It is Friday! 30 December 2022. Today might be the last day I write this year, as I don’t usually post on Saturdays during this “revival” period, but who knows? Tomorrow I may be inspired and feel the urgent need to get my thoughts on digital paper for all the world to see.
I also might just keep my mouth shut and ponder life in this mortal coil quietly while sipping a whiskey.
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. I went to visit my mom and spent some time with my sister’s family and my younger brother. My sister has a new pup, a male named Goose, and he’s a cute little guy.
One of the things we talked about is this new interest I have in neurodivergence, and mom had some insights about our family on the whole. She talked about my dad and some of the practices he had in place to manage his anxiety. Kids ate before the adults, and leave dad alone when he was out in the garage working on his cars and other projects. My dad had a pretty high IQ, and it’s not really a surprise that some of his neurodivergent tendencies would get passed down to us kids.
I have a feeling that this topic will be one I spend some time on in 2023. It’s kind of in the same realm as kids going to college to become psychology majors so they can figure their own brains out. Right now I feel like there is this puzzle in front of me that has pegs and holes, trap doors, and secret keys. One latch opens up a creative fountain, another opens overwhelming anxiety.
I’ll try to go slow. I get that not everybody is interested in the subject matter, but if I can figure out my own buttons, I can control which one gets pressed at the appropriate time, and I can also make the choice to not respond when the wrong button gets pressed… or at least recognize what is happening in the moment so I can react more appropriately.
I’m going to get some goals written down for 2023 a little later. I’ll plan on spending some quality time with my planner on a daily basis.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.
Good luck in your quest for self awareness and understanding. May you and all yours have a happy , healthy and prosperous year ahead.