lisa and I spent some time caring for our granddaughter. It was fun watching her play improvised games with Lisa and Dane.

Mother’s Day happened, although without some of the same pomp and circumstance as the graduation festivities. All things considered, it was a pretty good day. After Lisa and Dane went into town for the big graduation event on Sunday morning (Saturday was just the engineering school), I jumped on the tractor and took care of some of the mowing and trimming around the property. It’s a job that never ends out here.

Tomorrow I’ll be back in my virtual classroom, delivering an admin course with another instructor. I haven’t delivered a class with Kyle in some time, and I am looking forward to it. He’s out on the West Coast, so I’ll open the day’s content, let him get a cup of coffee, and then turn it over to him a little later in the day.

I’ve got work to do…

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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