It is Thursday morning, 6 October 2022. It’s kind of funny, but when I get into one of my four-week deliveries, the days jut some to click by a little faster on the calendar.
This morning I will have my last major speaking role of the week, delivering a talk on Computer Services and the Well-Architected Framework. Yeah, sounds impressive, but the concepts are pretty straightforward. Keep the design as inexpensive as possible, while still providing service that meets the agreed upon service level agreements, and eliminates single points of failure.
Tonight, Lisa and I will be attending a departmental social event up on campus. It’s a barbeque, so I’m hoping that blue jeans and a polo shirt will satisfy the guidelines of the dress code. I’m wearing a work shirt at the moment, but I’ve got a couple of shirts in the closet that ought to fit the occasion.
I’m pondering some ways I can get back into my music efforts. I haven’t been playing and practicing as much as I would like to, so I’m going to carve a little daily time out to take online lessons and get back into playing my guitars. If I record anything worth listening to, I’ll provide a link.
That’s a big if.
Time to get myself together and get my day organized.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.