It is Tuesday morning, 2 August 2022. In the next couple of hours, I will begin my four-week delivery of a solutions architecture course along with a training partner. He’s on the east coast, I’m on central time. We’ve adopted a plan where I will take care of the morning sessions, and he’ll take the afternoon sessions.
It is also an election day as primaries for the Republican party and Democratic party will vie for the available slots on the ticket for offices such as State Attorney General and Governor. There is also a big decision being presented to the voters as to whether or not to modify the state constitution so the state representatives can change state laws on reproductive rights in Kansas. It has become a pretty hotly contested topic, generally driven by the ideologies of old men that have never had to face the reality of unwanted pregnancy, and folks that think that we shouldn’t overturn 50 years of freedom.
My perspective is simple – you don’t change the state constitution to take away freedom.
Tonight’s returns will be very interesting. I may just wait to read about it in the morning.
Time for me to contemplate the day and get a couple more tasks completed before we start the class day at 8:00 am central time.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.