Evelyn Day 43
Happy Friday, everybody! I wish you all the best on this 28 April 2023.
Time to start blocking out my day. I’ve got some things on my to-do list that require my attention, as well as reaching out to a couple of teammates to answer some questions. I had an old friend ask me to provide some presentation tips to folks who aren’t used to presenting regularly.
Lisa has a banquet tonight, and I get to be arm candy. The menu sounds good, and it’s business casual, so I don’t have to worry about wearing a tie – if y’all see me wearing a tie, that’s a pretty good indicator either somebody is getting married or somebody died (hint: pay attention to the color scheme).
Wrapped up my class yesterday. I enjoy the opportunity to deliver with new trainers, and both of my co-deliverers were less than a year in the role. One had a level of professionalism I expected, the other could stand to be a little more engaged in the communication channel.
Coffee is done brewing, so time to grab a cup. I’ll be heading into town after a bit, finally getting the tires put on Ruby, and having breakfast with my youngest daughter and my favorite granddaughter.
Next week will be an intense week as my team attends a virtual offsite, connected over the ether.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.