It is Monday, 27 February 2023, and it’s kind of crazy to think that March is a scant two days away. With March comes birthdays, spring break, the first day of spring, and the birth of my first grandchild.
Stuff is going to get very real.
I have a class, cloud administration, that starts in a couple of hours, as we’re teaching on east coast time. I’ll be working with a trainer I’ve worked with before, so that part is a “known”. You never know what kind of learner audience you’re going to have until you get into it, but we’ll adapt.
I have to confess, I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m used to having a nightcap before I go to bed, but I’m taking a break from booze during Lent for religious as well as personal reasons. My mind just could not shut off last night, and it feels like I was up half the night thinking about things that I didn’t need to think about. I’ll be ok – I’ll throw back a protein shake at our first break, then find a way to shut down a bit during lunch break. It also helps that we’re done at four o’clock my time, so I’ll be able to sneak in a late afternoon nap before Lisa gets home from the university.
I probably ought to dedicate part of that non-delivery time to some meditation and make a concerted effort to calm my mind down.
There have been some other things going on in the world, and I’ll think about adding them in tomorrow. Lots of things going in relative to racism and cartoonists, and the ever-changing world of sports.
I’m going to get this wrapped up and shift my focus to the tasks at hand.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.