Day 21,742

Evelyn Day 11

Good morning! It is Monday, 27 March 2023.

Good morning to you, Evie. This weekend was kind of special, and you might need to look at some pictures to understand why.

My mother was born in August 1942. She is 80 years old. Yesterday she met her first great-grandchild. Your mom and dad got up early to drive the two-and-a-half hours to visit, and I am thankful they were able to do that. You also met my sister, your great-aunt.

It’s interesting to me, how a little part of us gets passed on to the next generation. I do a little genealogy research on a website, and I have added a new placeholder for you, your mom, and your dad. If my research is correct, we can trace our family back almost a thousand years. It likely has a mistake or two – the record of an 18th-century ancestor living to be 117 is likely a typographical error or a “Senior” passing landed to a “Junior” and people loving track of the generational y change.

Your roots go back to the beginning of time, as all of our roots do.

Someday I hope you can come sit with grampa, and I’ll be able to tell you a few stories about our family. There are a few tales worth telling, and many are about people you can see in pictures and you will never meet. Time is a constant that cannot be changed, and cannot be slowed down. You will grow up and grow older. You’ll learn to read and maybe some of the things I write down will make some sense, and much of it won’t until you get a little older.

This week I start off with a sort of “in-service day”. There are always things we can do to have a greater impact on our classroom environments and help our learners pick up a little more information.

I’m going to get going making some coffee and grabbing some breakfast.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.

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