Evie Day 336
Good morning, I hope you are well. Today is 15 February 2024.
Yesterday there was a tragedy in Kansas City at a celebratory event. The Kansas City Chiefs won the Superbowl this past Sunday, and today was the parade in downtown Kansas City to celebrate. A couple of jackhammers decided to have a shootout while there were still Chiefs players up on stage, one person dead, and 20 or more people injured, including nine kids.
For those who are strong second-amendment advocates, no need to worry. I don’t expect laws to change. We’ll collectively send thoughts and prayers, and then compartmentalize it, push it into a corner, and eventually just accept it as one of those things like we always do. Seriously. We didn’t change a thing after Sandy Hook, and we won’t change anything now. We’ll just accept that the freedom we have to own firearms requires that sacrifices must be made, and they will.
My class is going ok. I took some time last night to focus on time with Lisa on Valentine’s Day. I excused myself from our Wednesday night game to focus on being present with my wife.
I should take a look at my book recommendations over on my Headway app. I need to listen to another executive book summary. I’ve been focused on my workshop deliveries this week, and haven’t listened to any books since last weekend. Time to remedy that.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.