Evelyn Day 29
Happy Friday, folks! Today is 14 April 2023.
For some odd reason, I woke up at about 3:00 in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. Nothing is really bothering me, but for some reason, my mind got started and decided not to quit. It happens every now and then – like the night before I teach a new class – but last night there really wasn’t a good reason. There’s stuff going on, but why I would wake up and have a rerun of Ted Lasso running through my head, I have no idea.
Some of it I can attribute to ADHD. That squirrel brain of mine doesn’t need much to get going and never stops.
I’ve got some meetings in another couple of hours, mostly stuff dealing with internal operations at work. This afternoon I have a project to work on dealing with teaching neurodivergent populations.
One of the news items that popped up earlier this week was the discovery of classified information on a game site. A number of gamers use a service called Discord to chat and share with like-minded players. My Wednesday/Sunday game group uses it for voice communication during our sessions, and I have no qualms about it. A young man with the Massachusetts Air National Guard started posting classified info into a room to share with his group, which apparently also had a number of misogynistic and racist posts in typical juvenile attempts at humor. He was arrested at his home yesterday by the FBI. It’s funny to see certain representatives rushing to his defense. I’m not real sympathetic to his plight. He’ll be spending a substantial part of his life in a federal penitentiary, I suspect.
Time to get the coffee going.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.