It is Friday, January 28, 2022. Tomorrow would have been my dad’s 81st birthday, and I’ll spend a little time with him on my mind. I sent my mom a little something to mark the occasion, and will do the same when my folks’ (and my) anniversary falls next month.
I’ve got a busy day ahead of me with plenty to keep me busy, including presenting during part of a business meeting. I’ve been asked to take on a little more responsibility, so today i the day I step up rather than step aside.
BTW, the start of the day was pretty good, with a really nice sunrise. I grabbed a pic to share.

Not too shabby. I don’t normally post a lot of pictures… actually, that might be the first in years of writing my blog. So, another milestone.
Ironic moment of the day – a bridge collapsed in Pittsburg, PA, on the day that President Biden is arriving in that same city to talk about infrastructure. I think mother nature just dropped an exclamation point on that sentence. Fortunately, no one was hurt or killed, so that is a positive. Finding out that a natural gas line was severed with the bridge collapse is a bit alarming.
So, time to get to work. I’ve got a class to get ready for, and two meetings on top of that. Might be able to wind down a little this afternoon, but for now, let’s get some work done!
I hpe the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.
Get the Grammarly plugin – I use the free version and it helps to keep me on my proverbial toes when writing. Also nice to catch typos and spelling errors before I post something from my computer.
I had a Superbad day yesterday – and it will keep gnawing on me for the foreseeable future.
I hope your day will go well – that pic was nice this morning.
Sorry you had a rough day, Sassan. One of the things that I do to help my focus is mindfulness and meditation. The Headspace app helps me out. I know the feeling, though. Hope you have a better weekend, and a solid week starting Monday.