Evie Day 347
Good morning, and happy Monday to you all. Today is 26 February 2024.
I need to keep my mind sharp and remember that there are 29 days in February this month, not 28, leap years being what they are.
I’m getting going a little earlier today for a change. My class this week is on Eastern time—four days of cloud administration for a particular customer. I’m confident we’ll have a pretty good week. With the earlier start, I got up and started brewing a pot of coffee, and as soon as I’m done getting this in the can, I’ll reheat a piece of the corned beef breakfast casserole Lisa made yesterday.
Yesterday was a good day. It was my five-year anniversary with my employer. I came here after a sixteen-year stint with my previous employer, Centriq Training in Kansas City. I received an email about the award people receive after five years, a crystal desk sculpture. I’m looking forward to displaying it when it arrives.
On Saturday, Lisa and I went and did a little seed shopping. We picked up pepper, tomato, herb, and some other veggie seeds to get started in our AeroGardens. I’m hoping we’ll have seedlings ready to plant in the first week or two of April.
I got together with some of the guys yesterday for a gaming session. We were missing a couple of party members due to other responsibilities, so the strength of the party was dialed back, but the strength of the opponents was a little more than we could handle. I had to bail at my usual time, but the party forecast was cloudy with a chance of a TPK… total party kill. Usually, when something like this happens, I’ll get a text message or FaceBook messenger letting me know that through some miracle the party survived. Today I may not receive such a message. I think it’s more likely that I’ll hear that the big bads are holding onto my character’s remains and will return them if the surviving party members perform some sort of errand.
Coffee is done, and it’s time to get my breakfast reheated.
Hey – I appreciate you. Thanks for reading my stuff. I know it’s not ground-breaking or worthy of any sort of award, but that’s not why I do it. It’s simply about creating a writing habit.
In the meantime…
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.
It helps with my day, Bob.
Hi, Bob!
And I appreciate you, too. I rarely comment, though I should, I know. I really enjoy your daily musings, so you know. I find them soothing, and human, and a moment of connection in all the superficiality of the day (if that makes any sense).
Do keep on keeping on, and I hope the world treats you better than you deserve, too.
Thank you, Leslie. I hope I’m a better person today than I was yesterday. Or forty years ago.