Had to double-check my days… in the past I’ve often popped in the wrong day (how many days I’ve been alive), but I have made it a regular task to go check my “How many days have you been alive” page at imrodmartin.com.
58 years and change.
With more change to come, I guess.
It’s snowing this morning, and there are talking heads on TV discussing political issues du jour. Former Democrats complaining about Democrats, Former Republicans complaining about Republicans. Right now I’m glad I’m not aligned with a political party… but I do wish I could have a say in the primaries of both parties. Lately, there have been questionable candidates on both sides, more focused on advancing their parties than advancing the cause of the American people in total.
Maybe I should avoid politics today.
I like books.
Empty ones. With either a grid or dot pattern.
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I have soft covers and hardcovers, and when Borders went out of business, I think I bought every 5″ x 8″ grid journal they had in two different stores… much to my wife’s chagrin.
Not all journals are created equal. Some definitely have features I like a little more – the consistency of a Moleskine, or the professionalism of the Code and Quill Monoliths and some of their other offerings (including a habit system, which we could all use from time to time to create more positive habits).
OK, that’s enough for now. Time to grab my planner (yes, I still use one) to mark some things down, goals, achievements, as well as review my milestones for conquering western civilization. Just kidding… why would anybody want to be responsible for this mess?
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.
This was fun. Checked my days on earth via the link you provided (got you by some 200 days 🙂 and now know how old I’ll be should I make it to 30k.
Have a great weekend – I am about to go walking now.