Day 21,640

Good morning! It is 15 December 2022, and I didn’t sleep so hot last night. I just had random crap racing through my brain all night. It was a weird revolving door of thoughts triggering other thoughts, and none of it could ever lead to a solution, of course. It was all just crap racing around my monkey brain, preventing me from having a good night’s sleep.

I need to get a COVID test.

Lisa, Dane and I were talking yesterday. I live a pretty isolated lifestyle, working from home and going into Lawrence a couple of times a week to pick up stuff that isn’t part of the regular grocery run, like stuff I like to have around when I’m actively cutting carbs.

Right now, I’m not actively doing much of anything, including eating. Might be the reason a cracked 270 for the first time this year (more likely due to being sick and not eating rather than any meal plan).

Anyway, I’m fairly certain that I didn’t get it from my workplace – hard to catch a virus over the internet, but another family member had a positive test, plus Lisa and Dane spend a lot of time on campus, and that’s likely to be a hot spot.

Yeah, I need to get tested.

I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.

Peace y’all.


    • JC Baker on December 15, 2022 at 10:51 am
    • Reply

    If you test positive make sure they start you on Paxlovid, also boost your Vitamin C, the immune system needs it to fight foreign antigens. I will keep you in my prayers.

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