Day 21,910

Evie Day 179

Good morning. Today is Monday, 11 September 2023.

It’s the beginning of a prep week, and I’ve planned it pretty well. I have responsibilities to focus on, with a focus on data governance and labeling with a particular tool we have for managing the data estate in a multi-datacenter environment. There’s other peripheral stuff to focus on as well.

However, The big focus today is remembering those lost 22 years ago. I’ve written about it before, waking up in Anaheim, California at a hotel, in attendance at a Compaq/HP conference. I remember the walk to the convention center with peers as we speculated about what was really going on. I remember the hush in the main hall and the live feed that was provided. Then I remember seeing a Compaq VP in tears at the podium as the situation became clearer, and some of our teammates were on the first flight from Boston to LA that flew into WTC Tower 2. It was a bad week.

A part of me wants to dwell on it, another part of me wants to reflect, and keep moving forward.

This past weekend was a good one, with a nice Saturday afternoon with Gracie and Evie. We went out to the pool for likely the last time together (Lisa would go out until the end of October if she could). It’s starting to get a little too cool for me, so I think I’m done with the pool for the year. It was cute to see that little girl have a little fun in the pool with her swim diaper and little hat.

Yesterday Bonnie and her dog came over for a while, and that was a good visit, too.

I’m just going to sit here and think about things for a few minutes, organize my thoughts, and organize my day in my mind.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.


    • Michael halbreich on September 12, 2023 at 4:31 am
    • Reply

    I hope you have a good week. These last couple of days have been quite rough. I’ve also spent the weekend with many of the same thoughts going through my head, so many good lives destroyed, so many good families that will never be the same so many old friends who will never see you again.
    But like you, I got to see my grandson this weekend, although not in person we will be seeing him in the next week or two and it definitely definitely gives us something. Much better to focus on. Be well my friend. Good luck this week!!

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