Day 21,765

Evelyn Day 34

Good morning! It is 19 April 2023.

Our senior dog, Lucy, is outside in the dark barking at clouds. She’s kind of odd that way. Freya is on my lap, as well as Rosy, both of them keeping an eye on my wife and the possibility of extra bacon. Odin is just running around barking at stuff randomly.

Yesterday there was some news. During the 2020 election news cycle, one of the allegations was that Dominion, a manufacturer of voting machines, was conspiring against the GOP and Donald Trump to get Joe Biden in the White House. Fox News and their cadre of pundits were all in accusing Dominion of this negative thing and that negative thing. Dominion sued Fox for 1.6 billion dollars. As the jury for the trial had been selected, and lawyers were prepared to deliver their opening remarks when it was announced that a settlement had been reached – the largest defamation suit in history against a media company – to the tune of 787 million dollars.

Fox lied.

Later on today there are going to be committee hearings on UFOs, and I would love to be a fly on the wall during those conversations. Over the last few years, there have been some pretty high-profile events with very credible witnesses, and people want to know what’s going on. I have a passing interest in the subject.

Today I’ve got three modules to cover, and that coffee has yet to be made to give that little legal bump.

Time to get this boat on the water.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.


    • Michael halbreich on April 19, 2023 at 4:59 am
    • Reply

    I often bark at the moon and clouds as well. It seems however, that Fox and it’s “reporters“ also seem to like barking at the moment however, it seems this time they’re being called out on it at long last. it appears that, to a certain extent, justice is being served however, it would’ve made me much happier to have those very same “reporters“ be forced to admit on air repeatedly how they lied to the American public, and perhaps even be forced to apologise for their egregious behaviour.
    It’s one thing to look for and report, fact that only support your side of the story, and it’s another thing entirely to make up a story filled with lies to support your point of view and candidates. I hope today, and every day treat you well, my friend.

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