Hey folks, I hope you are well. This is the 22nd day of August, 2022. It’s a little later in the morning than I usually write, but I got up and went to work right away, tending to some necessary duties, and now I have a little gap in the day before I jump into a meeting at 9:00.
I had to get a little internal training completed. I thought I had it all wrapped up, but I forgot to check a box in the session, so, therefore…
I also availed myself of the opportunity to do a little organizing. I have been a little too dependent on my memory of late, and I’m worried about skipping stuff. I’m going to try and do a better job maintaining my to-do list, and try to cover all of the little details.
Hopefully writing things down will help me out.
I worry about how my mind and body are changing as I grow older. In a few weeks, I’ll turn 59. I’m not ready to retire – but I am ready to think about retirement, right? I recognize that there’s only so much more cerebral elasticity I can muster. Yeah, I see the ads on TV for the over-the-counter supplements that are supposed to help with that… I have gone so far as to look up the price.
I don’t think I’m ready to go there yet.
Write and maintain lists. Walk around with a pad of paper and a pen. Use that daily planner on a daily basis (what a thought!).
Let’s buckle down and get stuff done.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.